2021-22 Departmental Plan - Up-front multi-year funding

General information on up-front multi-year funding to the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute

Name of recipient The Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute
Start date December 14, 2006
End date March 31, 2022
Link to departmental result(s) Not applicable
Link to department's Program Inventory Not applicable
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The conditional grant for the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute encourages independent policy research benefitting the Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector. The grant will help ensure continued success in building an inclusive and forward-looking dialogue on the future of Canadian agriculture, and provide a stable and sustained forum to discuss issues of importance to the industry.
Total funding approved (dollars) $15,000,000
Total funding received (dollars) $15,000,000
Planned funding in 2021-22 (dollars) Not applicable
Planned funding in 2022-23 (dollars) Not applicable
Planned funding in 2023-24 (dollars) Not applicable
Summary of recipient's annual plans

The 2021–22 fiscal year will be a transition year for Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute (CAPI) as it is the last year of the current funding arrangement with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. The funding arrangement not only breathed life into CAPI and enabled it to undertake 15 years of policy research, but it empowered CAPI's independence. This independence is a critical asset for a think-tank charged with offering collaboration, insight and connection for governments, industry, academia, and other partners.

As part of the transition, CAPI is refreshing its work plan, priorities, and activities. Building on the critical challenges adopted in the 2020–21 Business Plan, CAPI is evolving towards a tiered approach with a longer-term grand challenge for the agri-food system, underpinned by shorter-term critical challenges for the environment, markets and food security. These challenges will drive CAPI's plans, priorities, and activities for 2021–22.

  • Grand Challenge:
    • A more resilient agri-food system that produces more and better, more sustainably and profitably, to meet the growing needs and wants of consumers in Canada and around the world.
  • Critical Challenges:
    • Environment: Securing agriculture's role as a climate change and biodiversity solutions provider.
    • Markets: Leveraging Canada's assets and trade access to increase prosperity and resiliency.
    • Food Security: Strengthening Canada's position as a source of global food security.
    • Leadership: Reinforcing Canada's, and its agriculture and agri-food systems, strategic thinking and respected leadership at home and around the world.

While some may see threats in these challenges, CAPI sees significant opportunities for the sector. Canada's agriculture and agri-food system's potential is great if it can come together to maximize the potential for sustainable prosperity and long-term growth.

CAPI has identified common threads that connect these challenges and are vital to turning them into opportunities. First, natural, human, financial and social capital are the assets that the sector needs to smartly deploy. Second, these assets will need to be deployed through enhanced innovation, sustainable intensification, increased competitiveness, rules-based trade and enhanced strategic thinking.

CAPI will undertake a series of research, analysis and policy development in 2021–22 that is grounded in its approach of independent, neutral, evidence-based policy development. In addition, the subsequent activities highlight new activities and approaches CAPI is committed to taking in 2021–22.

  • Securing agriculture's role as a carbon and biodiversity solutions provider
  • Leveraging Canada's assets and trade access to increase prosperity and resiliency
  • Understanding high impact high likelihood risks to the Canadian agri-food system
  • Strategic thinking and respected leadership at home and around the world to minimize risk and maximize opportunity
  • Research and outreach that connects agriculture and agri-food success to climate and environment solutions
  • Dialogues and outreach the builds an international coalition of the willing linking sustainable intensification, environment trade and food security.
  • Supply chain efficiencies in the retail ecosystem