Administrative Burden Baseline: Update 2024

The Administrative Burden Baseline provides Canadians with a clear metric of the total number of requirements in federal regulations and associated forms that impose administrative burden on business. This baseline count contributes to the openness and transparency of the federal regulatory system. Administrative burden includes planning, collecting, processing and reporting of information, completing forms and retaining data required by the federal government to comply with a regulation.

All federal regulations administered by the Agriculture and Agri-Food Portfolio that have requirements that impose administrative burden on business are identified below. The total 2024 count is 1,491. The total June 30, 2014 baseline count was 1,972.

Between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024, the Agriculture and Agri-Food Portfolio's total count of administrative burden requirements decreased by 47 counts. The counts previously listed for the Farm Products Council of Canada (FPCC) were removed as they were determined to not meet the definition of administrative burden; either because the organizations they govern are not businesses, or because the requirements imposed are operationally necessary and therefore do not count as administrative burden.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Title of the regulation Statutory Order and Regulation Number 2024 count
Agricultural Marketing Programs Regulations SOR/99-295 13
Canadian Agricultural Loans Regulations SOR/99-122 109
Livestock Pedigree Associations Winding-up Regulations SOR/80-182 6
Wheat and Barley Research, Market Development and Technical Assistance Regulations SOR/2012-152 5
Total count for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada: 133
Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency
Title of the regulation Statutory Order and Regulation Number 2024 count
Pari-Mutuel Betting Supervision Regulations SOR/91-365 303
Racing Products Transfer and Loan Regulations SOR/85-730 1
Total count for the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency: 304
Canadian Grain Commission
Title of the regulation Statutory Order and Regulation Number 2024 count
Canada Grain Regulations C.R.C., c. 889 1,050
Total count for the Canadian Grain Commission: 1,050
Canadian Dairy Commission
Title of the regulation Statutory Order and Regulation Number 2024 count
Dairy Products Marketing Regulations SOR/94-466 2
European Economic Community Aged Cheddar Cheese Export Regulations SOR/91-84 2
Total count for the Canadian Dairy Commission: 4

Total 2024 Count for the Agriculture and Agri-Food Portfolio: 1,491

Previous years' counts for the Agriculture and Agri-Food Portfolio are available upon request.


Agriculture and Agri-Food Portfolio

For more information

To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit the Canada Gazette and Consulting with Canadians websites.