2024 AgriStability Program - Coverage Notice Intended Productive Capacity Information Guide

Before you start

Use this guide to complete the AgriStability Coverage Notice Intended Productive Capacity Information form and receive a coverage notice.

Review this guide to make sure you fill out your form correctly. Providing correct information on your form helps us to calculate your coverage notice accurately.

Coverage notice

The coverage notice will provide you with your estimated reference margin and support level for the 2024 program year. We'll calculate your estimated reference margin using the same method of accounting you file to tax (cash or accrual).

The coverage notice is intended to help you better determine if you'll qualify for an AgriStability benefit and help you decide if you should provide the necessary program year supplementary information. If you believe you would not qualify for a benefit, you may choose not to file a final application. It's important to remember the coverage notice is an estimate of your reference margin and support level. Therefore, the Administration won't be responsible if you decide not to apply for a final AgriStability benefit.

For partnerships, each member of the partnership can decide if they want to receive a coverage notice.

For combined operations, all members of the whole farm must report to tax using the same method of accounting and complete the 2024 AgriStability Tax-Aligned Reference Margin Consent form and 2024 AgriStability Intended Productive Capacity Information form to receive a coverage notice.

For cash tax filers, the default method for calculating structural change will be the additive method. For accrual tax filers, the ratio method will remain the default for calculating structural change.

Receive a 2024 AgriStability Coverage Notice in 2 easy steps

Step 1: Complete the 2024 AgriStability Coverage Notice Intended Productive Capacity Information Form

A. To receive an AgriStability Coverage Notice you must:

  • be enrolled in the 2024 program year
  • have opted in for a tax-aligned reference margin
  • complete the 2024 AgriStability Coverage Notice Intended Productive Capacity Information form
  • return the form to the address below by March 31, 2025

Download the 2024 AgriStability Coverage Notice Intended Productive Capacity Information Form.

B. To opt in to a tax-aligned reference margin, you must:

  • complete the 2024 AgriStability Tax-Aligned Reference Margin Consent form
  • return the form to the address below by March 31, 2025

Download the 2024 AgriStability Tax-Aligned Reference Margin Consent Form.

If you need help to complete the forms, call us toll-free at: 1-866-367-8506 or TDD/TTY 613-773-2600.

Confidential information and participant consent

The information you submit on the Intended Productive Capacity Information Form is collected under the authority of section 4 of the Farm Income Protection Act and will be used for the purpose of calculating a Coverage Notice. Your Coverage Notice will show your estimated reference margin and support level for the current program year.

Personal information will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Act. Details of the collection, use, disclosure, and retention of personal information are described in the Personal Information Bank, the Net Income Stabilization Account (NISA), AAFC PPU 183.

By submitting the form, you:

  • are requesting to receive a coverage notice
  • understand that the coverage notice only provides an estimate of your reference margin and support level and the reference margin used to calculate your final benefit may be different from the estimated reference margin on your coverage notice
  • understand you must complete and file a final 2024 AgriStability and AgriInvest form by the final filing deadline if you are applying for benefits
  • understand you must file a 2024 income tax return reporting farming income (loss) by the final filing deadline (except Status Indians and Band farms farming on a reserve in Canada who are exempt from filing an income tax return)
  • certify that the information provided is complete and correct
  • consent to the use and disclosure of the information contained in this form to officials from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the provincial/territorial department responsible for agriculture for:
    • administering your participation in AgriStability
    • verifying the information submitted
    • for purposes of audit, analysis, and evaluation
  • understand and agree that the information you submit may be combined with information of other participants to determine your coverage notice
  • consent to the disclosure of information pertaining to you and your form to the other participants being combined with your information

Mail your completed forms to us at the address below, or fax us, by March 31, 2025.

AgriStability Administration
PO Box 3200
Winnipeg MB R3C 5R7

Fax (toll-free): 1-877-949-4885

Step 2: View your coverage notice in your online My AAFC Account

Sign in or sign up to access your My AAFC Account and view your coverage notice.

If you cannot access your coverage notice with My AAFC Account, call us at 1-877-949-4885 and we'll send it to you.

Important deadlines

April 30, 2024

  • deadline to enrol for the 2024 program year
  • non-penalty deadline to pay your 2024 AgriStability fee (unless your Enrolment Notice shows a different date)

December 31, 2024

  • final deadline to pay your 2024 AgriStability fee with a 20% penalty (unless your Enrolment Notice shows a different date)

March 31, 2025

  • deadline to submit a completed 2024 AgriStability Tax-Aligned Reference Margin Consent form
  • deadline to submit a completed 2024 Coverage Notice Intended Productive Capacity Information form

Where to send your completed forms

Send your completed forms to us by mail, fax or My AAFC Account.

AgriStability Administration
PO Box 3200
Winnipeg MB R3C 5R7

Fax: 1-877-949-4885

My AAFC Account: use the secure online Messages feature in My AAFC Account.

Sign in or sign up to access your My AAFC Account and view your coverage notice and for convenient and secure access to your AgriStability and AgriInvest program information.

Completing your Intended Productive Capacity Information Form

Participant identification

Enter your first and last name, or business name (if applicable). Enter your email address, and your Participant identification number (PIN).

Provide your business tax number if you have been assigned one. Corporations must also provide the RC reference number.

Language of preference

Enter your language of preference.

Method of accounting

Use the same method of reporting (cash or accrual) for AgriStability as you use for income tax.

Enter either:

  • code 1 for accrual method
  • code 2 for cash method

Main farmstead location

Enter the province/territory where all or the majority of your gross farming income was earned over the previous 5 years.

You can find a list of provincial/territorial jurisdictions (Rural Municipalities, Counties, Districts, etc.) in the Regional code list.

Partnership information (if applicable)

Complete this section if you are a partner in a partnership. Enter your percentage share of the partnership.

Enter the PIN, name and percentage share for each partner involved in the partnership.

2024 Intended productive capacity

Operation Number (#)

If you have more than one farming operation:

  • complete a form for each operation
  • number each operation
  • send all forms together

Fiscal period

Enter the year, month and day for the beginning and end of your farm's taxation year. Your farm's 2024 fiscal period must end in the 2024 tax year.

2024 Crop - intended productive capacity

How to complete the columns

Code and crop description

Use the Productive capacity code list to report all crops by code and description that you:

  • produced or expected to produce
  • planned to produce but could not because your land was too wet or too dry to seed

If your crop is not listed, leave the code blank and provide a detailed crop description.


Report the number of acres you produced or expect to produce in the fiscal year.

For commodities not measured by acres, use the standard unit of measurement for that commodity.

Example: acres

Greenhouse and nursery operations (including floriculture) report in square metres.

Maple syrup operations report in hundreds of taps producing. If you have 350 taps producing, report 3.5 (350/100).

Crop share

If you're a tenant in a crop share, or a landlord in a joint venture crop share, report only your share of the acres.

Example: crop share

You rent 300 acres in a crop share agreement. You receive 2/3 of the crop and pay 2/3 of the allowable expenses. Your landlord receives the remaining 1/3 of the crop and pays 1/3 of the allowable expenses.

You report your 2/3 share of the acreage:

  • 200 acres

Your landlord reports their 1/3 share of the acreage:

  • 100 acres
Multi-stage crops

If you grew or plan to grow a multi-stage crop that takes more than one year to reach full production, use the code that reflects the stage of production for the commodity.

Multi stage crops include:

  • Christmas trees
  • echinacea
  • ginseng
  • grapes
  • highbush blueberries
  • sod

In New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, multi-stage crops also include:

  • cranberries
  • lowbush blueberries
Christmas trees

There are 2 types of Christmas tree operations:

  • tree farms
  • managed natural tree stand

Tree farms plant their seedlings in a greenhouse, garden or tree farm and maintain them until harvested.

Report your total acres of trees based on their stage of growth or expected stage of growth at the end of your fiscal period.

To report your trees, use:

  • nursery codes for the seedlings you grow in your greenhouse or garden prior to transplanting to your tree farm
  • code 6960 for the seedlings or trees you planted on your tree farm the first year (establishment stage)
  • codes 6961, 6962, 6963 or 6964 to report your seedlings or trees based on their stage of growth or expected stage of growth

Managed natural tree stand operations select trees from existing forest and actively maintain them until harvest.

Report the acres of trees that you actively maintained as either pre-harvested (in the ground) or harvested (removed from the ground). Base the number of acres you report on 1,000 trees per acre.

Example: Christmas trees

You have or expect to have 9,500 pre-harvested trees at the end of your fiscal year, report 9.5 acres (9,500/1000).

Echinacea and ginseng

Report acres in the establishment stage until the year of harvest.

Grapes and highbush blueberries

Start reporting your acres in the year you plant.


Report your estimated sod acres (seeded, growing and harvested) based on their expected stage at the end of your fiscal year.


Report acres in the establishment stage until production starts.

Lowbush blueberries

Start reporting your acres when you have cleared the land and started nurturing the plants.

Unseedable acres

Report all acres that you planned to seed in your fiscal year but could not because your land was too wet or too dry to seed.

Example: unseedable acres

At the beginning of the year you intended to grow canola on 300 acres. However, you only seeded 200 acres because of flooding. Report 200 for the number of acres and 100 as unseedable acres.

Other acres

Report your summerfallow, pasture or wasteland acres on the designated lines.

2024 Livestock - intended productive capacity

Enter the total units for each category of livestock that you have owned, rented or leased.

Livestock lease agreements

If you lease animals but do not take 100% of the revenue from the animal, report only your share of the agreement.

Example: livestock lease agreements

If you lease 100 cows but only keep 60% of the calf crop, report 60 cows (100 × 60% = 60).

Code 104 - Cattle

Don't include calves that were born or you expect to be born in your fiscal year.

If you held your calves over to your next fiscal period, report them as feeder cattle next year if they have an appreciable gain in that fiscal period.

Codes 123 and 145 – Hogs

Report the number of sows in the breeding herd that farrowed or you expect to farrow.

Calculate the average number of breeding sows by dividing the births or expected births by your average birth rate per sow.

Example: breeding sows

10,000 births ÷ 23 (average birth rate per sow) = 435 (average number of breeding sows)

If your hog operation produced for only part of the year, make sure your average number of breeding sows is lower to reflect your reduced production.

Codes 105 and 106 - Feeder livestock - Cattle

Enter the number of animals you fed that had an appreciable gain in 2024 (a 90 kg/200 lb weight gain or a minimum of 60 days on feed). Group the animals fed based on either:

  • the sale weight, if sold in your fiscal period
  • expected sale weight, if not sold in your fiscal period

Don't include the following animals in this section:

  • breeding animals
  • culls
  • animals that have not been weaned
  • animals born within the operation in the fiscal period
Codes 125 and 124 - Feeder livestock – Hogs

Don't include the following animals on these lines:

  • animals born or you expect to be born within the fiscal year
  • animals previously reported in a farrow to finish operation
  • animals that have not been weaned or you expect will not be weaned
  • breeding animals
  • culls
Code 141 (cattle) and 142 (hogs)

Report the number of animal feed days you had or expect to have. Animal feed days are the number of animals X number of days each animal was fed or will be fed. Report the total number of feed days for the year, not the number of feed days per animal.

Example: animal feed days

100 animals fed × 90 days = 9,000 animal feed days

Supply managed commodities

Report the amount of quota or contract you have or expect to have.

Ranch fur operators

Report the number of females that birthed or you expect to birth.


Use the Productive capacity code list to find the codes and units needed to report your livestock not listed on the form. If the commodity is not listed, enter a description and leave the code blank.

Productive capacity code list for crops

  • Use the commodity code in your province unless stated otherwise.
  • Report the total acres for all crops included in a commodity basket that you produced or expect to produce.

Crop basket (excluding organic): Code 1


  • Barley
  • Beans, dried
  • Buckwheat
  • Camelina
  • Canary seed
  • Canola
  • Chickpeas
  • Corn
  • Fababeans
  • Flax
  • Greenfeed
  • Hemp
  • Kamut
  • Lentils
  • Linola
  • Millet
  • Mixed grain
  • Mustard
  • Niger seed
  • Oats
  • Oilseed radish
  • Peas
  • Quinoa
  • Rapeseed
  • Rye
  • Safflower
  • Screenings
  • Silage
  • Soybeans
  • Spelt
  • Sunflower
  • Sunola
  • Triticale
  • Wheat

Forage basket: Code 2


  • Alfalfa
  • Hay
  • Haylage
  • Swath grazing

Vegetable basket: Code 3


  • Asparagus
  • Beans, fresh
  • Beets
  • Bok choi
  • Broccoflower
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Cantaloupes
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Collards
  • Corn, sweet
  • Cucumbers
  • Edible flowers
  • Eggplant
  • Endive
  • Fiddle heads
  • Garlic
  • Gherkins
  • Gourds
  • Hazelnuts
  • Horseradish
  • Kale
  • Kohlrabi
  • Leeks
  • Lettuce
  • Melons
  • Onions
  • Parsnips
  • Peas
  • Peppers, green
  • Pumpkin
  • Radish
  • Rhubarb
  • Rutabagas
  • Salsify
  • Scorzonera
  • Shallots
  • Spinach
  • Squash
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Swiss chard
  • Tomatoes
  • Turnips
  • Walnuts
  • Watermelon
  • Zucchini

Forage seed basket: Code 4


  • Alfalfa seed
  • Bentgrass seed
  • Birdsfoot seed
  • Black medic
  • Blue grama seed
  • Bromes seed
  • Chickling vetch seed
  • Clover seed
  • Fescue seed
  • Grass seed
  • Milkvetch seed
  • Native seed
  • Niger thistle
  • Rye grass seed
  • Sainfoin seed
  • Sloughgrass
  • Timothy seed
  • Wheat grass seed

Organic crop basket: Code 6


  • Organic Barley
  • Organic Beans
  • Organic Buckwheat
  • Organic Camelina
  • Organic Canary seed
  • Organic Canola
  • Organic Caraway seed
  • Organic Chickpeas
  • Organic Corn
  • Organic Fababeans
  • Organic Flax
  • Organic Kamut
  • Organic Lentils
  • Organic Linola
  • Organic Mixed grain
  • Organic Mustard
  • Organic Oats
  • Organic Peas
  • Organic Quinoa
  • Organic Radish seed
  • Organic Rye
  • Organic Safflower
  • Organic Screenings
  • Organic Soybeans
  • Organic Spelt
  • Organic Sunflower
  • Organic Sunola
  • Organic Triticale
  • Organic Wheat

Herbs and spices basket: Code 9


  • Anise
  • Arugula
  • Basil
  • Borage
  • Caraway seed
  • Chervil
  • Chives
  • Cilantro
  • Comfrey
  • Coriander
  • Cumin
  • Dill
  • Echinacea
  • Evening primrose
  • Fennel
  • Fenugreek
  • Fireweed
  • Gingko biloba
  • Ginseng
  • Kenaf
  • Lavender
  • Lemon balm
  • Marjoram
  • Mint
  • Monarda
  • Oregano
  • Parsley
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • St. John's wort
  • Stevia
  • Summer savory
  • Tarragon
  • Thyme
  • Watercress

Edible horticulture

Code Description
5030 Apples
5031 Apples, organic
5032 Apricots
5034 Artichokes
5000 Blackberries
5060 Blueberries, high bush (non-bearing year)
5059 Blueberries, high bush (planting year)
5061 Blueberries, high bush (years 1 to 2 of production)
5064 Blueberries, high bush (years 10+ of production)
5062 Blueberries, high bush (years 3 to 6 of production)
5063 Blueberries, high bush (years 7 to 9 of production)
5038 Cherries, sour
5040 Cherries, sweet
5007 Currants, black
5009 Currants, red
5010 Elderberries
5012 Gooseberries
5042 Grapefruit
4996 Grapes (non-bearing year)
4995 Grapes (planting year)
4997 Grapes (year 1 of production)
4998 Grapes (year 2+ of production)
5021 Haskap
5044 Kiwi fruit
5046 Lemons
5016 Loganberries
6930 Maple syrup
6931 Maple syrup, vacuum
6928 Mushrooms, brown
6929 Mushrooms, white
6934 Mustard leaves
5048 Nectarines
6922 Okra
5050 Oranges
5052 Peaches
5054 Pears
5056 Plums
7204 Potatoes, elite 1
7206 Potatoes, elite 2
7200 Potatoes, mini-tuber
6991 Potatoes, organic
7202 Potatoes, pre-elite
6990 Potatoes, processing
6992 Potatoes, seed
6994 Potatoes, sweet
6996 Potatoes, table
5058 Prunes
5018 Raspberries
6933 Rice, wild
5020 Saskatoon berries
5022 Sea buckthorn, berries
5024 Strawberries
5066 Wine (bottled)
5067 Wine (bulk/pre-bottled)

Edible horticulture for New Brunswick and Nova Scotia only

Code Description
5099 Blueberries, lowbush (burn/sprout/mow)
5095 Blueberries, lowbush (establishment stage)
5098 Blueberries, lowbush (mature/full production)
5096 Blueberries, lowbush (primary production – 1st and 2nd harvest crop)
5097 Blueberries, lowbush (secondary production – 3rd and 4th harvest crop)
4990 Cranberries (establishment stage)
4991 Cranberries (1st year of production)
4992 Cranberries (2nd year of production)
4993 Cranberries (3rd year of production)
4994 Cranberries (4+ years of production)

Edible horticulture for Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Yukon Territory only

Code Description
5004 Blueberries, lowbush
5006 Cranberries

Inedible horticulture

Code Description
6959 Bedding plants
5001 Blackberry plants
5005 Blueberry plants
6960 Christmas trees, (establishment)
6961 Christmas trees, (1st to 2nd years)
6962 Christmas trees, (3rd to 5th years)
6963 Christmas trees, (6th to 9th years)
6964 Christmas trees, (9+ years)
6966 Christmas trees, natural stand, harvested
6965 Christmas trees, natural stand, pre-harvest
5011 Currants, bushes
6951 Flowers, fresh cut
7106 Perennials, 1 gallon, indoor
7108 Perennials, 2 gallon, indoor
7110 Perennials, 1 gallon, field/container
7112 Perennials, 2 gallon, field/container
7104 Perennials, 4 inch
7102 Perennials, plugs/liners
7130 Perennials, potted, indoor
7132 Perennials, potted, outdoor, nursery
7134 Perennials, rootstock, field grown
7101 Plants, potted
6957 Raspberry plants (canes)
7073 Rhubarb plants
6943 Sod, acres growing
6945 Sod, acres harvested
6941 Sod, acres seeded
6956 Strawberry, plants
7117 Trees and shrubs, ball and burlap, field
7118 Trees and shrubs, 1 gallon, indoor
7120 Trees and shrubs, 2 gallon, indoor
7122 Trees and shrubs, 5 gallon, indoor
7124 Trees and shrubs, 1 gallon, field/container
7126 Trees and shrubs, 2 gallon, field/container
7128 Trees and shrubs, 5 gallon, field/container
7116 Trees and shrubs, 4 inch
7129 Trees and shrubs, caliper, field stock
7115 Trees and shrubs, high value ball and burlap, field stock
7114 Trees and shrubs, plugs/liners

Productive capacity code list for livestock

Code Description Units
100 Alpaca Number of females that have birthed
101 Bison Number of females that have birthed
159 Blue leg, breeder hatching eggs Number of producing hens
158 Blue leg, broilers Number sold
104 Cattle Number of females that have birthed
171 Cattle, bred heifers Number sold
151 Cattle, semen Number of straws sold
108 Chickens, breeder, broiler hatching eggs Number of producing hens
143 Chickens, broilers Number of kg produced
109 Chickens, layers, eggs for consumption Number of producing hens
197 Chickens, pullets Number of animals fed
157 Chickens, Taiwanese, breeder, hatching eggs Number of producing hens
156 Chickens, Taiwanese, broilers Number sold
193 Chinchillas Number of females that have birthed
181 Custom fed bison Number of animal feed days
141 Custom fed cattle Number of animal feed days
198 Custom fed chicken pullets Number of animals fed
190 Custom fed elk Number of animal feed days
184 Custom fed goats Number of animal feed days
142 Custom fed hogs Number of animal feed days
200 Custom fed mink Number of animals fed
182 Custom fed sheep Number of animal feed days
115 Deer Number of females that have birthed
175 Deer, feeders Number of animals fed
152 Deer, semen Number of straws sold
178 Donkeys Number of females that have birthed
168 Ducks, breeder, hatching eggs Number of producing hens
116 Ducks, broilers Number sold
117 Elk Number of females that have birthed
118 Elk, bulls producing velvet Number of bulls producing
173 Elk, feeders Number of animals fed
150 Elk, semen Number of straws sold
119 Emu Number of females that have birthed
102 Feeder bison (fed up to 700 lbs) Number of animals fed
105 Feeder cattle (fed up to 900 lbs) Number of animals fed
112 Feeder dairy cattle (fed up to 900 lbs) Number of animals fed
103 Finished bison (fed over 700 lbs) Number of animals fed
106 Finished cattle (fed over 900 lbs) Number of animals fed
111 Finished dairy cattle (fed over 900 lbs) Number of animals fed
194 Fox Number of females that have birthed
169 Geese, breeder, hatching eggs Number of producing hens
121 Geese, broiler Number sold
122 Goats Number of females that have birthed
191 Goats, dairy Number of females in milk producing herd
183 Goats, feeders Number of animals fed
123 Hogs, farrow to finish Number of females that have birthed
145 Hogs, farrowing Number of females that have birthed
124 Hogs, feeders (fed over 50 lbs) Number of animals fed
180 Hogs, gilts Number sold
125 Hogs, nursery (fed up to 50 lbs) Number of animals fed
149 Hogs, semen Number of straws sold
126 Honey bees, producing (hives) Number of hives producing
127 Horses Number of females that have birthed
176 Horses, feeders Number of animals fed
192 Horses, semen Number of straws sold
129 Leaf cutter bees, producing (gallons) Number of gallons of bees pollinating
130 Llama Number of females that have birthed
113 Milk quota, milkfat Number of kg of butterfat/day
195 Mink Number of females that have birthed
132 Ostrich Number of females that have birthed
161 Partridge, breeder, hatching eggs Number of producing hens
160 Partridge, broilers Number sold
163 Pheasant, ring-necked, breeder, hatching eggs Number of producing hens
162 Pheasant, ring-necked, broilers Number sold
165 Pheasant, white, breeder, hatching eggs Number of producing hens
164 Pheasant, white, broilers Number sold
128 Pregnant mare urine (PMU) produced Number of grams contracted
167 Quail, breeder, hatching eggs Number of producing hens
166 Quail, broilers Number sold
174 Quail, layers, eggs for consumption Number of producing hens
196 Rabbits Number of females that have birthed
187 Red deer Number of females that have birthed
186 Red deer, bulls producing velvet Number of bulls producing
188 Red deer, semen Number of straws sold
136 Reindeer Number of females that have birthed
137 Rheas Number of females that have birthed
138 Sheep Number of females that have birthed
172 Sheep, feeders Number of animals fed
155 Silkies, breeder, hatching eggs Number of producing hens
154 Silkies, broilers Number sold
170 Squab, breeding set Number of breeding sets
153 Turkeys, breeder, hatching eggs Number of producing hens
144 Turkeys, broilers Number of kgs produced
199 Turkeys, poults Number of poults hatched
140 Wild boar Number of females that have birthed
177 Wild boar, finishers Number of animals fed

Regional code list


Municipality Number Municipality Name
600 Alexander
601 Alonsa
102 Argyle
602 Armstrong
105 Bifrost-Riverton
153 Boissevain-Morton
109 Brenda-Waskada
110 Brokenhead
112 Cartier
167 Cartwright-Roblin
114 Clanwilliam-Erickson
115 Coldwell
116 Cornwallis
118 Dauphin
119 De Salaberry
205 Deloraine-Winchester
120 Dufferin
121 East St. Paul
101 Ellice-Archie
124 Elton
127 Emerson-Franklin
126 Ethelbert
605 Fisher
323 Gilbert Plains
129 Gimli
187 Glenboro-South Cypress
142 Glenella-Lansdowne
606 Grahamdale
132 Grandview
111 Grassland
133 Grey
331 Hamiota
135 Hanover
609 Harrison Park
208 Headingley
182 Hillsburg-Roblin-Shell River
604 Kelsey
196 Killarney-Turtle Mountain
138 La Broquerie
139 Lac Du Bonnet
143 Lakeshore
144 Lorne
145 Louise
146 Macdonald
147 McCreary
149 Minitonas-Bowsman
159 Minto-Odanah
151 Montcalm
152 Morris
154 Mossey River
617 Mountain
188 Norfolk Treherne
155 North Cypress-Langford
156 North Norfolk
999 Northern Region
157 Oakland-Wawanesa
107 Oakview
161 Pembina
610 Piney
162 Pipestone
163 Portage La Prairie
192 Prairie Lakes
403 Prairie View
611 Reynolds
164 Rhineland
181 Riding Mountain West
165 Ritchot
443 Riverdale
168 Rockwood
169 Roland
170 Rosedale
353 Rossburn
172 Rosser
445 Russell-Binscarth
184 Sifton
449 Souris-Glenwood
189 Springfield
174 St. Andrews
176 St. Clements
177 St. Francois Xavier
178 St. Laurent
190 Stanley
175 Ste. Anne
359 Ste. Rose
612 Stuartburn
193 Swan Valley West
194 Tache
195 Thompson
122 Two Borders
197 Victoria
198 Victoria Beach
199 Wallace-Woodworth
185 West Interlake
201 West St. Paul
200 Westlake-Gladstone
202 Whitehead
203 Whitemouth
590 Winnipeg, City
206 Woodlands
183 Yellowhead

Nova Scotia

County number County name
5 Annapolis
14 Antigonish
17 Cape Breton
10 Colchester
11 Cumberland
3 Digby
13 Guysbourough
9 Halifax
8 Hants
15 Inverness
7 Kings
6 Lunenburg
12 Pictou
4 Queens
16 Richmond
1 Shelburne
18 Victoria
2 Yarmouth

New Brunswick

County number County name
6 Albert
11 Carleton
2 Charlotte
15 Gloucester
8 Kent
5 Kings
13 Madawaska
9 Northumberland
4 Queens
14 Restigouche
1 St John
3 Sunbury
12 Victoria
7 Westmorland
10 York


District number District name
1 Dawson-Mayo
2 Kluane
3 Pelly-Faro-Carmacks
4 Watson Lake
5 Whitehorse