2021 priority – Integrated Pest Management

The Pest Management Centre (PMC) is pleased to announce that the new Integrated Pest Management (IPM) priority project has been selected as the result of the merit analyses conducted on the six proposed candidates prioritized by stakeholders at the 2021 Canadian Pest Management Priority Setting Workshops. This year marked the first time that the PMC introduced an additional priority selection opportunity inviting stakeholders to include pest issues in need of a systems based, integrated management solution approach as part of the national lists and nominate IPM proposals to address these. The new IPM A project marks the 30th priority selected for support by PMC in 2021.

The merit of the proposed candidates was assessed by using seven pre-set criteria, including:

  1. available tools suitable for IPM;
  2. scientific capacity within Agriculture and Agri-food Canada to lead development;
  3. economic margins to implement a potential IPM toolkit;
  4. alignment with IR-4 priorities;
  5. relevance of crop and pest;
  6. feasibility and cost of trials; and
  7. likelihood of success for the project.

In consideration of the results of the merit analysis conducted by PMC and in consultation with a panel of Provincial Minor Use Coordinators, we have reached a consensus decision to support the following project:

Discipline Submitting Province(s) Target Pest
(Scientific Name)
Target Crop(s) Project Type
Entomology Ontario and
Root maggots (Delia radicum, D. floralis, D. planipalpis, D. platura, and D. florilega) Brassica vegetables Integrated Pest Management System

The IPM project will be implemented as a pilot in 2022 and will be jointly coordinated by the PMC’s Pesticide Risk Reduction and the Minor Use Pesticide teams.

This project aims to co-develop, evaluate and demonstrate a promising integrated system that combines a variety of available pest control options in the toolbox, including conventional and non-conventional products and practices, into an environmentally sound and economically viable management approach for the target pest and crop.

We look forward to collaborate with our provincial partners and grower representatives as we move forward onto the project development stage in the coming months.