Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Service Standards Annual Report: Fiscal Year 2020-2021

July 2021

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's commitment to serve you better

At Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), we take pride in what we do. We are an organization that is dedicated to serving the public. AAFC continues to be committed to developing and delivering client-focused, results based programs and services. We are continuously working to provide high quality service because we understand the importance of agriculture to our economy, communities, environment and health.

AAFC publishes service standards to highlight its commitment to transparent management, accountability for results, and citizen-centered service delivery. The Department continues to strive to ensure that published information is transparent, meaningful and relevant to clients.

Service standards are a statement to the level of performance that Canadians can expect from AAFC. These service standards include turnaround times for telephone calls and email responses, making funding decisions, processing recipient claims, and providing sector analysis reports. AAFC is committed to achieving its posted target for each service standard under normal circumstances. AAFC's 44 programs and services have their service standards published on each program web page. Performance data is collected throughout each fiscal year and reported publicly on the AAFC website each quarter and summarized in our Service Standards Annual Report.

Continuous improvement

AAFC met or exceeded targets for 140 out of 156(1) service standards, covering 44 programs and services. In an effort to improve the service standards, AAFC is dedicated to continuously strengthening service objectives by using client input to improve service delivery and program design.

In 2020-2021, AAFC received client feedback on the relevance of its service standards and solicited suggestions on how to make them more applicable to a client's business decisions. Client feedback indicated that 53% of respondents would like to see the service standard notification for the approval or rejection of an application shortened.

AAFC also conducted a review of its service standards to ensure they continue to be relevant to clients. As a result of this review, in 2021-2022 programs and services will review and assess the number of days currently used in their services to determine if they are timely, reasonable, and ambitious.

Similar to 2019-2020 the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic affected the way AAFC delivered programs and services and our ability to meet service standards target in 2020-2021. The first quarter of the 2020-2021 fiscal year saw AAFC continue its transition to virtual service delivery in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout 2020-2021 AAFC continued to build on the processes and technology put in place in 2019-2020 to allow clients to access programs online. These changes were implemented swiftly and with little disruption to AAFC clients. During 2020-2021, the Department developed and launched programs and services to lessen the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on stakeholders. The 2020-2021 fiscal year was a monumental and challenging year resulting in the addition of five new COVID-19 emergency programs. Despite the unprecedented challenges of the 2020-2021 fiscal year, AAFC continued to improve upon on the number of service standards meeting or exceeding targets.

Your feedback

Please share your comments, suggestions or complaints to AAFC's Service and Program Excellence Directorate at:
Service and Program Excellence Directorate
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
1341 Baseline Road, Tower 7, Floor 7, Room 150
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0C6

Where there are no transactions registered related to a service standard, the result is indicated as "N/A" (Not Applicable) and not used in the calculation of the Department's overall service standard performance.

Access to Information and Privacy

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Response is provided within 30 days following receipt of request 100 100

Advance Payment Program

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number and email address before the end of the next business day 80 97

AgriAssurance Program: National Industry Association Component

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number and email address before the end of the next business day 80 100
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 100
Send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 100 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 86
Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented claim 80 98

AgriAssurance Program: Small and Medium-sized Enterprise

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 100
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 100
Send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 75 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 83
Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented claim 80 92


Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number and email address before the end of the next business day 80 94
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 100
Send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 100 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 86
Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented claim 80 100

Agricultural Clean Technology Program

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 100
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 92
Send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 100 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 83
Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented claim 80 100

Agricultural Greenhouse Gases

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 No data available
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 No data available
Send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 100 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 No data available
Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented claim 80 91


Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number and email address before the end of the next business day 80 96
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 100
Send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 100 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 100
Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented claim 80 75


Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 90
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 96
Send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 100 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 67
Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented claim 80 76


Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Percentage of applications processed to issuance of the deposit notice in 45 days or less 85 99

AgriMarketing: National Industry Association

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 95
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 100
Send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 100 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 No data available
Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented claim 80 95

AgriMarketing: Small and Medium-sized Enterprise

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 100
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 No data available
Send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 100 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 No data available
Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented claim 80 90

AgriRisk Initiatives: Administrative Capacity Stream

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number and email address before the end of the next business day 80 100
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 100
Send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 100 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 67
Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented claim 80 No data available

AgriRisk Initiatives: Research and Development Contribution Funding Stream

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 93
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 100
Send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 100 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 80
Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented claim 80 76

AgriRisk Initiatives: Microgrants

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 93
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business days 80 100
Send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 100 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 20
Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented claim 80 100

AgriScience: Projects

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 96
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 93
Send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 100 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 87
Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented claim 80 94


Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Percentage of applications processed to the issuance of a Calculation of Program Benefits statement in 75 days or less 75 88

Canada Brand

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 98
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 100
Send you a final approval or rejection notification within 10 business days following receipt of a fully documented application 80 100

Canada Pavilion Program

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to inquiries before the end of the next business day 80 100
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 100
Send a final approval or rejection notification within 48 hours of receiving the fully documented application 80 100

Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 86
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 65
Assess your application and send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 100 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 63
Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented claim 80 91

Canadian Loans Act Program

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 100
Register loans received from lenders within fifteen (15) business days 80 100

Canadian Soil Information System

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Provide an estimated delivery date for information products within 3 business days 80 98

Dairy Direct Payment Program

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 100

Dairy Farm Investment Program

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 95
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 99
Assess your application and send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 100 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 83
Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented claim 80 89

Dairy Processing Investment Fund

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 100
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 93
Assess your application and send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 100 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 100
Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented claim 80 76

Domestic Statistics and Market Information – Horticulture

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Reports: Daily Update Frequency 80 95
Reports: Weekly Update Frequency 80 73
Reports: Monthly Update Frequency 80 100
Reports: Annual Update Frequency 80 100

Domestic Statistics and Market Information – Poultry and Egg

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Reports: Daily Update Frequency 80 No data available
Reports: Weekly Update Frequency 80 91
Reports: Monthly Update Frequency 80 93
Reports: Annual Update Frequency 80 89

Domestic Statistics and Market Information – Red Meat and Livestock

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Reports: Daily Update Frequency 80 No data available
Reports: Weekly Update Frequency 80 96
Reports: Monthly Update Frequency 80 93
Reports: Annual Update Frequency 80 83

Emergency Processing Fund

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to the program's phone number or email address within two (2) business days 80 100
Acknowledge receipt of applications within one (1) business day 80 100
Assess applications and send approval or rejection notification letters within 50 business days of receiving a complete application package 80 93

Emergency On-Farm Support Fund

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number and email address before the end of the next business day 80 93
Acknowledge receipt of applications within one (1) business day (if you submit your application by mail or fax it may take longer to receive an acknowledgement) 80 99
Process your application within 50 business days 80 89
Process the payment within 30 business days upon receipt of a completed claim form and signed Contribution Agreement 80 85

Farm Debt Mediation Service

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number and email address before the end of the next business day 80 98
Notify you if your application has been accepted or not by the end of the next business day 80 97
Have all necessary documentation sent to creditors and producers 7 business days prior to the mediation meeting 80 84
Schedule the first meeting within 70 calendar days after acceptance of your application 80 89

Geospatial Products

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Provide an estimated delivery date for information products within 3 business days 80 100

Global Analysis

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 100
Provide an estimated delivery date for information products within 3 business days 80 100

Indigenous Agriculture and Food Systems

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 94
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 91
Send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 100 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 36
Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented claim 80 82

Living Laboratories Initaitive: Collaborative Program

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 100
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 No data available
Send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 100 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 No data available
Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented claim 80 100

Local Food Infrastructure Fund: Infrastructure and Equipment Improvement Projects

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 89
Acknowledge receipt of your application within 1 business day 80 99
Send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 100 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 93
Send you a payment within 30 business days of receipt of a duly completed and documented claim 80 95

Mandatory Isolation Support for Temporary Foreign Workers Program

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 94
Acknowledge receipt of the application within three business days 80 91
Process the application within 30 business days 80 60
Process the payment within 30 business days upon receipt of a completed claim form and signed Contribution Agreement 80 69

Market Access Services

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Single Window requests will receive an acknowledgement on the same business day 80 99
Response to your inquiry will follow within 5 business days 80 94

National Agro Climate Information Services (Drought Watch)

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries before the end of the next business day 80 100
Provide an estimated delivery date for information products within 3 business days 80 100

Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 100
Issue a draft co-operative research and development agreement for review 20 days following receipt of all required documentation (work plan, budget, Science Director recommendation, completed risk assessment) 80 100
Respond to a client's enquiry regarding posted licensing opportunities within 5 business days 80 95
Notify successful proponents 20 business days after the close of the RFP. (reported annually in Q4) 80 100

Price Pooling Program

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 100
Send an agreement to the approved applicants for review and signature within 8 weeks following receipt of a duly completed application 80 No data available

Saint-Hyacinthe Research and Development Centre

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 97
Acknowledge receipt of application within 1 business day 80 100
Assess your application and send you an approval or a rejrection decision notification within 10 business days 80 100

Surplus Food Rescue Program

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 95
Acknowledge receipt of applications within one business day 80 97
Assess applications and send approval or a rejection notification letter within 30 business days or less of receiving a complete application package 80 96
Send you a payment within 30 business days of a duly completed and documented claim 80 100

Youth Employment and Skills Program

Service standard Target (%) Results for April 2020 to March 2021 (%)
Respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day 80 99
Acknowledge receipt of application within 1 business day 80 96
Assess your application and send you an approval or a rejection notification letter within 50 business days of receiving a fully complete applicant package 80 100
Send you a payment within 30 business days of a duly completed and documented claim 80 80