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2020 Initial List of Prescribed Regions
Map of Canada highlighting the prescribed regions. Prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's National Agroclimate Information Service (NAIS) and created on September 17, 2020. This map is for illustrative purposes only. The entire list of prescribed regions appears below.
Quebec – 2020 Livestock Tax Deferral
Consolidated Census Subdivisions
Based on the 2016 Statistics Canada Census
- Albertville
- Amqui
- Auclair
- Baie-des-Sables
- Biencourt
- Bonaventure
- Cacouna
- Cap-Chat
- Caplan
- Carleton-sur-Mer
- Causapscal
- Collines-du-Basque
- Dégelis
- Esprit-Saint
- Gaspé
- Grosses-Roches
- Kamouraska
- Lac-à-la-Croix
- Lac-Alfred
- Lac-des-Aigles
- Lac-des-Eaux-Mortes
- Lac-Huron
- Lac-Matapédia
- Lejeune
- L'Isle-Verte
- Matane
- Mont-Alexandre
- Mont-Carmel
- New Richmond
- Notre-Dame-des-Neiges
- Percé
- Petit-Lac-Sainte-Anne
- Pohénégamook
- Rimouski
- Rivière-Bonaventure
- Rivière-Bonjour
- Rivière-du-Loup
- Rivière-Nouvelle
- Rivière-Ouelle
- Routhierville
- Ruisseau-des-Mineurs
- Ruisseau-Ferguson
- Saint-Alexandre-de-Kamouraska
- Saint-André
- Saint-Antonin
- Saint-Arsène
- Saint-Bruno-de-Kamouraska
- Saint-Clément
- Saint-Cléophas
- Saint-Cyprien (Census Division - Rivière-du-Loup)
- Saint-Denis-De La Bouteillerie
- Sainte-Angèle-de-Mérici
- Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatière
- Sainte-Félicité (Census Division – Matane)
- Sainte-Flavie
- Sainte-Jeanne-d'Arc (Census Division – La Mitis)
- Saint-Éloi
- Sainte-Luce
- Saint-Elzéar-de-Témiscouata
- Saint-Épiphane
- Saint-Eusèbe
- Saint-Fabien
- Saint-François-d'Assise
- Saint-Gabriel-de-Rimouski
- Saint-Germain
- Saint-Guy
- Saint-Hubert-de-Rivière-du-Loup
- Saint-Jean-de-Dieu
- Saint-Jean-de-la-Lande
- Saint-Léon-le-Grand (Census Division - La Matapédia)
- Saint-Mathieu-de-Rioux
- Saint-Octave-de-Métis
- Saint-Onésime-d'Ixworth
- Saint-Pacôme
- Saint-Pascal
- Saint-Philippe-de-Néri
- Saint-Simon (Census Division – Les Basques)
- Saint-Ulric
- Sayabec
- Shigawake
- Témiscouata-sur-le-Lac
- Val-Brillant
New Brunswick
New Brunswick – 2020 Livestock Tax Deferral
Consolidated Census Subdivisions
Based on the 2016 Statistics Canada Census
Entire Province
Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia – 2020 Livestock Tax Deferral
Consolidated Census Subdivisions
Based on the 2016 Statistics Canada Census
- Colchester, Subd. A
- Cumberland, Subd. A
- Cumberland, Subd. B
- Cumberland, Subd. C
- Cumberland, Subd. D
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island – 2020 Livestock Tax Deferral
Consolidated Census Subdivisions
Based on the 2016 Statistics Canada Census
Entire Province