The Pest Management Centre (PMC) conducts projects through the Pesticide Risk Reduction Team to develop and implement integrated pest management (IPM) technologies and practices in order to support growers' efforts to produce crops in more environmentally sustainable ways.
While many projects are carried out by science professionals within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, funding for some IPM projects can be accessed through periodic postings of requests for proposals to conduct work required to meet priority needs of growers – Integrated Pest Management - Project Request for Proposals.
Project code | Title | Objective | Crop(s) | Discipline | Start | End |
PRR24-020 | Pathogen characterization and evaluation of steaming treatment to manage Neopestalotiopsis crown rot in strawberry | To characterize Neopestalotiopsis species isolated from strawberries and develop protocols for alternative management tools and integrated solutions for strawberry crown rot | strawberry | Pathology | 2024 | 2026 |
PRR24-050 | Integrated pest management strategy for plum curculio using trap trees with entomopathogens | To assess entomopathogens for controlling soil-dwelling stages of plum curculio and evaluate attract-and-kill methods using trap trees | apple | Entomology | 2024 | 2026 |
PRR24-030 | Integrated pest management approaches for root aphids in quinoa | To evaluate various control tactics and develop integrated management solutions for quinoa root aphids and, to facilitate grower adoption through outreach materials and activities | quinoa | Entomology | 2024 | 2026 |
PRR23-020 | The Potato Vine Crusher - An alternative method of weed seedbank control in potato production | To assess the efficacy of the potato vine crusher in reducing weed seed input into the seedbank, both independently and in combination with fall-planted cover crops | potato | Weed Science | 2023 | 2024 |
PRR23-010/ J-003187 | Sustainable pest management in alfalfa seed production | To demonstrate to growers the impacts of insecticide spray and non-spray regimes on insect pests and their natural enemies in alfalfa seed fields. | alfalfa | Entomology | 2023 | 2025 |
BPR14-070 | Screening of biopesticides and risk-reduced products for the management of powdery mildew in cut gerbera | To screen reduced risk disease management products for the management of powdery mildew in cut gerbera | ornamentals, floriculture, gerbera | Pathology | 2014 | 2015 |
PRR-STB19-020 | Scale-up and release of Diadromus pulchellus, a biological control agent of leek moth, and knowledge transfer of an IPM toolbox to growers | To improve control of leek moth in Ontario and Quebec allium growing regions by increasing populations of the biological control agent Diadromus pulchellus and disseminating Integrated Pest Management (IPM) information to growers | alliums | Entomology | 2019 | 2021 |
APMS/PRR22-010 | Integrated management of root rot in field pea by incorporating microbial biopesticides Prestop® and ForetryxTM | To develop an integrated management approach incorporating biopesticides Prestop® and ForetryxTM and other cultural practices to control the rot root complex in pea | peas | Pathology | 2022 | 2024 |
PRR21-020 | Detection, monitoring and management of herbicide resitant weeds: genetic test marker development for fleabane, abutilon and green pigweed | To continue developing and making available to growers rapid genetic tools for early identification and mitigation of herbicide resistant weeds in agricultural crops | Field vegetables | Weed science | 2021 | 2022 |
APMS/PRR22-030 | Integrating and facilitating adoption of multiple control tools for spider mites in hopyards | To develop and facilitate adoption of integrated spider mite management systems that are based on viable and economically sound solutions | Hops | Entomology | 2022 | 2024 |
PRR22-010 | Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) enabled application of alternative control products targeting click beetle populations in natural habitats bordering cropland | To determine if a drone can effectively deliver a lethal dose of an entomopathogen to click beetles and if efficacy can be enhanced with the addition of a mating disruption pheromone. | various | Entomology | 2022 | 2024 |
PRR21-010 | Demonstration of pesticide rinsate biobeds to promote grower adoption in Canada | To transfer knowledge and provide growers with hands-on experience in on-farm adoption of the biobed technology. | various | All disciplines | 2021 | 2023 |
APMS/PRR22-020 | Integrated pest management approaches for root maggots in leafy green and root brassica vegetables, Brassicacea, crucifer | To evaluate various combinations of pest management tactics and develop feasible and economically viable integrated pest management systems for root maggots, and facilitate grower adoption of proposed approaches. | brassica vegetables, Brassicacea, crucifer | Entomology | 2022 | 2026 |
BPR17-021 | Integrated management of Phytophthora diseases in field pepper incorporating the biopesticide Foretryx® | To develop an integrated management approach that incorporates the biopesticide Foretryx® for the control of root/crown rot and leaf blight diseases caused by Phytophthora capsici in field green peppers | vegetables, field vegetables, pepper | Pathology | 2019 | 2023 |
PRR19-020 | Evaluate entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) as biological control agents for root weevil management in outdoor ornamental nursery production | To improve root weevil control in outdoor ornamental nursery production in Canada by evaluating commercially available entomopathogenic nematode products | ornamentals | Entomology | 2019 | 2021 |
STB19-010 | Use of exclusion netting for insect pests of brassica vegetables, Brassicacea, crucifer | Conduct trials in Ontario and Quebec to test and demonstrate the effectiveness of durable exclusion netting for cabbage maggot, swede midge, flea beetles and lepidopteran management in large scale production of brassica vegetables, Brassicacea, crucifer | brassica vegetables, Brassicacea, crucifer | Entomology | 2019 | 2022 |
PRR19-010 | Investigating the insect-parasitic nematode, Bradynema listronoti, as a biological control agent of the carrot weevil, Listronotus oregonensis | To improve carrot weevil control in carrot crops by evaluating the feasibility of establishing a parasitic nematode population in commercial fields | carrot | Entomology | 2019 | 2021 |
STB19-020 | Scale-up and release of Diadromus pulchellus, a biological control agent of leek moth, and knowledge transfer of an IPM toolbox to growers | To improve control of leek moth in Ontario and Quebec allium growing regions by increasing populations of the biological control agent Diadromus pulchellus and disseminating Integrated Pest Management (IPM) information to growers | alliums | Entomology | 2019 | 2021 |
BPI06-010 | Efficacy trials to demonstrate the performance of Facin™ on ornamentals in greenhouses | To demonstrate the effectiveness of a biopesticide, Facin™ against three key pests of ornamentals in greenhouse production: western flower thrips, fungus gnat larvae, and aphids | ornamentals, floriculture | Entomology | 2006 | 2008 |
BPI06-020 | Implementing a biological control agent as a pest management tool against leaf blight of onion | To develop and implement a protocol for the application of the biocontrol agent Microsphaeropsis ochracea to control onion leaf blight caused by Botrytis squamosa | onion | Pathology | 2006 | 2008 |
BPI06-030 | Implementation of a new biofungicide to reduce apple scab inoculum, opening the way to the use of newly developed tools | To develop an apple scab management plan that integrates a newly developed microbial biocontrol agent Microsphaeropsis ochracea | apple | Pathology | 2006 | 2008 |
BPI06-070 | Research and development of a newly discovered, effective grasshopper biocontrol agent found in Canadian Prairie soil | To determine the effectiveness of a newly identified Canadian fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae, as a potential biopesticide for grasshoppers. | pulse | Entomology | 2006 | 2008 |
BPI06-090 | Development and evaluation of Paenibacillus polymyxa PKPB1 as a biofungicide for greenhouse cucumbers and peppers | To evaluate the efficacy of a biocontrol agent in controlling diseases (Fusarium root and stem rots, powdery mildew, Pythium root rot and gummy stem blight ) in greenhouse grown cucumbers and peppers | greenhouse vegetables | Pathology | 2006 | 2007 |
BPI06-120 | Essential oils formulations for the control of mites, insects, and diseases on greenhouse ornamental and vegetable crops | To optimize and field test terpene formulations for use as broad spectrum control agents against key pests and diseases in tomato, cucumber, green pepper, lettuce and grapes | greenhouse vegetables, ornamentals, floriculture | Entomology, Pathology | 2006 | 2007 |
BPI06-180 | Assessment of Baculovirus Agents for Cabbage Looper Control in Greenhouses | To assess the comparative infectivity and virulence of three baculovirus isolates against cabbage looper in small scale greenhouse trials | greenhouse vegetables | Entomology | 2006 | 2009 |
BPI06-190 | Efficacy of CONTANS®WG for the control of Sclerotinia rot in carrot: A case study for other susceptible muck soil crops | To determine the potential of biofungicide Contans®WG, a commercial formulation of the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans, to control Sclerotinia rot in carrots grown in muck soil | carrot | Pathology | 2006 | 2008 |
BPI06-320 | Potato virus Y (PVY O and PVY N:O) impact on potato cultivars and management through oil sprays | To determine the impact of potato virus Y (PVYO and PVY N:O) on potato yield and quality under Manitoba environmental conditions and to assess oil sprays for PVY management in commonly grown potato cultivars | potato | Pathology | 2006 | 2009 |
BPI06-330 | Reduction of the dependence on organophosphorus pesticides to control insect pests of apple in the post-bloom stage | To isolate and formulate a pheromone for use in traps for monitoring plum curculio | apple | Entomology | 2006 | 2007 |
BPI07-030 | Biocontrol of leaf curl in peach and mummy berry of lowbush blueberry using the bacterial biocontrol product Serenade Max (Bacillus subtilis) | To evaluate the efficacy of Serenade Max against leaf curl in peach and mummy berry disease of lowbush blueberry, value of this product to growers, and provide data for the tested crops to be included on the Canadian label of the product. | blueberry, peach | Pathology | 2007 | 2008 |
BPI07-040 | Development of formulation technology for biofungicides for greenhouse tomato, cucumber and pepper crops | To characterize the biocontrol organism Di-944, complete development of new microencapsulating technology/formulation, and conduct efficacy trials to test new formulations and demonstrate the value of the product. | greenhouse vegetables | Pathology | 2007 | 2008 |
BPI07-080 | Formulation and efficacy of Metarhizium anisopliae for wireworm management in potato and corn | Develop and characterize a new granular formulation of a local isolate of Metarhizium, and compare the efficacy of different Metarhizium-based control strategies against wireworms | potato, corn | Entomology | 2007 | 2008 |
BPI07-090 | Field application on Metarhizium anisopliae (Met52) for management of root weevils in berry crops | To develop PMRA compliant value data to support label claims for Met52 to control root weevils in berry crops | strawberry, blueberry, raspberry | Entomology | 2007 | 2008 |
BPI07-100 | Evaluation of the efficacy of GF-120 to potentially replace organophosphate insecticides for control of apple maggots in organic and conventional orchards | To evaluate the performance of GF-120 to establish appropriate label claims, determine the lowest effective application rate, optimize use of GF-120 for maximum apple maggot control, and disseminate findings to industry and the scientific community providing data in support of registration of this use in collaboration with the registrant, and provincial minor use coordinator | apple | Entomology | 2007 | 2009 |
BPI07-110 | Biological management of fusarium head blight and mycotoxin contamination in wheat | To evaluate the efficacy new biocontrol strains against Fusarium, determine optimal timing of biocontrol agent applications, monitor the effect of the tested treatments on levels of Fusarium toxins in crop, and provide documentation to support value package for potential submission to PMRA | wheat, cereals | Pathology | 2007 | 2008 |
BPI07-120 | Evaluation of the efficacy of plant-based essential oil blends for the control of leafrollers on apples | To establish efficacy of various essentials oils and formulations against leafroller pests of apples, and to evaluate the potential for cross resistance to these materials in insects with known resistance to organophosphate pesticides | apple | Entomology | 2007 | 2008 |
BPI07-170 | Management of silver scurf and Fusarium dry rot of potatoes in storage using Bio-Save 10LP and Bio-Save 11LP (Pseudomonas syringae) | To assess the efficacy of the biopesticides Bio-Save 10LP and Bio-Save 11LP against silver scurf and dry rot diseases of stored potatoes and to provide data in support of registration of these products in Canada | potato | Pathology | 2007 | 2008 |
BPI07-180 | Efficacy evaluation of microencapsulated new strains of Trichoderma and Bacillus from Cornell University for controlling powdery mildew on greenhouse cucumbers. | To evaluate formulations for seed and soil treatments of cucumbers for control of powdery mildew via resistance inducing colonizing biocontrol microorganisms, to persue registration for the products as a joint review registration between PRMA and EPA, and to demonstrate to and receive feedback from growers on the tested products and application protocols | greenhouse vegetables | Pathology | 2007 | 2008 |
BPI07-190 | Evaluation of non-target safety of a native fungal biocontrol agent under development for control of grasshoppers in pulses and other crops. | To evaluate the environmental safety of a strain of Metarhiziukm anisopliae isolated from Canadian soil and developed for grasshopper control, determine impacts on selected non-pest insects, complete data requirements for registration submission to PMRA, and to develop a commercialization strategy for the product | pulse | Entomology | 2007 | 2008 |
BPI07-200 | Enhancing the efficacy of a natural mustard biopesticide (CA-1) against nematodes, wireworms and microbial pathogens of carrots and potatoes in NB and PEI. | To assess the in vitro activity of CA-1 against fungal pathogens, nematodes and wireworms, establish the effective rate of CA-1 in growth chamber experiments, and conduct field experiments on carrot (PEI) and potato (NB). | potato, carrot | Entomology, Pathology | 2007 | 2008 |
BPI07-230 | Trials to optimize the use of biological products BlightBan C9-1 and Bloomtime for suppression of fire blight in Canadian orchards | To reduce the number of streptomycin applications, validate the accuracy of predictive models in microclimate situations, and recommend best practices to growers based on experimental results | apple | Pathology | 2007 | 2009 |
BPI08-010 | Biological control of soil insect pests in field crops | To evaluate fungal biocontrol agents against several soil insect pests, establish the economics and risk reduction potential of a biocontrol/IPM regime incorporating fungal pathogens to manage these pests and apply for label expansion or registration of promising agents | field vegetables, canola, rutabaga | Entomology | 2008 | 2011 |
BPI08-020 | Microbial agents to control diseases of wheat in Canada and to minimize mycotoxin contamination of small grains | To test formulated biocontrol agents in field and controlled environment experiments and select a most promising agent for commercialisation | wheat, cereals | Pathology | 2008 | 2009 |
BPI08-030 | On-farm field demonstration of the use biofungicides within an integrated approach to manage Sclerotinia diseases in dry bean and canola crops | This project aims to demonstrate in a commercial setting that recently registered biofungicides can be effectively incorporated with integrated pest management systems, are economically viable and can be effectively communicated to farmers. | dry bean, canola, pulse | Pathology | 2008 | 2011 |
BPI09-010 | Management of lowbush blueberry insect pest (blueberry maggot) with biopesticides | To evaluate the efficacy of Beauveria bassiana (BotaniGard) in a pest management strategy for the management of blueberry maggot (Rhagoletis mendax), blueberry spanworm (Itame argillacearia), and blueberry flea beetle (Altica Sylvia). | blueberry | Entomology | 2009 | 2011 |
BPI09-020 | Management of onion thrips with biopesticides | This project is part of the NAFTA Biopesticides Initiative for demonstration and efficacy testing of biopesticides against onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) in Canada. A comparable project was undertaken through the IR4 program under the lead of Silvia Rondon (Oregon State University). | onion | Entomology | 2009 | 2010 |
BPI09-030 | Management of downy mildew on cucumber with biopesticides | This project is part of the NAFTA Biopesticides Initiative intended to evaluate the efficacy of biopesticides in the control of downy mildew. A similar project is underway through the IR4 program under the lead of Margaret Tuttle McGrath (Cornell University). | cucumber, field vegetables | Pathology | 2009 | 2011 |
BPI09-040 | Efficacy evaluation of the formulated biocontrol strain Clonostachys rosea strain ACM941 for the management of Fusarium Head Blight in wheat | To evaluate the efficacy of Clonostachys rosea strain ACM941 and generate data for its registration as management control tool for the Fusarium Head Blight in wheat | wheat, cereals | Pathology | 2009 | 2010 |
BPI09-050 | Formulation of C. rosea biocontrol agent for efficacy against fusarium disease in wheat and soybean | To produce a basic formulation of C. rosea strain ACM941 for 2009 field testing against Fusarium Head Blight in wheat and root rot in soybeans, produce and deliver five refined prototype commercial formulations of the same biocontrol organism for evaluation in greenhouse and field crops. | wheat, cereals | Pathology | 2009 | 2011 |
BPI09-060 | Evaluation of biopesticides for apple scab management in Canada | To assess the efficacy of Timorex Gold biopesticide for the control of Venturia inaequalis (apple scab) on apple and to evaluate the effects of applied product on apple yield. | apple | Pathology | 2009 | 2013 |
BPI09-070 | Biological control of fusarium root rot and seedling blight of soybean in Ontario | To assess the efficacy of experimental formulations of Clonostachys rosea strain ACM941 for management of soybean Fusarium root rot and seedling blight in greenhouse and field trials | soybean | Pathology | 2009 | 2010 |
BPI09-080 | Evaluation of biofungicides for management of powdery and downy mildew in grape production | To compare the efficacy of stand-alone applications of Regalia SC (5% active ingredient) and Regalia MAX (20% active ingredient) for the control of fungal diseases, Powdery mildew (Uncinula necator) and Downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) on grapes. | grape | Pathology | 2009 | 2010 |
BPI09-100 | Protocol development for mutagenicity testing of fungal culture extracts | To develop and validate protocols for mutagenicity testing of fungal culture extracts for regulatory purposes and product development. | various | All disciplines | 2009 | 2012 |
BPI10-010 | Design of a commercial dispenser for delivery of biocontrol agents in greenhouse by bee pollinators | To determine the optimal dispenser design for pollinator delivery of biopesticides (Year 1) and to demonstrate use of selected dispenser with commercial products suitable for bee vectoring (Year 2) | greenhouse vegetables, tomato | Entomology, Pathology | 2010 | 2012 |
BPI10-020 | Management of Fusarium diseases in field crops with a new biopesticide | To determine optimal application rates and generate regulatory efficacy data with formulated Clonostachys rosea ACM941 for the management of Fusarium Head Blight in wheat and root rots in soybean. | soybean, wheat, cereals | Pathology | 2010 | 2011 |
BPR11-011 | Evaluation of Phoma macrostoma for management of broadleaved weeds in wheat and barley | To develop efficacy and crop tolerance data in support of a regulatory submission of Phoma macrostoma for the control of three weeds in spring wheat and barley: wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis), dandelion (Taraxacum sp.), and cleavers (Gallium aparine) | wheat, cereals | Weed Science | 2011 | 2012 |
BPR11-020 | Evaluation of CLO1 for management of grey mold (Botrytis cinerea) on greenhouse tomato | To develop efficacy and crop tolerance data in support of a regulatory submission of CLO1 (Clonostachys rosea) for the control of grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) in greenhouse-grown tomato | tomato | Pathology | 2010 | 2012 |
BPR11-030 | Evaluation of Met52 for the control of Thrips in onion | To develop efficacy and crop tolerance data in support of a regulatory submission of Met52 (Metarhizium anisopliae strain F52) for the control of thrips (Thrips tabaci) in onions | onion | Entomology | 2011 | 2012 |
BPR11-040 | Evaluation of Naturalis L (Beauveria bassiana strain ATCC 74040) for the management of cherry fruit fly (Rhagoletis spp.) in cherry | To develop efficacy and crop tolerance data in support of a regulatory submission for Naturalis L (Beauveria bassiana strain ATCC 74040) for the management of cherry fruit fly (Rhagoletis spp.) in cherry | cherry | Entomology | 2011 | 2012 |
BPR11-050 | Evaluation of Naturalis L (Beauveria bassiana strain ATCC 74040) for the management of thrips in greenhouse peppers | To develop efficacy and crop tolerance data in support of a regulatory submission for Naturalis L (Beauveria bassiana strain ATCC 74040) for the management of thrips in greenhouse peppers. | greenhouse vegetables, pepper | Entomology | 2011 | 2012 |
BPR11-060 | Evaluation of Met52 (Metarhizium anisopliae strain F52) for the management of thrips in ornamentals | To develop efficacy and crop tolerance data in support of a regulatory submission for Met52 (Metarhizium anisopliae strain F52) for the control of thrips in ornamentals (Chrysanthemum spp). | ornamentals, floriculture | Entomology | 2011 | 2012 |
BPR12-010 | Evaluation of Mungers horticultural vinegar plus for the control of weeds in cranberry | To develop efficacy and crop tolerance data in support of a regulatory submission for Munger Horticultural Vinegar Plus for the management of sedges in cranberry. | cranberry | Weed Science | 2013 | 2014 |
BPR12-020 | Evaluation of Naturalis-L for the management of tarnished plant bug in strawberries" | To develop efficacy and crop tolerance data in support of a regulatory submission for Naturalis L (Beauveria bassiana strain ATCC 74040) for the management tarnished plant bug (Lygus lineolaris) in strawberry. | strawberry | Entomology | 2012 | 2014 |
BPR12-030 | Evaluation of XenTari for the management of diamondback moth in canola | To develop efficacy and crop tolerance data in support of a regulatory submission for Xentari (Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. aizawai) for the management of diamondback moth in canola. | canola | Entomology | 2012 | 2013 |
BPR12-040 | Screening of biopesticides and risk-reduced products for the management of downy mildew on hop | To screen promising products for the management of downy mildew in hop by evaluating efficacy of eight risk-reduced products | hops | Pathology | 2012 | 2014 |
BPR12-050 | Evaluation of SorbiShield90 (Sorbitol Octanoate) for the management of thrips in greenhouse cucumbers. | To develop efficacy and crop tolerance data in support of a regulatory submission for Sorbishield 90 (sorbitol octanoate) for the management thips moth in greenhouse cucumber. | greenhouse vegetables, cucumber | Entomology | 2012 | 2014 |
BPR12-060 | Evaluation of Organocide for the management of powdery mildew in greenhouse cucumber | To develop efficacy and crop tolerance data in support of a regulatory submission for Organocide (sesame oil) for the management of powdery mildew in greenhouse cucumber | cucumber | Pathology | 2012 | 2013 |
BPR12-070 | Evaluation of SuffOil-X (paraffinic oil) for the management of thrips in ornamentals | To develop efficacy and crop tolerance data in support of a regulatory submission for Suffoil-x (mineral oil) for the management of thips moth in ornamentals. | ornamentals, floriculture | Entomology | 2012 | 2013 |
BPR12-080 | Evaluation of Grandevo (MBI-203) for the control of hairy chinch bugs in turf grass | To develop efficacy and crop tolerance data in support of a regulatory submission for Grandevo® (MBI-203) (Chromobacterium subtsugae) for the management of hairy chinch bug (Blissus leucopterus) in turf | turf | Entomology | 2012 | 2014 |
BPR13-030 | Evaluation of the tolerance of lowbush blueberry to AEF-1201 (pine oil) in the weed management | To develop crop tolerance data and determine the optimal timing of applications in support of a regulatory submission for AEF-1201 (pine oil) for weed management in lowbush blueberry production. | blueberry | Weed Science | 2013 | 2014 |
BPR13-040 | Evaluation of crop tolerance and efficacy of Dazitol for the management of nematodes in raspberry | To develop efficacy and crop tolerance data in support of a regulatory submission for Dazitol for nematode management in raspberry | raspberry | Pathology | 2014 | 2015 |
BPR13-050 | Evaluation of Dazitol for the management of nematodes in carrots | To develop efficacy and crop tolerance data in support of a regulatory submission for Dazitol for the management of nematodes in carrots | carrot | Pathology | 2013 | 2014 |
BPR13-080 | Evaluation of GrandevoTM (MBI-203 DF) for the management of Fletcher scale (Parthenolecanium fletcheri) in yew (Taxus spp.) | To develop efficacy and crop tolerance data in support of a regulatory submission for Grandevo (MBI-203 DF) for the management of Fletcher scale (Parthenolecanium fletcheri) in yew (Taxus spp.) | ornamentals, yew | Entomology | 2013 | 2014 |
BPR14-050 | Evaluation of Problad Plus for the management of grey mold (Botrytis cinerea) in greenhouse peppers | To develop efficacy and crop tolerance data in support of a regulatory submission for the biopesticide Problad Plus to control grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) in greenhouse peppers. | greenhouse pepper | Pathology | 2014 | 2015 |
BPR14-060 | Evaluation of PureSpray Oil 13E for the management of aphids in wasabi plants | Develop efficacy and crop tolerance data in support of a regulatory submission for PureSpray Green Spray Oil 13E for the management of aphids in wasabi | specialty crops, wasabi | Entomology | 2015 | 2016 |
BPR14-071 |
Evaluation of Cyclone for the management of powdery mildew in cut Gerbera | To evaluate efficacy and crop tolerance of Cyclone for the management of powdery mildew in cut gerbera | ornamentals, floriculture, gerbera | Pathology | 2014 | 2015 |
BPR15-020 | Development of integrated insect pest management program for fruit orchards incorporating the bioinsecticide Quassia™ | To demonstrate the incorporation of the bioinsecticide Quassia™ into integrated pest management systems in orchards | apple | Entomology | 2015 | 2017 |
BPR15-031 | Demonstration of Integrated management of powdery mildew (Uncinula nacator) in grape involving the biopesticide OxiDate 2.0 | To demonstrate Integrated management of powdery mildew (Uncinula nacator) in grape involving the biopesticide OxiDate 2.0 | grape | Pathology | 2016 | 2018 |
BPR15-041 | Integrated management of Botrytis grey mould in greenhouse tomato incorporating the biopesticide Botector® | To develop an integrated management program (IPM) incorporating the biopesticide Botector® for the management of Botrytis grey mould in greenhouse tomato | greenhouse vegetables, tomato | Pathology | 2017 | 2019 |
BPR16-011 | Development and Demonstration of Integrated Management practices for Colorado Potato Beetle | To help organic potato growers diversify their toolbox with additional tools and integrated solutions to control Colorado potato beetle | potato | Entomology | 2017 | 2019 |
BPR16-041 | Demonstration of integrated liverwort management incorporating Mosskade® in horticultural crops | To demonstrate the use of Mosskade® in the integrated liverwort management in ornamentals | ornamentals | Weed Science | 2018 | 2019 |
MU03-270 | Development of biopesticides for management of wireworms and root maggots in potatoes and canola | To develop a biopesticide option for the control of wireworm and root maggots in potato and canola | potato, canola | Entomology | 2003 | 2007 |
MU03-ENT1 | Development of reduced-risk insecticides and novel attract and kill strategies for managing wireworms and click beetles in potatoes and other crops | To evaluate lower-risk alternative insecticides under field conditions for efficacy in controlling wireworms in potato crops and to develop bioassays for evaluation of new, untested insecticides | potato | Entomology | 2003 | 2007 |
MU03-ENT2 | Leek moth, Acrolepiopsis assectella, a pest of Allium spp.: pest biology studies and the development of a reduced risk IPM strategy for control | To develop an integrated control strategy involving reduced-risk insecticides for management of Leek Moth, an invasive alien pest of onions, leeks, and garlic | onion | Entomology | 2003 | 2006 |
MU03-ENT3 | Replacement technologies for managing fruit flies, Rhagoletis species, key pests of cherry in Canada | To assess the potential of a new bio-product, Spinosad®, applied in a bait and kill strategy to control Cherry Fruit Flies in cherry trees, and to study the impacts of this and other products on beneficial insect species | cherry | Entomology | 2003 | 2007 |
MU03-ENT5 | Using bee pollinators as a novel means for vectoring Beauveria bassiana to greenhouse peppers and tomatoes for pest control | To investigate and develop the use of bumblebee pollinators as a new application technology for the microbial biocontrol agent Botanigard® in control of insect pests of greenhouse crops | greenhouse vegetables, tomato | Entomology | 2003 | 2007 |
MU03-ENT6 | Testing the efficacy of three insecticides to control European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis in potatoes | To test the efficacy of the products Avaunt® and novaluron® for control of larvae and/or eggs of European Corn Borer, an emerging pest of potato | potato | Entomology | 2004 | 2007 |
MU03-PATHO1 | Effect of a biological control fungicide agent (Pseudomonas syringae) and a chemical fungicide SCALA (pyrimethanil) on post harvest blue and gray mold of apple | To investigate the use of a biological control agent (BioSave, Pseudomonas spp.), and a reduced- risk chemical fungicide (SCALA, pyrimethanil), for the control of blue mold and gray mold of apple | apple | Pathology | 2003 | 2007 |
MU03-PATHO2 | Control of fire blight in the apple orchard and development of bacteriophages as biological control agents | To identify and develop bacteriophages as biological control agents, and optimize scale up and delivery systems for this novel product for management of the fire blight pathogen, Erwinia amylovora | apple | Pathology | 2003 | 2007 |
MU03-PATHO3 | Seed and shoot treatments and the ecology of biological control agents for bacterial and fungal diseases of tomato and pepper | To assess biological alternatives to the chemical management of bacterial spot and the fungal diseases anthracnose and early blight in field tomato and pepper | vegetables, tomato, pepper | Pathology | 2003 | 2007 |
MU03-PATHO4 | Microbial biocontrol for foliar blight (Monilinia and Botrytis) of lowbush blueberry and fruit rot (Phomopsis and Fusicoccum) of cranberry | To assess the efficacy of Sporodex®, Mycostop®, Prestop®, and Actinovate® to control diseases of wild blueberry and cranberry and to identify improved, endemic strains for potential development as biocontrol agents | blueberry, cranberry | Pathology | 2003 | 2008 |
MU03-WEED1 | Evaluation of low risk weed management options in sweet corn, tomatoes, sugar beets, peppers, cole crops and vine crops | To screen new, reduced-risk or low rate herbicides as potential weed control solutions in cole crops, sweet corn, sugar beets, and other vegetables | field vegetables, sweet corn | Weed Science | 2003 | 2007 |
MU03-WEED2 | Evaluation of low risk weed management options in dry edible beans and seed corn | To screen new, reduced-risk or low rate herbicides as potential weed control solutions in dry bean and seed corn inbreds | dry bean, pulse, corn | Weed Science | 2003 | 2007 |
MU03-WEED3 | Reduced-risk herbicide screening for pulse and oilseed crops | To screen new, reduced-risk or low rate herbicides as potential weed control solutions in chickpea, dry bean, canola-quality mustard, sunflower and linola | pulse | Weed Science | 2003 | 2007 |
MUR06-030 | Evaluation of low risk weed management options in snap beans, lima beans, carrots, red beets, pea, and dry bean | To evaluate new, low-use rate, reduced-risk, and environmentally compatible herbicides for weed control efficacy and crop safety in snap beans, lima beans, dry beans, carrots, red beets, and peas | field vegetables, pulse | Weed Science | 2006 | 2008 |
MUR06-080 | Potential side-effects of fungicides and insecticides on natural enemies and pollinators used in greenhouse vegetable production | To determine the compatibility of the new reduced-risk fungicides Pristine, Switch and Milstop, with the biological control agents used in greenhouse production for insect control and for pollination | greenhouse vegetables | Entomology, Pathology | 2006 | 2009 |
MUR06-090 | Use of trap plants as a risk reduction control option for thrips on greenhouses ornamentals | To investigate the use of trap plants treated with and without the application of a pesticide (Spinosad) for control of Western flower thrips (WFT) on potted chrysanthemum | ornamentals, floriculture | Entomology | 2006 | 2007 |
MUR06-100 | Reduced risk herbicides for horticultural crops in organic soils: supplemental registration data & herbicide screening | To optimize weed management programs with flumioxazin in onions and carfentazone in celery, lettuce, and chinese cabbage with minimal crop damage and to obtain supplemental data in support of label expansion | field vegetables | Weed Science | 2006 | 2008 |
MUR06-110 | Evaluation of various reduced-risk products for management of powdery mildew in greenhouse cucumber, tomato and pepper. | To identify and assess new reduced-risk materials for control of powdery mildew on greenhouse vegetables | greenhouse vegetables | Pathology | 2006 | 2008 |
MUR06-150 | Pesticide resistance and alternative management of organisms causing potato pink rot and late blight | To assess pesticide resistance for late blight and pink rot in potatoes in Canada over two years and to determine whether current chemical applications are warranted | potato | Pathology | 2006 | 2009 |
MUR06-300 | Using bees to vector fungal control agents and plant health inoculums for arthropod and plant pathogen control | To optimize the delivery of the biofungicide Clonostachys rosea in combination with insect fungal biocontrol agent Beauveria bassiana by bee pollinators for effective, simultaneous control of grey mould and Lygus in greenhouse vegetables | greenhouse vegetables | Entomology, Pathology | 2007 | 2008 |
MUR06-310 | Development of novel and blended insecticide formulations for low risk management of wireworms in potatoes | To identify through field and laboratory trials a number of lower risk, effective insecticide candidates for wireworm management in potatoes | potato | Entomology | 2006 | 2007 |
MUR07-010 | Post-harvest management of silver scurf and Fusarium dry rot of potatoes in storage with azoxystrobin and fludioxonil | To assess the efficacy of the reduced risk products azoxystrobin and fludioxonil in comparison with thiabendazole for controlling silver scurf, Fusarium dry rot and black dot of potato; and to survey pathogen strains from across Canada for sensitivity to these control products | potato | Pathology | 2007 | 2008 |
MUR07-040 | Development of novel and blended formulations and application technologies for low risk management of wireworms in potatoes | To study repellency and toxicity of various insecticides to wireworms and to evaluate efficacy of promising insecticidal blends in potato and wheat fields; and to map wireworm pest species on a national basis. | potato | Entomology | 2007 | 2009 |
MUR07-050 | On-Farm Remediation of Pesticide Wastes using Biobeds | To evaluate the use of biobeds to reduce environmental contamination with pesticides and discuss the degradation potential of high-impact pesticides in used Canada | field crop, cereals, canola | All disciplines | 2007 | 2009 |
PRR03-060 | Development of a forecasting method of spring populations of Colorado potato beetles for use in reduced input potato production decision making systems | To develop a user-friendly computer program for prediction of Colorado Potato Beetle infestation in potato fields | potato | Entomology | 2003 | 2006 |
PRR03-070 | Operational implementation of weed biocontrol to reduce risks from herbicides | To re-establish an ecological balance between leafy spurge, an invasive alien weed species and its natural enemies and thereby reduce spurge populations to manageable levels | forage, pasture | Weed Science | 2003 | 2007 |
PRR03-140 | Cloning and utilization of new naturally occurring late blight and Colorado potato beetle resistance genes to reduce the use of pesticides in potatoes | To develop potato varieties with improved resistance to late blight and Colorado Potato Beetle | potato | Entomology, Pathology | 2003 | 2008 |
PRR03-200 | Developing cultural and alternative tools to manage Ascochyta blight in chickpea | To optimize cultural and chemical control techniques for the management of Ascochyta blight in chick pea and to provide recommendations for farmers | chickpea, pulse | Pathology | 2003 | 2007 |
PRR03-230 | Pesticide free production sytems for flax, wheat and oat | To establish pesticide free production (PFP) systems for three field crops, oats, wheat and flax | wheat, flax, cereals | Weed Science | 2003 | 2007 |
PRR03-250 | Mechanical weed control in pulse | To evaluate and refine the use of a min-till rotary hoe to maximize its efficacy in weed control and minimize injury to organic pulse | pulse | Weed Science | 2003 | 2007 |
PRR03-260 | Development of a robust, multiple-species pheromone-based control strategy to support organic apple and pear production systems | To expand the efficacy of pheromone-based mating disruption tools by developing a multi-species control using a novel delivery system | apple, pear | Entomology | 2003 | 2007 |
PRR03-350 | Reduced Risk Pest Management for Root Weevils in Berry Crops | To investigate the use of alternative methods in the management of root weevil in strawberry crops | strawberry | Entomology | 2003 | 2007 |
PRR03-360 | Biological control of the leek moth Acrolepiopsis assectella (Lepidoptera: Acrolepiidae) a Pest of Allium spp | To develop and implement a classical biological control system for management of leek moth, an invasive pest on onions, leeks and garlic | onion | Entomology | 2003 | 2007 |
PRR03-370 | Assessing potential non-target risks of biological control agents used in IPM against cabbage seedpod weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictus | To evaluate the potential non-target risk of a biological control strategy for management of cabbage seedpod weevil, an insect pest of canola | canola | Entomology | 2003 | 2007 |
PRR03-380 | Impact of forecasting system, biological control agent and fungicide application on white mould of dry bean and canola | To integrate different approaches including forecasting, cultural controls, and biopesticides for the management of sclerotinia disease in dry bean and canola | dry bean, pulse | Pathology | 2003 | 2007 |
PRR03-400 | To develop an accurate economic threshold and alternative non-chemical control techniques to manage European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) damage in potatoes | To establish an accurate economic threshold for European Corn Borer (ECB) infestations of potato and to investigate the use of mechanical methods to control the pest | potato | Entomology | 2004 | 2007 |
PRR03-460 | Molecular approach to insecticide resistance development and monitoring in potato insect pests | To develop a molecular diagnostic tool which will allow potato producers (through an agricultural pest monitoring service) to track resistance to insecticides in their fields | potato | Entomology | 2003 | 2006 |
PRR03-500 | Use of real-time technologies for the detection and quantification of soilborne plant pathogens | To develop diagnostic tests to reliably estimate populations of soil-borne pathogens to help growers avoid costly and unnecessary pesticide applications | carrot | Pathology | 2003 | 2006 |
PRR03-550 | Developing remote sensing tools to map weeds in pulse and canola crops, enable site-specific herbicide application | To evaluate a prototype ground-based camera for mapping of various weed species in canola and field pea plots for use in site-specific herbicide application systems | pulse, canola | Weed Science | 2003 | 2006 |
PRR03-600 | Reducing the impact of irrigated potato production on the risk of pesticide contamination of the Assiniboine Delta Aquifer | To conduct studies to support the validation of a leaching model for pesticides used in potato production in the Assiniboine Delta Aquifer | potato | All disciplines | 2003 | 2007 |
PRR03-640 | Marker-assisted development of dry bean cultivars with resistance to bean common bacterial blight, anthracnose and bean common mosaic virus for reduced use of pesticides | To develop new varieties of dry beans with resistance to common bacterial blight, bean common mosaic virus, and anthracnose | dry bean, pulse | Pathology | 2003 | 2009 |
PRR06-080 | Evaluation of forecasting systems as fungicide management tools in the control of powdery mildew of strawberry | To compare and evaluate three strawberry powdery mildew forecasting systems | strawberry | Pathology | 2006 | 2009 |
PRR06-110 | Effects of Late Season Flea Beetle Feeding on Canola Yields | To develop economic thresholds for flea beetle infestations late in the year, allowing canola producers to make informed decisions on late season flea beetle management | canola | Entomology | 2006 | 2009 |
PRR06-130 | Environmental assessment and phytosanitary efficacy of a drift recovery sprayer | To determine the drift reduction, efficacy and environmental impact of a newly developed recuperating pesticide sprayer for use in grape production | grape | Entomology, Pathology | 2006 | 2009 |
PRR06-160 | Biological Management of Two-spotted Spider Mites and Cyclamen Mites in Strawberry | To evaluate the efficacy of (i) a mite predator to control cyclamen mites and two-spotted spider mites and (ii) a mite predator to control cyclamen mites in strawberry fields | strawberry | Entomology | 2006 | 2009 |
PRR06-270 | Decision Support System for the control of the European Corn Borer in Prince Edward Island | To develop and implement an on-farm decision support system (DSS) to aid in the optimum timing of pesticide applications for control of the European Corn Borer (ECB) in PEI potatoes | potato | Entomology | 2006 | 2008 |
PRR06-310 | Carrot foliage trimmer for control of Sclerotinia rot in carrot | To determine the effect of carrot foliage trimming on reducing apothecia and disease development in field grown and stored carrots | carrot | Pathology | 2006 | 2009 |
PRR06-360 | The development and implementation of a late blight fungicide spray model for Canadian potato growers | To establish a weather-based decision model to assist growers in determining when fungicides should be applied in an efficient, cost effective and environmentally friendly manner for the control of late blight in potatoes | potato | Pathology | 2006 | 2008 |
PRR06-370 | Improving the scope and delivery of weather-based decision models for plant diseases in wheat | To develop and implement an improved early warning system for Fusarium head blight and other wheat foliar diseases | wheat, cereals | Pathology | 2006 | 2008 |
PRR06-380 | Determining the minimum biologically effective dose of herbicides for weed control in corn-soybean rotations | To determine the weed management effects of rotating herbicide tolerant corn and soybean cultivars and minimum biologically effective doses of glyphosate and glufosinate herbicides applied in rotation | corn, soybean | Weed Science | 2006 | 2009 |
PRR06-430 | Adaptation of Reduced Risk Pest Management Strategies for the Ornamental Nursery Industry in Canada | To evaluate the efficacy of three biofungicides and one microbial insecticide (Metarhizium anisopliae) on ornamental nursery stock and to incorporate these products into nursery production practices | ornamentals | Pathology | 2006 | 2008 |
PRR06-490 | Pesticide risk reduction in soybeans by comparing conventional, organic and IWM systems and soybean cultivar traits | To compare the efficacy of conventional, integrated, and organic weed management strategies in soybean through on-farm demonstration trials | soybean | Weed Science | 2006 | 2008 |
PRR06-520 | Detection and tracking of airborne rust spores as an information tool for pesticide-reduction strategies | To improve the predictive capability of an existing sentinel plot program by including pathogen detection devices for effective timing of fungicide applications to control Asian Soybean Rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) | soybean | Pathology | 2006 | 2008 |
PRR06-590 | Evaluation of spray pruners for target delivery of fungicides to tomato leaf cut-wounds to control botrytis stem canker | To evaluate the efficacy of delivering registered fungicides with spray pruners directly onto leaf cut-wounds of greenhouse tomato during pruning to prevent the entry of botrytis stem canker (BSC) disease | greenhouse vegetables, tomato | Pathology | 2006 | 2007 |
PRR06-690 | Cabbage maggot management and research around the world: a status report and development for IPM strategies for Canada | To conduct a literature review and compile information on IPM from countries where cabbage maggot (CM) is a major pest as well as where it occurs but is not a pest issue | canola, brassica vegetables, Brassicacea, crucifer | Entomology | 2006 | 2007 |
PRR06-700 | Reduced risk weed control strategies in carrot production in organic & mineral soils | To investigate alternative cultural practices for weed control in carrots | carrot | Weed Science | 2006 | 2009 |
PRR06-870 | Accelerating the adoption of Integrated Pest Management and risk management strategies in wheat and other cereals | To determine the existing level and encourage the increase in adoption of integrated pest management and pesticide risk reduction strategies in cereals, particularly wheat | wheat, cereals | all disciplines | 2006 | 2009 |
PRR06-880 | Reduced Risk Management of Lygus Plant Bugs in Ontario Strawberry | To deliver farmer participatory training and investigate trap cropping, classical biological control and low risk pesticide applications for an integrated approach for the control plant bugs in strawberries | strawberry | Entomology | 2006 | 2009 |
PRR06-910 | Development of a fungicide spray action threshold to help reduce Captan residue levels on fruits | To devise and implement a summer spray program that minimizes the use of the fungicide capan on apple trees | apple | Pathology | 2006 | 2009 |
PRR06-920 | Field validation of a novel tool to help growers manage the practical consequences of the development of resistance to apple scab fungicides | To validate a patent-pending method to determine the efficacy of fungicides against apple scab on potted apple trees | apple | Pathology | 2006 | 2009 |
PRR06-930 | Two alternative strategies for looper management in greenhouse vegetables | To evaluate the efficacy of two biopesticides, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bta) and Trichogramma sibericum, for loopers in greenhouse pepper, tomato and cucumber | greenhouse vegetables | Entomology | 2006 | 2006 |
PRR06-940 | Canadian Soybean Aphid Information and Education Package - Field Scouting Cards and Threshold Postcards | To develop a set of bilingual field scouting and threshold cards designed to educate and guide soybean growers, scouts and crop consultants in monitoring and making informed decisions for soybean aphid management | soybean | Entomology | 2006 | 2007 |
PRR06-950 | Development of a web-based tool to improve grower knowledge and adoption of reduced risk management of weeds in corn and soybean | To create a bilingual web-based searchable database for the top 20 weeds of corn and soybean as a weed management information resource and decision making tool for producers and crop consultants | corn, soybean | Weed Science | 2006 | 2007 |
PRR07-010 | Impact on the spatio temporal distribution of weeds in a decision support system for applying herbicides to soya and corn | To conduct a spatial analysis of weed coverage in corn and soybean fields treated with various herbicides and rates and validate weed management strategies using localized and reduced rate herbicide applications | corn, soybean | Weed Science | 2007 | 2010 |
PRR07-030 | Using crop rotation to control wireworms in agricultural fields | To evaluate the impact of rotational crops used in potato production on larval populations of wireworms and on the behaviour of adult click beetles within agricultural fields | potato | Entomology | 2007 | 2010 |
PRR07-040 | Evaluation of reduced-risk weed management approaches for annual grass control in sweet corn | To investigate the use of a living-mulch cover crop as a weed control approach for sweet corn; to evaluate the potential environmental and economic benefits of the weed management system; and to communicate the findings of the study | sweet corn | Weed Science | 2007 | 2010 |
PRR07-060 | Development of reduced-risk strategies through coordinated monitoring, forecasting and risk warning systems for insect pests of field crops in Canada | To develop and implement a region-wide monitoring program designed to 1) inform the industry on the economic risks to field crops from insect pests and 2) provide management recommendations based on pest risk and presence of pest natural enemies | canola, wheat, cereals | Entomology | 2007 | 2010 |
PRR07-090 | Development of bioclimatic models to forecast the dynamics of two insect pests: carrot weevil and carrot fly | To develop, validate, demonstrate and assist carrot growers to adopt an integrated system for the management of carrot weevil and rust fly | carrot | Entomology | 2007 | 2010 |
PRR07-190 | Implementation of spore trapping network technology combined with improved forecasting systems to manage Onion Leaf Blight at the regional scale | To implement a network of airborne inoculum monitoring, adapt existing forecasting systems to optimize the efficacy of currently registered fungicides, and assess economic and environmental benefits of combining spore trapping with forecasting | onion | Pathology | 2007 | 2010 |
PRR07-230 | Developing mating disruption for the integrated management of grape berry moth | To determine whether reduced application rates of pheromone dispensers through peripheral treatments can be used to achieve effective and economic control of grape berry moth (GBM). Conduct a cost/benefit analysis of this reduced rate technology |
grape | Entomology | 2007 | 2008 |
PRR07-260 | Determination of the critical weed-free period in carrots grown on muck and mineral soils | To determine the critical period during carrot growth when the crop must be free of weeds and educate growers in reducing the use of herbicides based on recommendations resulting from this study | carrot | Weed Science | 2007 | 2009 |
PRR07-300 | Raising awareness to pesticide risk reduction on the farm for the benefit of health and the environment | To validate and implement a pesticide risk indicator software package for 5 crops (strawberry, corn, sweet corn, dry onion, apple, potato), educate crop advisors, and assess the pesticide risk reduction resulting from the use of the indicator | strawberry, sweet corn, onion, apple, potato | all disciplines | 2007 | 2010 |
PRR07-340 | Development of a Strategy to Implement Use of the Bacterial Antagonists, Blightban C9-1 and Bloomtime, in the Management of Fire Blight in Apples | To validate the use of fire blight risk prediction models for the timing of applications of bacterial antagonists; train consultants, government extension staff and growers on the use of new bacterial antagonists through demonstration trials and reduce the use of streptomycin | apple | Pathology | 2007 | 2009 |
PRR07-350 | Identification of efficient sprayer application tools to maximize onion thrips control | To develop and implement a plan for growers to reduce the number of sprays and amount of pesticide required to manage onion thrips in Ontario and Quebec onion production, and to make recommendations for reduced-risk control products to replace older chemistries | onion | Entomology | 2007 | 2009 |
PRR07-360 | Two decision support tools that will target ascochyta blight on chickpeas | To develop an early disease warning system and improve the delivery of a management decision tree as a basis for control recommendations and timing of fungicide applications | chickpea, pulse | Pathology | 2007 | 2010 |
PRR07-370 | Reducing the use of insecticides for grasshopper control in lentils | To develop a grasshopper hatching model, train growers and agronomists to identify damaging grasshoppers, and develop a reduced risk method for late season grasshopper control | lentil, pulse | Entomology | 2007 | 2010 |
PRR07-460 | Development and Implementation of a Reduced-Risk Integrated Pest Management Program for Lepidopteran Pests of Fresh Market Sweet Corn in Ontario and Quebec | Implement IPM on farm through demonstrations. Test reduced risk alternative control products and cultural management practices. Conduct summer tours and distribute results to growers. | sweet corn | Entomology | 2007 | 2009 |
PRR07-490 | Sustainable management of the soybean aphid with biological control agents and reduced risk- and bio-pesticides | To assess impacts of naturally occurring enemies of soybean aphid, recommend action thresholds based on natural enemy counts, evaluate the efficacy of reduced risk control products, and educate growers and crop consultants on recommended tools and products | soybean | Entomology | 2007 | 2010 |
PRR07-530 | Development of a synergistic control technology for root weevils in Strawberries | This project aims to develop a root weevil management system for strawberries which will significantly enhance the effectiveness of nematode biological control through the synergistic effects of a low dose of imidacloprid. This method can significantly lower the amount of pesticide being used and may be relevant to other systems where there are similar soil pest problems | strawberry | Entomology | 2007 | 2010 |
PRR07-590 | Grape IPM System: Model to adoption and adaptation of IPM system for Canada | To develop and implement an IPM model to control cutworm, leafhoppers and grape berry moth in grapes, assist grape growers in adopting the IPM model, and measure the success of adoption and pesticide risk reduction resulting from the use of the model | grape | Entomology | 2007 | 2010 |
PRR07-650 | Blight Alert, A Simple Decision Support System for Prince Edward Island potato farmers | Accelerate adoption of an effective late blight prediction system to assist PEI potato growers with the implementation of reduced risk management strategies on their farms | potato | Pathology | 2007 | 2008 |
PRR07-800 | Weed Management Systems for Strawberries: a project to evaluate and to provide tools to assist growers in adopting alternative strategies | To evaluate alternative tools for the management of weeds in strawberry production systems and to develop tools to assist growers in the adoption of these alternative weed management strategies | strawberry | Weed Science | 2007 | 2010 |
PRR08-010 | Incorporation of naturally occurring late blight and Colorado potato beetle resistance genes into Canadian commercial potato cultivars | To advance potato varieties with improved late blight and Colorado Potato Beetle resistance to national or regional cultivar registration trials | potato | Entomology, Pathology | 2008 | 2011 |
PRR09-010 | Carrot trimmer implementation for white mold management in Ontario | To conduct on-farm demonstrations and extension activities for promoting grower adoption of carrot foliage trimming to manage white mold of carrot in Ontario | carrot | Pathology | 2009 | 2012 |
PRR09-020 | Facilitating the adoption of reduced risk approaches to pest management in apples in Ontario | To facilitate the adoption of reduced risk pest management tools and approaches, for the management of insect pests in apple orchards. | apple | Entomology | 2009 | 2010 |
PRR09-030 | Facilitating the adoption of reduced risk approaches to pest management in apples in Nova Scotia | To facilitate the adoption of new pest management tools (reduced risk pesticides and practices) through the verification of action thresholds for the use of organophosphate replacement chemistries | apple | Entomology | 2009 | 2010 |
PRR09-050 | Development and demonstration of a multi-tactical IPM toolbox for cabbage maggot, control in conventional and organic Brassica crops in Canada | To evaluate and demonstrate the efficacy of exclusion fences in managing cabbage maggot in commercial rutabaga crops | brassica vegetables, Brassicacea, crucifer, field vegetables, canola | Entomology | 2009 | 2012 |
PRR09-060 | Pesticide Risk Reduction Strategy Development for Floriculture in Canada Floriculture in Canada | To consult with Canadian floriculture growers, other stakeholders and experts to: 1) establish priorities for pesticide risk reduction within the industry and 2) formulate strategies to direct activities for identified priorities over the next 3-5 years to reduce risks to human health and the environment associated with pesticide use in Canadian floriculture. | ornamentals | Entomology, Pathology | 2009 | 2010 |
PRR10-010 | Review of published literature on applications of cover crops as part of integrated weed management systems in field vegetable crop production in Canada | To identify field vegetable production systems where cover crops can be used as part of integrated weed management practices to minimize or eliminate the use of herbicides | field vegetables | Weed Science | 2010 | 2010 |
PRR10-030 | Release of Diadromus pulchellus for Biological Control of Leek Moth in Canada | Release the biological control agent (Diadromus pulchellus) in areas where leek moth has become a concern, monitor its spread and impact on the leek moth, and develop educational materials for growers for integrated pest management of leek moth. | onion, alliums | Entomology | 2010 | 2013 |
PRR10-040 | Validation and demonstration of existing Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) disease forecasters as management decision making tools for use in wheat production in Manitoba | To transfer and promote adoption of disease forecasting technology for improving timing of fungicide applications and disease management, while reducing unnecessary fungicide use in wheat production in MB | wheat, cereals | Pathology | 2010 | 2012 |
PRR10-050 | Incorporation of GF-120 Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait into orchard Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for apple maggot (mouche de la pomme) | Develop and demonstrate to growers, sustainable IPM approaches to the management of apple maggot, incorporating the use of GF-120, under varying pest pressures, sources of pest populations and orchard characteristics. To refine and demonstrate various application methods using common/ standard farm equipment in the application of this material. Investigate the late season egg laying activities of apple maggot and establish the factors affecting the late season fecundity of females. Demonstrate the economics of the use of GF-120 as opposed to conventional approaches to apple maggot management | apple | Entomology | 2010 | 2012 |
PRR10-060 | Management of the European Apple Sawfly (Hoplocampa testudinea) using a parasitic wasp (Lathrolestes ensator) in Canada | Determine the susceptibility of L. ensator to pesticides commonly used in conventional apple orchards and establish its potential as a biological control agent. To disseminate the parasitoid into three minimally sprayed orchards where the European apple sawfly is established. To develop recommendations for the incorporation of L. ensator for the management of the European apple sawfly, into orchard IPM that supports the survival and activity of the parasitoid. | apple | Entomology | 2010 | 2013 |
PRR10-080 | Demonstration of reduced use of herbicides in carrot crops through chemical banding and mechanical cultivation in Prince Edward Island (PEI) | To transfer and promote the adoption of herbicide banding technology as an integrated weed management approach that reduces the use of herbicides in commercial carrot production in PEI | carrot | Weed Science | 2010 | 2012 |
PRR10-090 | Demonstration of reduced use of broadleaf herbicides in carrot crops through chemical banding and mechanical cultivation in Nova Scotia | To transfer and promote the adoption of herbicide banding technology as part of an integrated weed management approach that reduces the use of herbicides in commercial carrot production in NS | carrot | Weed Science | 2010 | 2013 |
PRR10-120 | Demonstration of reduced use of broadleaf herbicides in potato crops through chemical banding and mechanical cultivation in Quebec, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick | To transfer and promote the adoption of herbicide banding technology as an integrated weed management approach that reduces the use of herbicides in commercial potato crops in QC, PEI, and NB | potato | Weed Science | 2010 | 2012 |
PRR10-130 | On-farm field demonstration of the impact of irrigation management, timing of fungicide sprays and cropping system on Fusarium head blight control in irrigated wheat production in Southern Alberta | To identify and promote adoption of integrated approaches, including cultural practices and informed decision making for sustainable Fusarium head blight management in wheat production under irrigation | wheat, cereals | Pathology | 2010 | 2013 |
PRR10-140 | Development of rutabaga cultivars resistant to Cabbage maggot | Develop and promote adoption of resistant cultivars to Cabbage maggot in rutabaga | rutabaga | Entomology | 2010 | 2016 |
PRR10-160 | Pesticide Use and Integrated Pest Management: Analysis of the Canadian Nursery and Landscape Industry | To perform a gap analysis of IPM research needs in the industry using existing National survey data. This information will also be used to update national crop profiles for the Pesticide Risk Reduction Program. | ornamentals | all disciplines | 2010 | 2011 |
PRR10-170 | Physical barriers applied to soil surface in the field and in the greenhouse to prevent oviposition by cabbage maggot | Identify barriers that could potentially reduce access to oviposition sites by female cabbage maggot flies. Develop and test the application methodology and the efficacy under greenhouse and field conditions | brassica vegetables, Brassicacea, crucifer | Entomology | 2010 | 2012 |
PRR10-200 | Validation and demonstration of existing Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) disease forecasters as management decision making tools for use in wheat production in Saskatchewan | To transfer and promote adoption of disease forecasting technology for improving timing of fungicide applications and disease management, while reducing unnecessary fungicide use in wheat production in SK | wheat, cereals | Pathology | 2010 | 2012 |
PRR10-220 | Row covers as physical barriers in brassica vegetable crops to control cabbage maggot (Delia radicum L.) | Identify commercial row covers that could serve as physical barriers in Brassica crops for cabbage maggot management. Field test the row covers for efficacy under conditions typical to local commercial production | brassica vegetables, Brassicacea, crucifer | Entomology | 2011 | 2013 |
PRR10-230 | Development of an Integrated Pest Management/Biocontrol Internet Portal for Greenhouse Grower Educational Purposes | Develop an independent website that provides a comprehensive and consolidated package of information to educate greenhouse growers on implementing integrated pest management (IPM) systems and biological control tools into their production practices. | ornamentals, floriculture | Entomology, Pathology | 2011 | 2011 |
PRR11-010 | Validation and demonstration of forecasting models for Fusarium head blight development in wheat under production conditions of Quebec | To assess and validate various existing forecasting models for disease risk in wheat and recommend best model adapted for use in Quebec | wheat, cereals | Pathology | 2011 | 2013 |
PRR11-020 | Dissemination of information on IPM techniques in greenhouse floriculture through workshops | Through interactive workshops educate greenhouse flower growers about innovative reduced risk pest management practices and their adoption opportunities. | ornamentals, floriculture | Entomology, Pathology | 2011 | 2012 |
PRR11-030 | Cover crops and zone tillage for reduced risk weed management in field vegetables in eastern Canada | To evaluate the efficacy and cost benefit of various zone tillage and cover cropping techniques for weed control in cucurbits, cole crops and sweet corn in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Quebec provinces. | field vegetables | Weed Science | 2011 | 2014 |
PRR11-040 | Review of status of management issues surrounding propagative pests in Canadian greenhouse floriculture industry | Conduct a thorough review of the management issues surrounding key pests of concern on propagative stock in the Canadian greenhouse floriculture industry to identify existing knowledge and technology gaps and reduced risk options for controlling these pests before they become established in the greenhouse. | ornamentals, floriculture | Entomology | 2011 | 2011 |
PRR11-060 | National survey to document the extent of apple scab resistance to systemic fungicides, including sterol inhibitors and strobilurins, in apple orchards | To conduct a national apple scab survey to determine the level of pathogen resistance to strobilurins and sterol inhibitors in the various apple growing provinces of Canada | apple | Pathology | 2011 | 2012 |
PRR11-080 | Upgrading the content and delivery of the web-based weed management tool | To develop a smart phone application for weed management that improves grower knowledge and increases adoption of reduced risk weed control strategies in field crops | soybean, corn, field crops | Weed Science | 2011 | 2012 |
PRR12-020 | Development of a cover crop selection decision-making tool for vegetable production in Eastern Canada | To develop and validate a Cover Crop Selector tool as a web-based resource that provides informed recommendations about appropriate cover crops to be used in vegetable production in eastern provinces of Canada, including Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island | field vegetables | All disciplines | 2012 | 2014 |
PRR12-030 | Refine and validate economic threshold for Lygus bugs in canola production in Alberta | To make available to growers an improved economic threshold, as part of a spray decision support system for Lygus control in canola crops in Alberta | canola | Entomology | 2012 | 2014 |
PRR12-040 | Develop and validate a dynamic action threshold tool for aphid management in cereals in the prairies | To make available to growers a dynamic action threshold, as part of a spray decision support systems for aphid control in wheat and barley crops that incorporates changing numbers of aphids and their natural enemies | cereals | Entomology | 2012 | 2014 |
PRR12-100 | Validation of use and efficacy of CLO-1 (Clonostachys rosea) for the management of Fusarium head blight in wheat in Eastern Canada | To validate efficacy in the field of CLO-1 for the management of Fusarium head blight on wheat in eastern Canada | wheat, cereals | Pathology | 2012 | 2013 |
PRR12-110 | Field testing rutabaga cultivars for resistance to cabbage maggot (Delia radicum L.) | Field test to compare resistance to cabbage maggot in rutabaga between selected lines and commercial Laurentian cultivar. | rutabaga | Entomology | 2012 | 2017 |
PRR13-010 | Improve decision-making for monitoring and management of alfalfa weevil in alfalfa crops on the prairies | To make available alfalfa weevil forecasting tool and information on naturally occurring parasitism to alfalfa growers in prairie regions | alfalfa | Entomology | 2013 | 2015 |
PRR13-020 | Expanding distribution of existing parasitoid to new areas for bio-control of cereal leaf beetle in small grain cereals in the Canadian prairies | To expand distribution of cereal leaf beetle parasitoid Tetrastichus julis in areas where the pest is causing damage but parasitoid is lacking | cereals | Entomology | 2013 | 2016 |
PRR13-040 | Production of a field guide on pest and beneficial insects and mites of field crops in western Canada | To develop an in-field decision support tool for identification of economically harmful and beneficial insects and mites of field crops in the Prairie and Boreal Plains eco-regions | cereals, canola, corn, forage, pulse, soybean, wheat | Entomology | 2013 | 2015 |
PRR13-050 | Dissemination of information on ipm techniques in greenhouse floriculture through educational videos | Provide an educational resource to Canadian greenhouse ornamental growers about biological control of whiteflies on poinsettias and advice on how to implement this pest management approach in their greenhouse operation | ornamentals, floriculture | Entomology | 2013 | 2014 |
PRR14-010 | Evaluating row covers for early season management of cabbage maggot (Delia radicum) in brassica vegetable crops | Evaluation and demonstration of the efficacy of polyethylene mesh row covers for early season management of cabbage maggot in brassica vegetable crops in the growing regions of Atlantic Canada and British Columbia | brassica vegetables, Brassicacea, crucifer | Entomology | 2014 | 2017 |
PRR14-020 | Spatial modelling and emergence tools for management of carrot rust fly and carrot weevil in Eastern Canada | Validate degree day models developed in Quebec for use in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Ontario, determine the spatial pattern and timing of migration into the crop by carrot rust fly and carrot weevil and evaluate the potential effects of soil moisture, soil fungi and parasitism on pest populations. | carrot | Entomology | 2014 | 2017 |
PRR14-030 | Literature review to consolidate the knowledge on the background, the control practices, and IPM strategies available for a sustainable management of downy mildew in cucumber (Pseudoperonospora cubensis) in Canada, U.S., and elsewhere | To conduct a comprehensive review, through searching in published scientific and extension literature, and by collecting input from experts and stakeholders, to compile world-wide information on IPM strategies for managing downy mildew in cucumber; provide recommendations on best management practices which could be adopted in Canadian field cucumber production, and on approaches which merit further research and/or testing under Canadian conditions. | cucumber | Pathology | 2014 | 2015 |
PRR14-040 | Investigate factors that determine the occurrence of and level of damage from Delia spp. in key onion production regions of Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes | Monitor population levels and compare emergence timing of the Delia spp complex in onion crops and investigate factors, including entomopathogenic fungi, influencing the level of damage caused by these pests | onion | Entomology | 2014 | 2017 |
PRR14-050 | Development of mangement strategies for replant disease in Ginseng production in Ontario | To generate knowledge on the replant disease complex and develop management options to improve ginseng re-cropping opportunities for old gardens | ginseng | Pathology | 2014 | 2017 |
PRR15-020 | Species survey and testing of resistance to chlorpyrifos in Delia spp | (1) Survey the species of Delia flies found in vegetable Brassica crops across Canada, and determine which of these cause damage to the crop plants; (2) Survey chlorpyrifos resistance in Delia flies in vegetable Brassica growing regions across Canada | brassica vegetables, Brassicacea, crucifer | Entomology | 2015 | 2018 |
PRR15-030 | Investigation of GF-120 to suppress carrot rust fly populations in Eastern Canada and British Columbia | Evaluate the potential of GF-120 ™ Fruit Fly Bait to suppress or control carrot rust fly populations | carrot | Entomology | 2015 | 2016 |
PRR15-040 | Refining and making accessible to growers a validated dynamic action threshold for cereal aphid control in cereals | To refine, validate and transfer a previously developed dynamic action threshold (DAT) model as a tool to help growers make spray decisions for aphid management in cereals | wheat, cereals | Entomology | 2015 | 2018 |
PRR15-050 | Guide to pests and beneficial insects of Eastern Canadian vineyards | Develop and publish an illustrated guide that profiles key insect pests, their natural enemies and introduced biological control species of relevance in vineyards in Eastern Canada | grape | Entomology | 2015 | 2018 |
PRR16-010 | Early detection, monitoring and management of herbicide resistant weeds in field vegetables | To develop and communicate to growers tools and approaches for early identification and risk mitigation of herbicide resistance in vegetable crops | field vegetables | Weed Science | 2016 | 2019 |
PRR16-020 | Development and validation of a dynamic action threshold for cereal leaf beetle | To develop an action threshold for cereal leaf beetle which will enable growers to take into account the role of natural enemies when making insect pest management decisions in the field | wheat, cereals | Entomology | 2016 | 2019 |
PRR16-030 | Integrated weed management (IWM) - on-farm demonstration of recommended cover-cropping techniques for weed management in cucurbit (squash) production | To demonstrate to growers the proper use and the benefits of scientifically proven sustainable weed management techniques in squash production | field vegetables, squash | Weed Science | 2016 | 2018 |
PRR16-040 | Best management practices to reduce incidence of downy mildew in cucumber production | To assess the potential of incorporating cucumber hybrids tolerant to cucurbit downy mildew into the commercial production of cucumber in Canada | field vegetables, cucumber | Pathology | 2016 | 2019 |
PRR16-050 | Assessment of propagative materials, alternative host plants, and plant residues as inoculum sources for downy mildew in cucumber production | Assessment of propagative material, alternative downy mildew host plants, and plant residue as inoculum sources for the disease in cucumber production | field and greenhouse vegetables, cucumber | Pathology | 2016 | 2019 |
PRR17-010 | Species survey of Delia spp maggots affecting onion in Quebec, Ontario and the Atlantic Provinces | Evaluate damage to onion crops caused by Delia root maggot species and determine which species are the major contributors of damage | onion | Entomology | 2017 | 2018 |
PRR17-020 | Applying updated bioclimatic information to validate models and refine IPM program recommendations including entomopathogenic nematodes for carrot rust fly and carrot weevil management in Eastern Canada | To improve carrot rust fly and carrot weevil control in carrot production in Ontario and the Maritimes by refining emergence prediction models and evaluating efficacy of entomopathogenic nematode products | carrot | Entomology | 2017 | 2019 |
PRR17-030 | Survey to identify resistance to fungicides in cucumber downy mildew pathogen populations in commercial cucumber producing areas in Ontario and Quebec | Assessment of resistance to single-site fungicides in populations of cucumber downy isolates from field and greenhouse production sites in Ontario and Quebec | field and greenhouse vegetables, cucumber | Pathology | 2017 | 2019 |
PRR17-040 | Development and demonstration of Integrated management of tarnished plant bug and thrips in day-neutral strawberry production | To help strawberry growers diversify their toolbox with alternative technologies and integrated solutions for season-long management of tarnished plant bug | strawberry | Entomology | 2017 | 2019 |
PRR18-010 | Field demonstration of the Sterile Fly Release technology for onion maggot management in onion set production in Ontario | To conduct a demonstration trial using the Sterile Fly Release technology in an Ontario onion set field for onion maggot control, and; gain knowledge on the distribution and population dynamics of Delia spp. in this region | onion | Entomology | 2018 | 2019 |
PRR18-030 | Integrated management of white grub species in berry crops | To help berry growers diversify their toolbox with alternative solutions for management of white grubs in their crops | strawberry, raspberry, blueberry | Entomology | 2018 | 2021 |
PRR18-040 | Integrated management of cyclamen mite in field strawberries | To help growers augment their toolbox with reduced-risk options for cyclamen mite management in strawberry crops | strawberry | Entomology | 2018 | 2020 |
SCR06-001 | Broadleaf herbicide screening trial for ginseng | To evaluate reduced-risk herbicides for potential to control broadleaf weeds in ginseng and to provide recommendations for reduced-risk candidate herbicides to be pursued for registration in Canada. | ginseng | Weed Science | 2006 | 2007 |
SCR06-002 | Screening for control agents for Trichoderma green mould in commercial mushrooms | Find alternative products to control Trichoderma Green Mould in commercial mushrooms by doing in vitro and in vivo screening of selected fungicides against Trichoderma aggressivum and by evaluating the efficacy and phytotoxicity of successful candidates. | specialty crops, mushroom | Pathology | 2006 | 2007 |
SCR07-001 | Crop Group #4 herbicide screening trial | To evaluate reduced-risk herbicides for potential to control broadleaf weeds in several leafy vegetable crops, and to provide recommendations for reduced-risk candidate herbicides to be pursued for registration in Canada | leafy field vegetables | Weed Science | 2007 | 2007 |
SCR07-002 | Processing peas herbicide screening trial | To evaluate reduced-risk herbicides for potential to control broadleaf weeds (including Kochia, Russian Thistle, and Nightshade) in processing peas, and to provide recommendations for reduced-risk candidate herbicides to be pursued for registration in Canada | field vegetables, peas | Weed Science | 2007 | 2007 |
SCR07-003 | Screening trial for solutions to Verticillium wilt in potatoes | To evaluate the potential of a number of reduced-risk management practices and products to control verticillium wilt of potato and to provide recommendations for candidate reduced-risk pesticides to be pursued for registration for this use in Canada | potato | Pathology | 2007 | 2008 |
SCR07-004 | Screening fungicides for control of Phytophthora root rot of caneberries (raspberry) | Screen new fungicides with demonstrated activity against Oomycete diseases for potential control of Phytophthora root and crown rot of raspberry and crop tolerance. | raspberry | Pathology | 2007 | 2008 |
SCR07-005 | Field Trials to evaluate fungicides for control of Phytophthora root rot of caneberries (raspberry) |
To evaluate under field conditions candidate fungicides for control of phytophthora root and crown rot of raspberry and to provide recommendations for possible minor use label expansion. | raspberry | Pathology | 2008 | 2008 |
SCR07-010 | Screening trials on raspberries to identify reduced risk solutions for insect contamination in mechanically harvested fruit | To assess the efficacy of a number of reduced-risk pest control products for their potential use in control of harvest insect contaminants of raspberries, focusing on Lepidoptera and weevil species | raspberry | Entomology | 2007 | 2007 |
SCR07-020 | Screening of novel materials for the control of fire blight in Canadian orchards | To assess the efficacy of a number of reduced-risk pest control products for their potential use against fire blight in three Canadian apple growing regions: Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia | apple | Pathology | 2007 | 2007 |
SCR08-010 | Management Program for Clearwing Borers on Pome Fruits | The objective of this project is to assess a number of reduced risk approaches for the management of the apple clearwing moth and the dogwood borer in apple orchards. A number of reduced risk products will be tested for efficacy when used as preventative and curative sprays. The efficacy of a pheromone, used for mating disruption of the apple clearwing moth will also be tested in organic orchards. | apple, pear | Entomology | 2008 | 2009 |
SCR08-020 | Screening of fungicides for the control of leaf spot diseases in lowbush blueberry | The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of a number of reduced risk products for their potential use in the control of Septoria leaf spot, rust and Valdensinia leaf spot in lowbush blueberry. | blueberry | Pathology | 2008 | 2009 |
SCR08-030 | Evauation of pest control products including biofungicides for control of clubroot on Canola and Cruciferous Vegetables | Assess the potential of selected fungicide/biofungicide products for clubroot control on canola and cruciferous vegetable crops. | canola, brassica vegetables, Brassicacea, crucifer | Pathology | 2008 | 2009 |
SCR08-050 | Screening of Fungicides for Needlecast Diseases on Conifers | To assess the potential of selected fungicides for needlecast control on two conifer species, Colorado spruce (Picea pungens) and balsam fir (Abies balsamea) and to provide recommendations for candidate fungicides to be pursued for registration in Canada. In addition, methods to detect the presence of the pathogens in asymptomatic needles will be developed. | Christmas trees, ornamentals | Pathology | 2008 | 2009 |