Grape growers in eastern Canada are faced with a variety of insect pests and diseases that are still largely unfamiliar and that could have adverse effects on the yield of their vineyards. Leafhoppers, one of the many insect pests of grapevines, not only feed directly on grape foliage but also are vectors of pathogens that cause various diseases, including phytoplasma diseases.
This technical bulletin is designed to aid in the identification of the main species of leafhoppers and reservoir plants associated with eastern Canadian vineyards and in the detection of phytoplasma diseases. It presents methods for managing leafhopper populations and reducing the risk of phytoplasma transmission. It also briefly outlines rearing and analysis techniques to help the reader understand how the grapevine–leafhopper–phytoplasma system is being studied.
The guide is intended for use by growers, scouts, extension specialists, educators, and other agriculture service providers as a tool to support Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
Biology and integrated management of leafhoppers and phytoplasma diseases of vineyards in eastern Canada is available through the Government of Canada Publications website.
For more information, contact Charles Vincent at