Doing Business in Sweden

Video transcript

[Jazzy, electronic music starts.]

[A computer beeps and boots up. A glowing bar slides across a blue screen, revealing a map of the world. The camera zooms in, every country fading to grey except for Sweden, which rises from the map. A blue banner crosses the screen.]

Text on screen: Canadian Agri-Food Trade Commissioners

[The banner's text swaps.]

Text on screen: Doing Business in Sweden.

[The banner disappears. The camera zooms quickly into the country of Germany, which fades away, replaced by harbour in Sweden.]

[Cut to traffic moving fast on car bridges in Stockholm.]

Maria Stenberg: It's a good market for Canadian companies, because it's small enough.....

[ Cut tp train speeding.]

[Cut to busy train station.] manage .... [Cut to busy street full of people.]

....and it's centralized buying.

[Cut to man shopping in frozen section of grocery store.]

So, once you are listed, you are listed across Sweden...

[Cut to bread with mini Canadian flag on it.], it's an easy market to manage....

[Cut to grocery store employee examining stock on shelves with iPad in hand.]

...with Canadian suppliers.

[Cut to Maria Stenberg.]

Text on screen: Maria Stenberg. Trade Commissioner. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

So, my name is Maria Stenberg and I am a trade commissioner at the Canadian embassy in Stockholm, Sweden.

[Cut to aerial view of waterfront in Stockholm.]

[Cut to seafood platter.]

Sweden has always purchased a lot of seafood from Canad...,

[Cut to fisherman holding lobster.]

[Cut to lobster tails and other meat on a grill.]

.. and lobster is a great success and it continues to be so.

[Cut to Maria Stenberg.]

What I see as well coming on board is food for health...

[ Cut to closeup of woman pouring smoothie into mason jar from a blender.]

[Cut to a family picking blueberries.]

... and I think Canada has a good reputation in the market...

[Cut to a couple shopping in a grocery store.], I see an increase in the interest of value-added products as well, from Canada.

[Cut to Maria Stenberg.]

And of course, Canadian whisky is a bestseller at the alcohol monopolies in Sweden.

[Cut to pan over a glass of whiskey with ice cubes in it on a table.]

[Cut to Maria Stenberg.]

You have to invest in order to be successful in the market.

[Cut to two business men shaking hands and smiling outside an office.]

Text on screen: Build relationships.

What we see is building relationships is key for success in the market.....

[Cut to airplane taking off in late afternoon.]

[Cut to shot of business mens shoes walking down hall inside a modern office building.]

... to actually visit the market, to engage with your local partner...

[Cut to Maria Stenberg.]

[Cut to photo of people walking in lobby of anuga trade show.]

[Cut to images of banners advertising sial food business and anuga.]

[Cut to Maria Stenberg.]

.... Anuga and Sial Paris are good venues for meeting Swedish buyers because they all go there.

[Cut to a rotating pot that changes between three different meals.]

There are smaller local events like natural products Scandinavia. But I think that's a good platform once you have secured a partner.

[Cut to people in a fancy restaurant.]

[Cut to image of attendees of a Swedish trade show.]

[Cut to Canada's booth at trade show, changes through images of staff at booth.]

[Cut to timelapse of attendees bustling around Canadian booth.]

Please come and meet me at Sial or Anuga and I will introduce you to Swedish buyers at that event.

[Cut to Maria Stenberg.]

[Cut back to the blue map. A banner crosses the screen.]

Text on screen: Contact us today

[The banner's text changes.]

Text on screen: trade

[The map clip plays in reverse, zooming out and disappearing. The jazzy, electronic music fades out. Fade to the Canada wordmark.]

Text on screen: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (2020)