2020–21 Departmental Plan - Details on transfer payment programs

Details on transfer payment programs of $5 million or more/h2>

AgriAssurance program (Voted)

3-year plan for AgriAssurance program (Voted)
Start date April 1, 2018
End date March 31, 2023
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Voted appropriation annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18 (Terms and conditions approved)
Link to departmental results The agriculture and agri-food sector is equipped with assurance systems and supporting tools
Link to department's Program Inventory Assurance Program
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The Assurance Program provides support to the Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector in its endeavour to prevent and control risk to the animal and plant resource base, provide safe food and meet new market demands for assurance. The program also provides funding to support the Canadian sector in identifying, developing, verifying, disseminating and utilizing assurance systems, standards and related tools.
Expected results

The expected result:

  • The agriculture and agri-food sector is equipped with assurance systems and supporting tools.

The performance indicator related to the expected result:

  • Percentage of implementation plans for assurance projects reported to be functioning.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2016-17 Evaluation of Growing Forward 2 AgriMarketing Stream D: Assurance Systems (predecessor to the AgriAssurance Program).
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2021-22
General targeted recipient groups Industry related.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Stakeholders were engaged as part of the Government's national consultations on the Canadian Agricultural Partnership.
Financial information (dollars) - AgriAssurance program (Voted)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 19,691,353 12,280,000 12,280,000 12,280,000
Total program 19,691,353 12,280,000 12,280,000 12,280,000

Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the Department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process as presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in future Estimates, as applicable.

Agricultural Clean Technology program (Voted)

3-year plan for Agricultural Clean Technology program (Voted)
Start date April 1, 2018
End date March 31, 2021
Type of transfer payment Contribution 
Type of appropriation Voted appropriation annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18 (Terms and conditions approved)
Link to departmental results The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector is effective in transforming ideas into new products, processes or practices
Link to department's Program Inventory Federal, Provincial and Territorial Cost-shared Science, Research, Innovation and Environment
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

The objective of the Agricultural Clean Technology Program is to promote sustainable growth in Canada's agriculture and agri-food sector while helping drive the change required to achieve a low carbon economy, through investments in the areas of precision agriculture and agri-based bioproducts.

The program provides non-repayable contributions to provincial and territorial governments to support activities along the innovation continuum - from research and development to commercialization, demonstration and adoption – with the aim of accelerating and contributing to the advancement and adoption of clean technologies in Canadian agriculture.

Expected results

The expected result:

  • Increased investment by provincial and territorial governments in clean technologies in the agriculture and agri-food sector, and
  • Increased development, demonstration, commercialization and adoption of clean technologies in agriculture.

The performance indicators related to the expected result:

  • The ratio of leveraged provincial and territorial investments against federal funding; and
  • The number of agricultural clean technology projects that are supported through the program.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not Applicable
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not Applicable
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2022-23
General targeted recipient groups Eligible recipients are provincial and territorial governments in Canada, for-profit and not-for-profit organizations incorporated in Canada.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Eligible recipients are being engaged through correspondence,  teleconferences, promotional material and other activities.
Financial information (dollars) Agricultural Clean Technology program (Voted)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 7,500,000 9,000,000 0 0
Total program 7,500,000 9,000,000 0 0

Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the Department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process as presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in future Estimates, as applicable.

Agricultural Disaster Relief program / AgriRecovery (Statutory)

3-year plan for Agricultural Disaster Relief program / AgriRecovery (Statutory)
Start date April 1, 2018
End date March 31, 2023
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Statutory authority (Farm Income Protection Act)
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18 (Terms and conditions approved)
Link to departmental results The agricultural sector is financially resilient
Link to department's Program Inventory AgriRecovery
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program AgriRecovery is a disaster relief framework that allows governments to work efficiently together to assess the impacts of natural disasters on Canadian producers and respond when needed with targeted, disaster-specific initiatives. Initiatives developed under the program are intended to help producers beyond the support available through existing programming to cover the extraordinary costs necessary to recover from a disaster event and resume business operations as quickly as possible.
Expected results

The expected result:

  • Recipients are supported in their recovery from natural disasters.

The performance indicator related to the expected result:

  • Percentage of recipients for whom payments played an important role in their recovery from a disaster.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2016-17
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2021-22 (Evaluation of Business Risk Management Programs)
General targeted recipient groups Payments under AgriRecovery initiatives are directed to agricultural producers including individuals, cooperatives, corporations, communal organizations, trusts and other entities that meet the requirements outlined in the terms and conditions for the program.  Most AgriRecovery initiatives are delivered through provinces or territories (or their agents). Through a contribution agreement, the federal government cost shares the costs of delivery as well as program payments.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

The process for AgriRecovery begins when one or more provincial/territorial government(s) requests an assessment of a disaster event in writing. Once the request has been made, a joint federal and provincial/territorial task team conducts an AgriRecovery assessment. As needed, the task team consults with affected producers, industry representatives and other department/agency representatives (for example, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency). The assessment looks at the impacts of the event on producers, the ability for them to recover quickly and the costs associated with those recovery activities as well as how existing programs will respond.

Generic information on the AgriRecovery Framework is available on Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's website while the specifics on the initiatives are usually available on provincial/territorial governments' websites.

Financial information (dollars) Agricultural Disaster Relief program / AgriRecovery (Statutory)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 118,513,335 118,513,335 118,513,335 118,513,335
Total program 118,513,335 118,513,335 118,513,335 118,513,335

Planned spending reflects statutory authority as presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. The potential number and scope of disasters is unpredictable from year to year and the level of statutory funding reflects that high variability. More information will be provided in future Estimates, as applicable.

Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program (Voted)

3-year plan for Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program (Voted)
Start date September 1, 2010
End date Ongoing (subject to Minister's renewal every five years)
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Voted appropriation annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2015-16 (Terms and conditions amended)
Link to departmental results The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector is effective in transforming ideas into new products, processes or practices
Link to department's Program Inventory Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program helps organizations, academic institutions and other levels of government enhance the understanding and accessibility of agricultural technologies and beneficial management practices that can be adopted by farmers to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in Canada. Research under this program aims to increase the understanding of the chemical, physical and biological processes that lead to greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural systems into surface water, ground water and the atmosphere.
Expected results

The expected results:

  • Information products related to the mitigation of greenhouse gases emissions are available to share with farmers; and
  • Program recipients make greenhouse gases mitigation technologies and beneficial management practices available to farmers.

The performance indicators related to the expected results:

  • Number of information products such as factsheets and brochures that are developed; and 
  • Number of newly developed technologies and beneficial management practices that are demonstrated through field days and workshops.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2019-20
Decision following the results of last evaluation Pending – Evaluation approved January 2020
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation Pending – Evaluation approved January 2020
General targeted recipient groups Non-profit, academic institutions, other levels of government (Provincial, Territorial and Municipal) and Indigenous groups.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada communication efforts may include news conferences or news releases as well as partnership opportunities with Environment and Climate Change Canada and Global Affairs Canada to exploit international presence for Canada. In addition, field days and workshops will be carried out under this initiative by recipients of Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program funding.
Financial information (dollars) Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program (Voted)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 5,382,000 5,382,000 5,382,000 5,382,000
Total program 5,382,000 5,382,000 5,382,000 5,382,000

Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the Department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process as presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in future Estimates, as applicable.

AgriInnovate program (Voted)

3-year plan for AgriInnovate program (Voted)
Start date April 1, 2018
End date March 31, 2023
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Voted appropriation annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18 (Terms and conditions approved)
Link to departmental results The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector is effective in transforming ideas into new products, proceses or practices
Link to department's Program Inventory AgriInnovate
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The AgriInnovate program accelerates the commercialization and adoption of innovative products and processes in the agricultural sector to increase sector competitiveness and sustainability. The program is intended to address both the financing gap present between moving agricultural, agri-food and agri-based research to commercialization, and to assist industry in mitigating the inherent risk in scaling-up products and processes.
Expected results

The expected result:

  • The capacity of participating firms to demonstrate, commercialize and adopt technologies (products, processes, practices or systems) and/or services is increased.

The performance indicator related to the expected result:

  • Number of innovative technologies (products, processes, practices or systems) and/or services implemented by participating firms.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2017-18
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2022-23
General targeted recipient groups For-profit organizations
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada communication efforts may include mail outs, news conferences or news releases.

Program clients are also being engaged through email, site visits, web presence, videoconferences, teleconferences or other outreach and project assessment and monitoring.

Additional efforts include broader industry engagement, including outreach to the series of Value Chain Roundtables, the Innovation and CleanTech Hub and other related industry associations.

Financial information (dollars) - AgriInnovate program (Voted)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 21,700,000 21,700,000 21,700,000 21,700,000
Total program 21,700,000 21,700,000 21,700,000 21,700,000

Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the Department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process as presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in future Estimates, as applicable.

AgriInsurance program (Statutory)

3-year plan for AgriInsurance program (Statutory)
Start date April 1, 2018
End date March 31, 2023 (AgriInsurance is statutory and ongoing; however, the current policy and program authorities expire on this date.)
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Statutory authority (Farm Income Protection Act)
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18 (Terms and conditions approved)
Link to departmental results The agricultural sector is financially resilient
Link to department's Program Inventory AgriInsurance
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program AgriInsurance provides Canadian producers with insurance coverage to reduce the economic impacts of production losses caused by adverse weather, crop diseases and other specified perils. AgriInsurance is a program that uses premiums to fund liabilities. Premiums are shared between governments and producers to ensure affordable coverage to producers, while administration costs are covered solely by governments. The commodities covered vary by province and continue to expand to cover new agricultural products.
Expected results

The expected results:

  • Individualized crop protection from natural hazards that reduce the financial impact of production losses is offered to producers; and
  • Participants income is stabilized by minimizing the economic effects of production losses caused by natural hazards.

The performance indicators related to the expected results:

  • Value of insured forage production compared to total value of all forage agricultural products eligible for insurance;
  • Value of insured production (excluding forage and livestock) compared to the value of agricultural products (excluding forage and livestock) eligible for insurance; and
  • Percentage of participants finding that AgriInsurance is effective in mitigating the financial impacts of production losses.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2016-17
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2021-22 (Evaluation of Business Risk Management Programs)
General targeted recipient groups

Any province or its agent is the recipient for federal contributions under AgriInsurance.

The ultimate recipient of AgriInsurance are agricultural producers (participants) who choose to purchase actuarially sound insurance coverage for the commodities they produce, or who experience verifiable losses due to wildlife.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Business Risk Management programs are generally marketed to producers as a package. In advance of key program deadlines, direct mail and advertising are used by administrators to raise program awareness, encourage enrolment and compliance with participation requirements (for example, meeting key deadlines). The program website, toll-free number, and media relations supports the promotional campaigns. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada works with provinces and with third party delivery agencies to ensure a coordinated communications approach and to ensure federal identity on cost-shared programs.

The Department continues to build on the program websites as a key source of program information and on options for communicating information to program clients in order to support the Department's mandate to strengthen program service and delivery.

Communication activities comply with the Official Languages Act requirements. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada also works with the National Program Advisory Committee to engage its producers.

Financial information (dollars) - AgriInsurance program (Statutory)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contribution 623,000,000 623,000,000 623,000,000 623,000,000
Total program 623,000,000 623,000,000 623,000,000 623,000,000

Planned spending reflects statutory authority as presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in future Estimates, as applicable.

AgriInvest program (Statutory)

3-year plan for AgriInvest program (Statutory)
Start date April 1, 2018
End date March 31, 2023 (AgriInvest is statutory and ongoing; however, the current policy and program authorities expire on this date.)
Type of transfer payment Grant and Contribution
Type of appropriation Statutory authority (Farm Income Protection Act)
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18 (Terms and conditions approved)
Link to departmental results The agricultural sector is financially resilient
Link to department's Program Inventory AgriInvest
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program AgriInvest encourages Canadian producers to set money aside which they can draw upon for any reason including to recover from income declines or to make investments to reduce on-farm risks. Under the program, governments provide matching contributions to producers who make annual deposits to an AgriInvest savings account.
Expected results

The expected result:

  • Producers set aside funds to cover various financial risks; and
  • Producers manage risk and make on-farm investments in a timely fashion.

The performance indicator related to the expected result:

  • Value of government contributions as a percentage of maximum allowable contributions; and
  • Percentage of participants using AgriInvest funds to address income declines or make investments to reduce on-farm risks or increase farm revenues.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2016-17
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2021-22 (Evaluation of Business Risk Management Programs)
General targeted recipient groups Individuals, cooperatives, corporations, communal organizations, trusts and other entities that meet the conditions as outlined in the program guidelines.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Business Risk Management programs are generally marketed to producers as a package. In advance of key program deadlines, direct mail and advertising are used by administrators to raise program awareness, encourage enrolment and compliance with participation requirements (for example, meeting key deadlines). The program website, My Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Account, toll-free number, and media relations will support the promotional campaigns. The My Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Account allows producers to get up to date information on-line for their AgriInvest Account.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada works with provinces and with third party delivery agencies to ensure a coordinated communications approach and to ensure federal identity on cost-shared programs. The Department continues to build on the program websites and My Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Account as key sources of program information and on options for communicating information to program clients in order to support the Department's mandate to strengthen program service and delivery.

Communication activities comply with the Official Languages Act requirements. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada also works with the National Program Advisory Committee to engage with producers and engages in consultations with national industry associations and producer groups on program directions and major program changes.

Financial information (dollars) AgriInvest program (Statutory)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 122,910,000 122,910,000 122,910,000 122,910,000
Total contributions 16,550,000 16,550,000 16,550,000 16,550,000
Total program 139,460,000 139,460,000 139,460,000 139,460,000

Planned spending reflects statutory authority as presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in future Estimates, as applicable.

AgriMarketing program (Voted)

3-year plan for AgriMarketing program (Voted)
Start date April 1, 2018
End date March 31, 2023
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Voted appropriation annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18 (Terms and conditions approved)
Link to departmental results The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector contributes to growing the economy
Link to department's Program Inventory Trade and Market Expansion
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The AgriMarketing program provides matching non-repayable funding to industry to support industry-led market development activities that help the sector seize domestic and international opportunities, while leveraging Canada's reputation for high quality and safe food.
Expected results

The expected result:

  • To maintain, increase and diversify exports to international markets and seize domestic market opportunities through industry-led promotional activities that differentiate Canadian products and producers, and leverage Canada's reputation for high quality and safe food.

The performance indicators related to the expected result:

  • Number of market development activities supported; and
  • Value ($) of agriculture and agri-food exports.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2015-16
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation Pending (2019-20 Preliminary Assessment of Trade and Market Expansion to determine forward evaluation work to be completed by 2023-24).
General targeted recipient groups Industry related
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Stakeholders were engaged as part of the Government's national consultations on the Canadian Agricultural Partnership.
Financial information (dollars) AgriMarketing program (Voted)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 20,340,000 20,340,000 20,340,000 20,340,000
Total program 20,340,000 20,340,000 20,340,000 20,340,000

Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the Department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process as presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in future Estimates, as applicable.

AgriRisk Initiatives program (Voted)

3-year plan for AgriRisk Initiatives program (Voted)
Start date April 1, 2018
End date March 31, 2023
Type of transfer payment Grant and Contribution
Type of appropriation Voted appropriation annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18 (Terms and conditions approved)
Link to departmental results The agriculture and agri-food sector is equipped with assurance systems and supporting tools.
Link to department's Program Inventory AgriRisk
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program AgriRisk aims to increase the ability of Canadian producers to address risk by supporting research and development as well as the implementation and administration of new risk management tools for use in the agriculture sector. Under the program, governments provide financial assistance to facilitate the development and adoption of risk management tools, including insurance-based products. 
Expected results

The expected result:

  • Industry is able to better manage business risks and remain viable in the long-term.

The performance indicator related to the expected result:

  • Percentage of respondents indicate that their understanding of the risks they face increased over the last five years.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2017-18
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2023-24
General targeted recipient groups

Research and Development projects:

Not-for-profit industry organizations representing agricultural and agri-business stakeholders, such as producer associations, commodity groups, and farm services associations; cooperatives, mutual insurance companies, reciprocals; academic institutions; and provincial and territorial governments.

Administrative Capacity Building projects:

Proponents of industry-led Administrative Capacity Building projects resulting from previously funded AgriRisk Initiatives Research and Development projects; proponents of industry-led Administrative Capacity Building projects where the research and development phase was funded from industry sources; proponents of not-for-profit and for-profit administrations delivering agricultural risk management tools; and provincial and territorial governments.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Information on the AgriRisk Initiatives program, as well as the eligibility criteria and application process, is available on Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's website. The program website, toll-free number, and media relations supports the promotional campaigns.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada works with provinces to ensure a coordinated communications approach and to ensure federal identity on cost-shared programs.

The Department continues to build on the program websites as a key source of program information and on options for communicating information to program clients in order to support the Department's mandate to strengthen program service and delivery. Communication activities comply with the Official Languages Act requirements. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada also works with the National Program Advisory Committee to engage its producers.

Financial information (dollars) - AgriRisk Initiatives program (Voted)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 600,000 600,000 600,000 300,000
Total contributions 10,400,000 10,400,000 10,400,000 10,700,000
Total program 11,000,000 11,000,000 11,000,000 11,000,000

Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the Department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process as presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in future Estimates, as applicable.

AgriScience program (Voted)

3-year plan for AgriScience program (Voted)
Start date April 1, 2018
End date March 31, 2023
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Voted appropriation annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18 (Terms and conditions approved)
Link to departmental results The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector is effective in transforming ideas into new products, processes or practices.
Link to department's Program Inventory AgriScience
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

The AgriScience program accelerates the pace of innovation in the sector by supporting industry-led research and development to increase market opportunities in the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector.

The program is delivered through two types of initiatives: the AgriScience – Clusters Component (Clusters) and the AgriScience – Projects Component (Projects). Clusters are national in scope and bring together scientific expertise from industry, academia and government to collaborate to address multiple industry priorities of a specific commodity (such as wheat, beef, et cetera) or cross-cutting issues (for example, bioproducts, food processing).

Projects may be individually led research projects or a small group of projects that are national, regional or local in scope.

Expected results

The expected results:

  • Research and development supported innovation are generated; and
  • The sector's knowledge base is increased.

The performance indicators related to the expected results:

  • The number of new technologies (new products, practices, processes and systems) that are developed under funded activities; and
  • The number of papers published in peer-reviewed journals.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2017–18
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2021-22
General targeted recipient groups For-profit and not-for-profit organizations
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada communication efforts may include mail outs, news conferences or news releases.

Program clients are engaged through email, site visits, web presence or other outreach, and through project assessment and monitoring.

Additional efforts include broader industry engagement, including outreach to the series of Value Chain Roundtables, companies and industry associations.

Financial information (dollars) AgriScience program (Voted)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 49,156,110 40,755,000 38,755,000 30,755,000
Total program 49,156,110 40,755,000 38,755,000 30,755,000

Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the Department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in future Estimates, as applicable.

AgriStability program (Statutory)

3-year plan for AgriStability program (Statutory)
Start date April 1, 2018
End date March 31, 2023 (AgriStability is statutory and ongoing; however, the current policy and program authorities expire on this date.)
Type of transfer payment Grant and Contribution
Type of appropriation Statutory authority (Farm Income Protection Act)
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18 (Terms and conditions approved)
Link to departmental results The agricultural sector is financially resilient
Link to department's Program Inventory AgriStability
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program AgriStability is intended to help Canadian producers to manage financial risks that threaten the viability of their farm by helping them protect their farm operations against large declines in farm income. Under the program, governments provide assistance when a producer's margin falls below seventy percent of their historical reference margin. Generally, producers who derive income from the primary production of agricultural commodities are eligible to participate in the program.
Expected results

The expected results:

  • Individualized whole-farm protection from large income declines is offered to producers; and
  • Participant's incomes are protected from severe income declines. .

The performance indicators related to the expected results:

  • Value of program participants' farm market revenues as a percentage of all farm market revenues; and
  • Percentage of participating producers whose income is greater than their allowable expenses in a program year.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2016-17
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2021-22 (Evaluation of Business Risk Management Programs)
General targeted recipient groups Individuals, cooperatives, corporations, communal organizations, trusts and other entities that meet the conditions as outlined in the program guidelines.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Business Risk Management programs are generally marketed to producers as a package. In advance of key program deadlines, direct mail and advertising are used by administrators to raise program awareness, and encourage enrolment and compliance with participation requirements (for example, meeting key deadlines). The program website, My AAFC Account, toll-free number, and media relations will support the promotional campaigns. The My AAFC Account allows producers to get up-to-date information online for their AgriStability account.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada works with provinces and with third party delivery agencies to ensure a coordinated communications approach and to ensure federal identity on cost-shared programs. The Department continues to build on the program websites and My AAFC Account as a key source of program information and on options for communicating information to program clients in order to support the Department's mandate to strengthen program service and delivery.

Communication activities comply with the Official Languages Act requirements. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada also works with the National Program Advisory Committee to engage with producers and engages in consultations with national industry associations and producer groups on program direction and major program changes.

Financial information (dollars) - AgriStability program (Statutory)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 39,320,000 39,320,000 39,320,000 39,320,000
Total contributions 384,830,000 384,830,000 384,830,000 384,830,000
Total program 424,150,000 424,150,000 424,150,000 424,150,000

Planned spending reflects statutory authority as presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. AgriStability is demand-driven, rather than being funded from a set allocation for each fiscal year. Although the administrative costs of the program remain relatively constant, the variance of year-to-year grant and contribution payments is directly related to participation and industry conditions. More information will be provided in future Estimates, as applicable.

Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program (Voted)

3-year plan for Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program (Voted)
Start date May 28, 2009
End date Ongoing (Subject to Minister's renewal every five years)
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Voted appropriation annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2018-19 (Terms and conditions amended)
Link to departmental results The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector is effective in transforming ideas into new products, processes or practices
Link to department's Program Inventory Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program supports the agricultural sector to adapt to new and emerging issues, opportunities and challenges in order to remain competitive. The program funds national or sector-wide projects to develop a new idea, product, niche, or market opportunity or respond to new and emerging issues.
Expected results

The expected result:

  • Program recipients develop tools and strategies to adapt to changing circumstances and/or respond to urgent and/or critical issues.

The performance indicator related to the expected result:

  • Number of tools and strategies (training materials, methodologies, et cetera) that are developed to adapt to changing circumstances and/or respond to urgent and/or critical issues.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2018-19 Evaluation of Canadian Agricultural Adaptation program (predecessor to the Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities program).
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation and Amendment
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation Pending (to be completed before 2023-24)
General targeted recipient groups Not-for-profit organizations and associations, including cooperatives, marketing boards and Indigenous groups.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada communication efforts may include mail outs, news conferences or news releases. Program clients will also be engaged through email, site visits, web presence, videoconferences, teleconferences or other outreach and project assessment and monitoring.
Financial information (dollars) Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program (Voted)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 8,561,000 9,061,000 9,061,000 10,061,000
Total program 8,561,000 9,061,000 9,061,000 10,061,000

Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the Department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process as presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in future Estimates, as applicable.

Contributions to support Investments in the Dairy Sector (Voted)

3-year plan for Contributions to support Investments in the Dairy Sector (Voted)
Start date April 1, 2017
End date March 31, 2022
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Voted appropriation annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18 (Terms and conditions approved)
Link to departmental results The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector contributes to growing the economy.
Link to department's Program Inventory Dairy Programs
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

The Dairy Programs consist of the Dairy Farm Investment Program and the Dairy Processing Investment Fund, which are designed to encourage investment by dairy farmers and dairy processors to improve productivity and competitiveness.

The Dairy Farm Investment Program (2017-18 to 2021-22) supports dairy farmers to modernize their operations and improve their productivity through activities such as the adoption of robotic milkers, automated feeding systems, herd management tools, or other equipment upgrades.

The Dairy Processing Investment Fund (2017-18 to 2020-21) supports dairy processors as they modernize their facilities and conduct near-market activities to introduce new and improved products that will compete with expected imports. The program supports access to technical expertise and the purchase of new equipment in order to expand processing capacity and diversify product lines to capture new market opportunities.

Expected results

The expected results:

  • Dairy processing facilities and not-for-profit organizations participate in the program;
  • Processors' productivity is advanced;
  • Processors increase the use of fluid or industrial milk and milk components; and
  • Dairy farms invest in new equipment to enhance their productivity.

The performance indicators related to the expected results:

  • Number of facilities and not-for-profit organizations that apply for and receive funding;
  • Percentage reduction of total cost per dairy product unit;
  • Percentage increase in volume of industrial or fluid milk and milk components used in production; and
  • Number of farm investments.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable – new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation

Dairy Farm Investment Program: 2023-24
Dairy Processing Investment Fund: 2023-24

General targeted recipient groups

Dairy Farm Investment Program

  • Canadian licensed cow's milk producers.

Dairy Processing Investment Fund

  • For-profit organizations, including co-operatives, which are:
      • small and medium cheese makers; and
      • large cheese makers and dairy processors involved in processing dairy products in Canada whose projects have benefits that accrue broadly.
  • Not-for-profit organizations involved in or representing the dairy processing sector in Canada.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Dairy Farm Investment Program

  • National consultations were held with stakeholders in advance of the Government announcing the launch of the second round of the Dairy Farm Investment Program in January 2019.

Dairy Processing Investment Fund

  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada communication efforts include mail outs, news conferences or news releases. The program administration continually meets with the industry to improve awareness and understanding of the program.

Program clients are also being engaged through email, site visits, web presence or other outreach and project assessment and monitoring.

Financial information (dollars) - Contributions to support Investments in the Dairy Sector (Voted)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 77,600,000 72,600,000 47,000,000 0
Total program 77,600,000 72,600,000 47,000,000 0

Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the Department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in future Estimates, as applicable.

Dairy Direct Payment Program (Statutory)

3-year plan for Dairy Direct Payment Program (Statutory)
Start date August 16, 2019
End date March 31, 2020
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Statutory authority (Farm Income Protection Act)
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2019-20 (Terms and conditions approved)
Link to departmental results The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector contributes to growing the economy
Link to department's Program Inventory Dairy Programs
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The objective of the Dairy Direct Payment Program is to support dairy milk producers as a result of market access commitments made under the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership. The program will provide grant payments to compensate Canadian cow's milk producers for their foregone income growth as a result of the recent trade agreements.
Expected results

The excepted result:

  • Dairy supply managed producers have access to compensation as they adjust to the expected impacts of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.

The performance indicator(s) related to the expected result:

  • Percent of dairy farms compensated identified by the Canadian Dairy Commission.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable – new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable – new program
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation Pending – new program (to be determined in next evaluation planning cycle (March 2020)).
General targeted recipient groups Canadian supply managed milk producers.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Consultations were done with national stakeholders and milk marketing boards prior to the program being launched and payments delivered by the Canadian Dairy Commission. 
Financial information (dollars) - Dairy Direct Payment Program (Statutory)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 345,000,000 0 0 0
Total contributions 0 0 0 0
Total program 345,000,000 0 0 0

Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the Department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process as presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in future Estimates, as applicable.

Food Waste Reduction Challenge (Voted)

3-year plan for Food Waste Reduction Challenge (Voted)
Start date June 13, 2019
End date March 31, 2024
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Voted appropriation annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2019-20 (Terms and conditions approved)
Link to departmental results The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector contributes to growing the economy.
Link to department's Program Inventory Food Policy Initiatives
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The Food Waste Reduction Challenge will accelerate the implementation of innovative and concrete actions to reduce food waste in the food processing, grocery retail and food service sectors. The Challenge will seek to attract new ideas, partners, and resources to invest in solving the complex problem of food waste, prompt new collaborations among non-traditional partners and problem solvers, gather new data, and build the capacity of new innovators and support their entry into the market.
Expected results

The expected result:

  • Challenge(s) are issued for innovative ideas to reduce food waste.

The performance indicator related to the expected result:

  • Number of challenges issued.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable – new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable – new program
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation Pending – new program (to be determined in next evaluation planning cycle (March 2020)).
General targeted recipient groups For-profit organizations; not-for-profit organizations and charities; Canadian academic institutions; government (all levels); individual or sole proprietorships; Indigenous communities and groups; unincorporated groups, societies and coalitions.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

National consultations were held in 2017 on a national food policy, and published in Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's “What We Heard” report in 2018. The Government announced the Food Policy For Canada on June 17, 2019, followed by the Food Waste Reduction initiative on July 4, 2019.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's other communications efforts include mail outs, news conferences or news releases and posting on social media. The program administration will be meeting/engaging with the industry to improve understanding of the program and to validate program design.

Program clients are also being engaged through email, web presence and other outreach methods such as workshops.

Financial information (dollars) - Food Waste Reduction Challenge (Voted)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 1,996,300 3,500,000 6,100,000
Total contributions 0 0 0 0
Total program 0 1,996,300 3,500,000 6,100,000

Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the Department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in future Estimates, as applicable.

Food Policy Initatives (Voted)

3-year plan for Food Policy Initatives (Voted)
Start date June 13, 2019
End date March 31, 2024
Type of transfer payment Grant and Contribution
Type of appropriation Voted appropriation annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2019-20 (Terms and conditions approved)
Link to departmental results The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector contributes to growing the economy
Link to department's Program Inventory Food Policy Initiatives
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program Through investments in infrastructure, the Local Food Infrastructure Fund aims to strengthen local food systems such as food banks, farmers' markets, and community gardens to increase access to healthy and nutritious food for at-risk populations. 
Expected results

The expected result:

  • Investments in local food infrastructure to increase the availability of healthy and nutritious food.

The performance indicator related to the expected result:

  • Number of infrastructure investments.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable – new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable – new program
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation Pending – new program (to be determined in next evaluation planning cycle (March 2020)).
General targeted recipient groups For-profit and not-for-profit organizations, including co-operatives; regional and municipal governments and agencies (can include schools or school boards); and Indigenous groups.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada communication efforts may include mail outs, news conferences or news releases. Program clients may also be engaged through email, site visits, web presence, videoconferences, teleconferences or other outreach and project assessment and monitoring.

Additional efforts include broader industry engagement, including outreach to federal, provincial and territorial counterparts and various food-related associations across the country.

Financial information (dollars) - Food Policy Initatives (Voted)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 8,785,440 8,785,440 8,785,440
Total contributions 0 2,196,360 2,196,360 2,196,360
Total program 0 10,981,800 10,981,800 10,981,800

Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the Department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in future Estimates, as applicable.

Loan guarantees under the Canadian Agricultural Loans Act (Statutory)

3-year plan for Loan guarantees under the Canadian Agricultural Loans Act (Statutory)
Start date June 18, 2009
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Statutory authority (Canadian Agricultural Loans Act)
Fiscal year for terms and conditions Not applicable
Link to departmental results The agricultural sector is financially resilient
Link to department's Program Inventory Loan Guarantee Programs
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The Canadian Agricultural Loans Act program guarantees the repayment of loans made to producers and agricultural cooperatives by financial institutions. Producers use these loans to establish, improve, and develop their farms, while agricultural co-operatives use loans to process, distribute, or market agricultural products.
Expected results

The expected result:

  • Producers and agricultural co-operatives have access to affordable capital to make investments in their operations.

The performance indicator related to the expected result:

  • Dollar value of Canadian Agricultural Loans Act loans registered to existing farmers per fiscal year ($millions).
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2018-19
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation Pending – last evaluation completed in March 2019 (to be determined in next evaluation planning cycle (March 2020)).
General targeted recipient groups Farmers, beginning farmers and agricultural co-operatives.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

The primary marketing channel for the Canadian Agricultural Loans Act program is through the financial institutions who deliver the program. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada supports these efforts in a variety of ways to encourage awareness and uptake, including: social media campaigns (for example, Facebook, Twitter); direct mail to producers; print advertising in farm/lender publications; as well as print on demand fact sheets for the agricultural lenders which help maintain common messaging and brand identity.

Each year, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada officials also attend two or three selected industry trade shows/annual general meetings to communicate the benefits of the program directly to producers and to learn and gather feedback from producers on the program.

Financial information (dollars) - Loan guarantees under the Canadian Agricultural Loans Act (Statutory)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 13,111,013 13,111,013 13,111,013 13,111,013
Total program 13,111,013 13,111,013 13,111,013 13,111,013

Planned spending reflects statutory authority as presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. These factors have reduced program uptake and decreased the costs associated with defaulted loans. More information will be provided in future estimates, as applicable.

Payments in connection with the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act – Advance Payments Program (Statutory)

3-year plan for Payments in connection with the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act – Advance Payments Program (Statutory)
Start date April 25, 1997
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Statutory authority (Agricultural Marketing Programs Act)
Fiscal year for terms and conditions Not applicable
Link to departmental results The agricultural sector is financially resilient
Link to department's Program Inventory Loan Guarantee Programs
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

There are two programs under the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act:

  • The Advance Payments Program provides producers with access to credit through cash advances based on the value of their agricultural products. This enables producers to meet financial obligations and allows them to make the decision to sell agricultural products based on market conditions rather than the need for cash flow.
  • The Price Pooling Program provides cooperative marketing agencies with a price guarantee on eligible products as a form of security against unanticipated declines in the market price for their products. This helps them to secure financing to issue initial payments to their producer members as they deliver product to the cooperative marketing pools.
Expected results

Advance Payments Program

The expected result:

  • Producers can access low cost capital to address cash flow needs over the production period and provide marketing flexibility.

The performance indicator related to the expected result:

  • Dollar value of Advance Payments Program advances issued per production period ($billions).

Price Pooling Program

The expected result:

  • Producers have access to timely payments upon delivery of eligible commodities to pool.

The performance indicator related to the expected result:

  • Number of days between delivery of product(s) to pool and producer receiving payment.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2016-17
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation and Amendment
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2019-20 – in progress
General targeted recipient groups Producers of agricultural products as defined under the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

The primary marketing channel for the Advance Payments Program is through the approximately 35 producer organizations who administrator the program. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada supports these efforts in a variety of ways to encourage awareness and uptake, including: social media campaigns (for example, Facebook, Twitter); print advertising in farm publications; as well as print-on-demand fact sheets that help maintain common messaging and brand identity.

Each year, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada officials also attend two or three selected industry trade shows/ annual general meetings to communicate the benefits of the program directly to producers and to learn and gather feedback from producers on the program.

In 2020-21, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada will be completing a review of Agricultural Marketing Program Act programs, as required under the Act. This legislative review will include holding, in cooperation with the regional offices, a series of engagement sessions around the country to obtain input from lenders (financial institutions), Advance Payments Program Administrators, producer organizations and producers.

Financial information (dollars) - Payments in connection with the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act – Advance Payments Program (Statutory)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 87,300,000 90,300,000 104,800,000 109,000,000
Total program 87,300,000 90,300,000 104,800,000 109,000,000

Planned spending reflects statutory authority as presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in future estimates, as applicable. Planned spending reflects the ongoing increase to the Advance Payments Program loan limit from $400,000 to $1 million starting in 2019, as well as the temporary increase to the Advance Payments Program interest-free limit, the portion on which the Government of Canada pays the interest, from $100,000 to $500,000 for advances on canola during the 2019 program year. 

Provincial/Territorial delivered cost-shared programs under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Voted)

3-year plan for Provincial/Territorial delivered cost-shared programs under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Voted)
Start date April 1, 2018
End date March 31, 2023
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Voted appropriation annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18 (Terms and conditions approved)
Link to departmental results
  • The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector contributes to growing the economy
  • The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector is effective in transforming ideas into new products, processes or practices
  • The agricultural sector is financially resilient
  • The agriculture and agri-food sector is equipped with assurance systems and supporting tools
Link to department's Program Inventory

Federal, Provincial and Territorial Cost-shared Markets and Trade

Federal, Provincial and Territorial Cost-shared Science, Research, Innovation and Environment

Federal, Provincial and Territorial Cost-Shared Assurance

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program

Federal, Provincial and Territorial Cost-shared Markets and Trade:

  • Transfer payments are provided to the provinces and territories for programming to assist the Canadian agricultural sector in creating market-based opportunities for individual farms and firms, and providing industry with the knowledge and tools to compete at home and abroad. Specific provincial and/or territorial programs support the sector in identifying new domestic and global opportunities that enhance competitiveness and prosperity.

Federal, Provincial and Territorial Cost-shared Science, Research, Innovation and Environment:

  • Transfer payments are provided to the provinces and territories for programming to accelerate the pace of innovation in the Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector. A key focus of such innovation is the research, development and commercialization of products, practices, processes and systems that enhance productivity, competitiveness, economic growth and adaptability to environment and climate change in the sector.

Federal, Provincial and Territorial Cost-Shared Assurance:

  • Transfer payments are provided to the provinces and territories for agricultural assurance programming to develop tools and support proactive mitigation activities. Specific provincial or territorial programs support the sector in its endeavors to prevent and control risks to the animal and plant resource base, provide safe food, and meet new market demands for assurance.
Expected results

Federal, Provincial and Territorial Cost-shared Markets and Trade

The expected result:

  • The sector is accessing generic and customized information and intelligence to assess market opportunities.

The performance indicator related to the expected result:

  • Number of clients reporting that market information and intelligence meets needs for awareness and knowledge of market opportunities.

Federal, Provincial and Territorial Cost-shared Science, Research, Innovation and Environment

The expected result:

  • New agriculture and agri-food technologies are generated and commercialized.

The performance indicator related to the expected result:

  • Number of new technologies (products, practices, processes and systems) that attain Intellectual Property protection.

Federal, Provincial and Territorial cost-shared Assurance

The expected result:

  • The sector is adopting risk management activities to maximize resilience.

The performance indicators related to the expected result:

  • Number of risk management/assurance projects completed on-farm; and
  • Number of risk management/assurance projects completed on processing facilities.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2017-18 Evaluation of Growing Forward 2 Cost-shared Programming Strategic Initiatives.
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation Pending (2019-20 Preliminary Assessment of Cost-shared initiatives to determine forward evaluation work to be completed by 2023-24).
General targeted recipient groups
  • Individuals;
  • Partnerships;
  • Limited Partnerships;
  • For-profit and not-for-profit companies;
  • Trusts;
  • Cooperatives;
  • Marketing boards;
  • For-profit and not-for-profit organizations;
  • International organizations;
  • Academic institutions such as universities and colleges;
  • Provincial, territorial and municipal governments, including their institutions, agencies and corporations;
  • Indigenous communities and governments; and
  • Crown Corporations.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Federal, Provincial and Territorial Cost-shared Programs are planned and delivered by provincial and territorial governments. As such, initiatives to engage applicants and recipients will be determined by the provincial or territorial governments.
Financial information (dollars) - Provincial/Territorial delivered cost-shared programs under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Voted)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 239,523,830 206,480,000 206,480,000 206,480,000
Total program 239,523,830 206,480,000 206,480,000 206,480,000

Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the Department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process as presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in future Estimates, as applicable.

Disclosure of transfer payment programs under $5 million

AgriCompetitiveness program (Voted)

3-year plan for AgriCompetitiveness program (Voted)
Start date April 1, 2018
End date March 31, 2023
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Voted appropriation annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18 (Terms and conditions approved)
Link to departmental result(s) The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector contributes to growing the economy
Link to department’s Program Inventory Sector Engagement and Development
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The AgriCompetitiveness program provides non-repayable funding to help the sector build on existing capacity, enhance safety, adapt to changing commercial and regulatory environments, seize new opportunities, share best practices, and provide mentorship opportunities.
Expected results

The expected result:

  • Individuals, producers and businesses are making use of business management strategies and tools.

The performance indicators related to the expected result:

  • Number of approved projects; and
  • Number of participants at events where agricultural awareness, knowledge, skills and best practises are shared.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2017-18
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation Pending (2019-20 Preliminary Assessment of Sector Engagement and Development to determine forward evaluation work to be completed by 2023-24).
General targeted recipient groups Industry related
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Stakeholders were engaged as part of the Government of Canada’s national consultations on the Canadian Agricultural Partnership.
Financial information (dollars) - AgriCompetitiveness program (Voted)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20 Planned spending 2020-21 Planned spending 2021-22 Planned spending 2022-23 Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 3,130,000 3,130,000 3,130,000 3,130,000
Total program 3,130,000 3,130,000 3,130,000 3,130,000

Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the Department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process as presented in the Department’s Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in the Supplementary Estimates, as applicable.

AgriDiversity program (Voted)

3-year plan for AgriDiversity program (Voted)
Start date April 1, 2018
End date March 31, 2023
Type of transfer payment Grant and Contribution
Type of appropriation Voted appropriation annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18 (Terms and conditions approved)
Link to departmental result(s) The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector contributes to growing the economy.
Link to department’s Program Inventory Sector Engagement and Development
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program Through the AgriDiversity program, funding is provided to build the entrepreneurial capacity and business skills of underrepresented groups (such as Indigenous communities, youth, women, and persons with disabilities) and facilitate the sharing of best practices and knowledge.
Expected results

The expected results:

  • Individuals, producers and businesses are making use of business management strategies and tools; and
  • Increased participation in agriculture from diverse groups.

The performance indicators related to the expected results:

  • Number of approved projects; and
  • Number of underrepresented groups participating in agricultural projects.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable - new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable – new program
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation Pending (2019-20 Preliminary Assessment of Sector Engagement and Development to determine forward evaluation work to be competed by 2023-24).
General targeted recipient groups Non-profit organizations, Indigenous communities, and other Indigenous recipients and organizations or persons
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Stakeholders were engaged as part of the Government's national consultations on the Canadian Agricultural Partnership.
Financial information (dollars) - AgriDiversity program (Voted)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20 Planned spending 2020-21 Planned spending 2021-22 Planned spending 2022-23 Planned spending
Total grants 5,000 5,000 5,000 0
Total contributions 995,000 995,000 995,000 1,000,000
Total program 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the Department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process as presented in the Department’s Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in the Supplementary Estimates, as applicable.

Career Focus program – Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (Voted)

3-year plan for Career Focus program – Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (Voted)
Start date February 6, 1997
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Voted appropriation annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2019-20 (Terms and conditions amended)
Link to departmental result(s) The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector contributes to growing the economy
Link to department’s Program Inventory Sector Engagement and Development
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The Youth Employment and Skills Strategy provides funding to organizations for the creation of agricultural internships for career-related work experiences to youth and youth facing barriers.
Expected results

The expected result:

  • Canadian youth, particularly youth facing barriers, have the opportunity to gain valuable professional experience that facilitates their ability to participate in the workforce.

The performance indicators related to the expected result:

  • Number of participants;
  • Number of participants facing barriers;
  • Number of participants who demonstrated strengthened and/or new skills; and
  • Number of participants who found employment.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2014-15
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation 2019-20 (led by Employment and Social Development Canada) – in progress
General targeted recipient groups Industry-related for profit and non-profit organizations, municipalities and local organization including other levels of government (provincial and municipal), and individuals.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is one of 11 partner departments under the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy, led by Employment and Social Development Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada worked closely with the lead and other partner departments on the renewal of the Strategy, including through consultations with stakeholders and participants.
Financial information (dollars) - Career Focus program – Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (Voted)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20 Planned spending 2020-21 Planned spending 2021-22 Planned spending 2022-23 Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 3,214,000 864,000 864,000 864,000
Total program 3,214,000 864,000 864,000 864,000
Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the Department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process as presented in the Department’s Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in the Supplementary Estimates, as applicable.

Grants to agencies established under the Farm Products Agencies Act (Statutory)

3-year plan for Grants to agencies established under the Farm Products Agencies Act (Statutory)
Start date Not applicable
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Statutory authority (Farm Products Agencies Act)
Fiscal year for terms and conditions Not applicable
Link to departmental result(s) The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector contributes to growing the economy.
Link to department’s Program Inventory Farm Products Council of Canada
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The objective is to establish Farm Products Agencies Act - Part II national marketing agencies with powers relating to any farm product or farm products where it is satisfied that majorities are in favour of the establishment of an agency. An agency shall conduct its operations on a self-sustaining financial basis. Grants to an agency, not exceeding in the aggregate one hundred thousand dollars, can be made to enable the agency to meet initial operating and establishment expenses.
Expected results

The expected result:

  • The supply management system for poultry and eggs works in the balanced interest of stakeholders, from producers to consumers.

The performance indicator related to the expected result:

  • The degree to which national marketing agencies operate in accordance to the Farm Products Agencies Act, under effective oversight by the Farm Products Council of Canada.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation Pending (to be determined in the next evaluation planning cycle (March 2020)).
General targeted recipient groups Body corporates - Agencies requesting funds related to this provision are considered body corporates as per s.16 (3) of the Farm Products Agencies Act.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Not applicable
Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20 Planned spending 2020-21 Planned spending 2021-22 Planned spending 2022-23 Planned spending
Total grants 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Total contributions 0 0 0 0
Total program 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Planned spending reflects statutory authority as presented in the Department’s Annual Reference Level Update. Planned spending has not been adjusted to include new information that may be contained in Budget 2020. More information will be provided in future Estimates, as applicable.

Innovative Solutions Canada program (Voted)

3-year plan for Innovative Solutions Canada program (Voted)
Start date April 1, 2018
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Voted appropriation annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2017-18 (Terms and conditions approved)
Link to departmental result(s) The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector is effective in transforming ideas into new products, processes or practices.
Link to department’s Program Inventory Foundational Science and Research
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is a contributor with 20 other federal organizations to Innovative Solutions Canada, which is a $100 million innovation hybrid procurement program designed to support partnerships between government departments and agencies and Canadian innovators in the development of early stage, pre-commercial innovation with the ultimate goal of promoting the growth of Canada's small businesses.
Expected results

The expected result:

  • Scientific knowledge (for example, products, technologies, beneficial management practices) is transferred or available for transfer to the agriculture sector and the science community.

The performance indicator related to the expected result:

  • Number of new products, processes and technologies available for transfer to stakeholders.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable – new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable – new program
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation Pending (2019-20 Preliminary Assessment of Foundation Science and Research to determine forward evaluation work to be completed by
General targeted recipient groups Canadian small- and medium-sized enterprises that will deliver some innovative solutions for the agriculture and agri-food sector.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients The Innovate Solutions Canada Secretariat, within Innovation Science and Economic Development, is responsible for engagement activities related to program awareness and media outreach. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada engages with applicants after projects have been approved.
Financial information (dollars) - Innovative Solutions Canada program (Voted)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20 Planned spending 2020-21 Planned spending 2021-22 Planned spending 2022-23 Planned spending
Total grants 3,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0
Total contributions 0 0 0 0
Total program 3,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0
Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the Department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process as presented in the Department’s Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in the Supplementary Estimates, as applicable.

International Collaboration program (Voted)

3-year plan for International Collaboration program (Voted)
Start date October 21, 2010
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Voted appropriation annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2013-14 (Terms and conditions amended)
Link to departmental result(s)
  • The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector contributes to growing the economy
  • The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector is effective in transforming ideas into new products, processes or practices
Link to department’s Program Inventory Trade and Market Expansion
Foundational Science and Research
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The objective is to provide development opportunities, enhance international cooperation and facilitate exchange of ideas and information among international participants; find solutions to common problems; and influence policy development of other participating countries in agriculture, agri-food, agri-based products and the agri-environment sectors.
Expected results

The expected results:

  • Maintain and expand trade and market access opportunities;
  • Connect the sector to global resources and knowledge; and
  • Cooperate internationally to build relationships and influence others in advancement of objectives.

The performance indicator related to the expected results:

  • Number of international projects.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2015-16 (portion under Trade and Market Expansion)
2016-17 (portion under Foundational Science and Research)
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation Pending (2019-20 Preliminary Assessments of Trade and Market Expansion and Foundation Science and Research, to determine future evaluation work to be conducted up to 2023-24).
General targeted recipient groups International organizations
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Stakeholders are engaged through emails, videoconferences, teleconferences and other outreach by the Department.
Financial information (dollars) - International Collaboration program (Voted)
Type of transfer payment 2019-20 Planned spending 2020-21 Planned spending 2021-22 Planned spending 2022-23 Planned spending
Total grants 4,043,000 1,643,000 1,643,000 1,643,000
Total contributions 0 0 0 0
Total program 4,043,000 1,643,000 1,643,000 1,643,000
Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the Department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process as presented in the Department’s Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in the Supplementary Estimates, as applicable.

Living Laboratories Initiative

3-year plan for Living Laboratories Initiative
Start date June 7, 2018
End date March 31, 2023
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Voted appropriation annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2018-19 (Terms and conditions approved)
Link to departmental result(s) The Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector is effective in transforming ideas into new products, processes or practices
Link to department’s Program Inventory Foundational Science and Research
Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program The objective is to establish a nation-wide network of sites where groups both in and outside of government can collaborate to co-develop, assess, and implement innovative solutions to address persistent agri-environmental issues. The goal is to get best-management practices and technologies into the hands of farmers faster by working together.
Expected results

The expected result:

  • Scientific knowledge (for example, products, technologies, beneficial management practices) is transferred or available for transfer to the agriculture sector and the science community.

The performance indicator related to this expected result:

  • Number of new products, processes and technologies available for transfer to stakeholders.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation Not applicable – new program
Decision following the results of last evaluation Not applicable – new program
Fiscal year of next planned evaluation Pending (2019-20 Preliminary Assessment of Foundational Science and Research to determine forward evaluation work to be competed by 2023-24).
General targeted recipient groups Not-for-profit organizations; Indigenous groups; agriculture producer(s) and or producer groups; and academic institutions.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Pre-consultative process: a series of five awareness-raising workshops, gathering issues and generating ideas, drawing on the expertise and collective intelligence of academic stakeholders, industry, Non-Government Organizations, municipal, provincial, and territorial government partners and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada staff was conducted in five different cities across Canada from March to June 2018.
Financial information (dollars) - Living Laboratories Initiative
Type of transfer payment 2019-20 Planned spending 2020-21 Planned spending 2021-22 Planned spending 2022-23 Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 1,500,000
Total program 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 1,500,000
Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the Department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process as presented in the Department's Annual Reference Level Update. More information will be provided in the Supplementary Estimates, as applicable.