Coordinated Agriculture Policy Research Initiative – 1. What this service offers

1. What this service offers

Intake period: Closed

The Coordinated Agriculture Policy Research Initiative intake period is now closed.

The Coordinated Agriculture Policy Research Initiative (CAPRI) is intended to establish an innovative mechanism between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) and academia. The CAPRI is designed to increase collaboration by sponsoring projects developed in partnership with the academic community and AAFC staff. It allows for government and academia to engage constructively in economic research and establishes a welcoming, safe place for university Principal Investigators (PIs) and their graduate students to experiment with AAFC’s data and models.

The overall objective of CAPRI is to enhance evidence-based policy development in the agriculture and agri-food sector in Canada.

How CAPRI works

AAFC makes resources available to the academic community, including data and models as well as departmental experts, to undertake short-term policy relevant research. Data and models, which may not otherwise be available outside of AAFC, are made accessible on a project-by-project basis. The following page, CAPRI – Selective Data and Models Inventory provides a brief description of the types of data and models that are currently available to researchers.

A contract is put in place for approved projects. Deliverables include a brief report of research findings and a presentation of findings to AAFC.