AgriMarketing Program: Questionnaire On Diversification

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Instructions for completing this form

You can use either the Questionnaire (PDF) version of the form or the Web version below.

Please respond to all questions below.

Your responses will assist the AgriMarketing Program to assess whether eligible activities in your project are focused on market diversification. If so, a more favourable cost share of a maximum of 70% AAFC and a minimum of 30% Applicant may be available for these eligible activities.

Please complete, print, sign, scan and save this form. You must then submit it with the Project Application Form (PDF).

1. For any of the markets listed in your work plan, has Canada exported less than 10% of the product into the target market on average per year over the past three years based on Statistics Canada trade data?
2. Are you exporting to markets that have free trade agreements with Canada?
3. Are you targeting a market or segment of a market to promote a product for alternative or new uses?
4. Type of activity – Does your project include any of the following types of activity (check any that apply)