Poultry production reports

Chicken, mature chicken, turkey, ducks and geese

Poultry production report (036) Week / Month/year
Report displays the total production within each province for a selected week or weeks and/or selected month(s) or year. It calculates the number of local birds killed within a province plus the number of locally raised birds sent to other provinces minus the number of birds coming from other provinces or countries included in the local slaughter total.

Processed eggs

Processed egg production report (Weekly/monthly, 075/081)
Report displays either weekly or monthly processed egg production, liquid break and shell eggs cooked, for a selected year and an optional week-ending date, with prior year comparison.
Eggs broken report (Weekly/monthly, 077/078/082)
Report displays either weekly or monthly shell eggs broken by grade and region, for a selected year and an optional week-ending date, with prior year comparison.

Link to inventory report provided by Statistics Canada:

Poultry and egg production

Number of farms classified under "Poultry and egg production" in the North American Industry Classification System by census division, 2016

Other reports with egg production information

Canadian egg production (Grading - eggs)
Source: Egg Farmers of Canada

If you have any questions or require additional information, please send an e-mail to aafc.poultry-volaille.aac@agr.gc.ca