The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) is a new free trade agreement between Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam. The CPTPP entered into force for Canada on December 30, 2018, providing new opportunities for Canadian exporters of agriculture and agri-food products. The agreement will form a trading bloc between 11 countries that represent 13.5% of global GDP and almost 500 million consumers.
Canada is one of the first six countries to bring the agreement into force, which will ensure we retain first-mover advantage in many thriving Asia-Pacific markets. So far, 9 CPTPP signatories have ratified the Agreement: Mexico, Japan, Singapore, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Vietnam, Peru and Malaysia. For the remaining signatories (Brunei Darussalam and Chile), the CPTPP will enter into force for each country 60 days after they have ratified the Agreement.
What the CPTPP will mean for our industry
The CPTPP will give Canadian agriculture and agri-food products preferential market access to all CPTPP countries. As the CPTPP is implemented, tariffs will be eliminated or reduced on a wide range of Canadian exports for the agricultural sector, including: meat, grains, pulses, maple syrup, wines and spirits, seafood, and agri-food products.
Find information on enhanced opportunities, tariff reductions, rules of origin and product classification:
Read the Global Affairs Canada overview of the CPTPP and Canada's agriculture and agri-food sector for more information.
Tools to help you get export-ready
More information on the CPTPP
Global Affairs Canada provides additional information, including the full text of the agreement, frequently asked questions, overview and background.
Agri-Food Trade Services for Exporters
Find services to help you achieve your international business goals and export your Canadian agriculture and food products to global markets.
Agri-Food Trade Commissioner Service
Reach in-market Trade Commissioner expertise that can bridge the gap between your products and CPTPP markets.
Agriculture and Food Trade Show Service
Learn about upcoming trade missions and events to help promote your products and services while interacting with new and established contacts in the world's most dynamic markets.
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