Central Experimental Farm Advisory Council

The Central Experimental Farm Advisory Council was established in 1999 to ensure public participation in the Farm's management. This followed public consultations in 1998 that gathered the opinions of some 1,400 individuals and organizations.

The Advisory Council has 11 members delegated by councils, associations and committees representing a broad spectrum of local and national interests. These members solicit opinions and advice from the organizations they represent and provide advice and recommendations to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) on the future of the Farm.

The Council provides public input in accordance with the principles contained in the Commemorative Integrity Statement. Developed by Parks Canada and AAFC, this statement establishes the basis for managing the heritage values of the Farm.

For more information on the Commemorative Integrity Statement, the Central Experimental Farm Advisory Council, its terms of reference and members, or to get the date of the Council's next meeting, Central Experimental Farm - Contact us.

Council Members

  • Friends of the Central Experimental Farm
    • Eric Jones (Chair)
  • Heritage Ottawa
    • Leslie Maitland
  • The National Trust for Canada
    • Chris Wiebe
  • Canadian Institute of Planners
    • Rajbir Sian
  • Fletcher Wildlife Garden
    • Sandra Garland
  • Federation of Citizen's Associations of Ottawa
    • Robert Brinker
  • Canadian Society of Landscape Architects
    • John Zvonar
  • 4-H Canada
    • Elizabeth Jarvis
  • National Farmers Union
    • Richard Coote
  • Canada Agriculture and Food Museum
    • Kerry-Leigh Burchill