The United States and Canada – A strong, integrated and balanced partnership in agriculture

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The United States and Canada

A strong, integrated and balanced partnership in agriculture

Let's keep a good thing growing!

Canada is a top export market for U.S. agricultural products.

Did you know?

Nearly $2.1 billion worth of goods and services crosses Canada – U.S. the border every day.

Canada is a reliable customer who buys more U.S. agricultural goods than Japan, Korea and Taiwan combined!

Trade and investment with Canada supports millions of U.S. jobs.

Over 5,500 Canadian-owned businesses in the U.S. with over 26,000 locations support about 900,000 American workers.

Canada is an important partner to U.S. food security; our exports help U.S. supply chains operate more efficiently, create jobs for U.S. workers, and boost U.S. global exports.

U.S. agricultural exports to Canada have increased 71% in the last 15 years.

Over $19.4 billion of processed food and beverage products made in the U.S. were exported to Canada in 2022.

Canada is the #1 agriculture export market for 26 U.S. states.

USMCA has strengthened agricultural trade between the U.S. and Canada!

Total U.S. – Canada agriculture and agri-food trade = $69.7 billion

U.S. agricultural exports to Canada = $32.1 billion including:

  • Fruits and Nuts… $3.9 billion
  • Beverages, Spirits and Vinegar… $3.3 billion
  • Vegetables and Roots… $3.2 billion
  • Baked Goods and Prepared cereals… $3.0 billion
  • Edible Preparations… $2.9 billion

U.S. agricultural imports from Canada = $36.7 billion including:

  • Baked Goods and Prepared cereals… $5.8 billion
  • Fats and Oils… $5.1 billion
  • Beef and Pork… $3.6 billion
  • Vegetables and Roots… $2.9 billion
  • Chocolate… $1.9 billion

All figures in U.S. dollars based on 2022 total U.S. export and import data (as of February 2023).

Trade data source: U.S. Census Bureau based on the World Trade Organization definition of agriculture

Additional source: U.S. Department of Agriculture


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