Appendix B - Annual Variety Request for Proposal

Proponents must submit their proposal using the Proposal Submission Form, and a separate proposal must be submitted for each variety.

This Web document is not a form. Its purpose is to display the information as found on the form for viewing purposes only. If you wish to submit a proposal, you must use the version from the Alternative Formats section. Please complete, print and send the form by mail or fax.

If you cannot access the alternative format, please contact Stephen Capelle at

Please mail to:

Stephen Capelle
Commercialization Officer
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
500-303 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3G7
Fax: 204-259-4169

Proposal Submission Form

Privacy Statement: Any personal information provided will be protected under the provisions of the Privacy Act.

1. Company Profile

Certificate of Incorporation

If you have not previously supplied Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) with a copy of the company's certificate of incorporation, you are required to attach a copy to your proposal. In the case of a registered limited partnership: the proposal must show the general partner's name and address (no box numbers), phone, fax, and email address.

Are you willing to keep this proposal valid and open for acceptance or further negotiation for one year following the closing date?
Proposed Initial Term of License
Renewal Period
Proposed Territory

The License Territory for all wheat and barley varieties that are developed under the Western Grains Research Foundation Wheat/Barley Cultivar Funding Agreements, is initially restricted to only Canada until 3 years of considerable seeds sales have occurred.

If the (initial) License Territory is only Canada, do you anticipate requesting an extension to the License Territory to include the United States?
List of seed growers, attached.
Specimen Agreement between Company and seed grower attached.
How does your Company dispose of unused seed stocks?

2. Marketing and Production Strategy

Are there plans to sub-license?
Will you support applying for Plant Breeders' Rights?
Will you support applying for Plant Variety Protection (United States)?
Propose up to three names for the variety:

Will a winter nursery be utilized at the Company's expense?
Please complete the following tables 1 to 3.

Table 1 - Estimated Area Planted by Seed Class - specify units


Year of
Commercial Release
Seed for
Pilot Marketing
Select Foundation Registered Certified
(20 )
(20 )
(20 )
(20 )

Table 2 - Estimated Seed Production by Seed Class - specify units

(either tonnes or tons)
Year of
Commercial Release
Seed for
Pilot Marketing
Select Foundation Registered Certified
(20 )
(20 )
(20 )
(20 )

Table 3 - Estimated Seed Volumes to be Offered for Sale by Seed Class - specify units

(tonnes or tons)
Year of
Commercial Release
Foundation Registered Certified
(20 )
(20 )
(20 )
(20 )

3. Financial Offer

The Company's financial offer consists of the following:

a) Payment for the cost of Variety Registration
b) Payment for Plant Breeders' Rights
c) Payment for Plant Variety Protection
% or dollars.

*Payment of royalty may be based on a flat rate, stepped or bonus basis calculated against the sale of pedigreed seed (where "pedigreed" means all classes covered under the license agreement, including Select, Foundation, Registered, and Certified) on a per tonne basis or otherwise; an amount of any guaranteed, staggered, or minimum payments; or payment of any other amounts or structures that ensure a firm income stream to AAFC, including a percentage of consideration received from sub-licensees.

4. Investment

Will you support replicated adaptation and performance trials?
Will you supply seed for Provincial Variety Trials and pay the entry fees?
Do you plan to use demonstration sites?

Alternative Formats

Proposal Submission Form (PDF Version, 88 KB)