Opportunities and Benefits of CETA for Canadian Berry Exporters

  • Canadian dollar (Can$)
  • Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
  • European Union (EU)

Quick facts

With CETA's provisional application, almost 94% of the EU agricultural tariff lines are now duty-free, including tariff lines for Canadian cranberries, blueberries and other berries, and processed products derived therefrom.

Canadian exports of berries to the EU: Can$165.6 million (2019) (Source: CatsNet)

In 2019, Canada was the sixth largest exporter of berries to the EU, the largest exporter of frozen blueberries and the second largest exporter of prepared cranberries (Source: Global Trade Tracker)

As of September 21, 2017 (CETA's date of provisional application), the elimination of EU tariffs will help Canadian producers, processors and exporters to be more competitive in the EU. Some Canadian berries (fresh, frozen, dried and processed) were subject to tariffs as high as 24% + 23 euros/100 kilograms (kg). Previously, approximately 18% of European Union (EU) agriculture tariff lines were duty-free.

Examples of products that will be duty-free following provisional application:

Duty-free as of September 21, 2017
Product (illustrative list only) EU tariffs have been as high as:
Cranberries (sweetened, dried) 17.6%
Blueberries (frozen) 12%
Raspberries (frozen) 14.4%
Jams/jellies 24% + 23 euros/100 kg/net
Cranberry juice 14%

Classifying a product

To determine whether your product qualifies for preferential duty-free access now that CETA is provisionally applied, you can seek an advanced ruling through the EU's Binding Tariff Information (BTI) system, which provides Canadian exporters with the opportunity to obtain a binding, written ruling concerning the tariff classification of their products prior to export.

This provides exporters with assurance regarding the tariff classification that their products will receive, as well as further guidance and information regarding the rule of origin that the products must satisfy in order to benefit from preferential tariff treatment under CETA.

Rules of Origin

Under CETA, only those products that undergo sufficient production in Canada or the EU are considered originating products and are therefore eligible for preferential tariff treatment. Canadian berry products produced from inputs that are wholly obtained (that is, grown and harvested) in Canada or the EU are considered originating and will benefit from preferential tariff treatment.

Berry products that are produced from non-originating (that is, imported) inputs must satisfy the applicable product-specific rule of origin (CETA, Annex 5 of the Rules of Origin Procedures Protocol) in order to be considered originating. Canadian exporters can seek an EU Binding Origin Information (BOI) advance ruling on whether a product qualifies as originating under CETA. These rulings are binding on customs authorities in all EU Member States.

Origin Quota

Canadian producers of blueberry and cranberry juices may also benefit from preferential tariff treatment under CETA through the alternative rules of origin associated with the Origin Quotas established under CETA.

For Canadian producers of certain processed products that contain non-originating materials/ingredients in amounts that exceed the prescribed thresholds, CETA sets out volume-limited Origin Quotas (Annex 5A: Table A.3 of the Rules of Origin Procedures Protocol). For more information, please visit: Global Affairs Canada Notice to Exporters webpage.

Exporting to the European Union

Other requirements may apply (for example, labelling, packaging, additives allowed) so make sure you are aware of them.

Learn more at: Exporting your agri-food to the EU.

Get help navigating the market

Contact a Trade Commissioner in your export market or the Market Access Secretariat: aafc.mas-sam.aac@agr.gc.ca.