Notice of Request for Proposals - 2025 Varieties

Each year, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada makes available to interested proponents, the sole licensing rights to market and produce pedigreed seed for each of the varieties developed through its breeding programs that have received support for registration.

Requester: His Majesty the King in Right of Canada as represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)

Available Rights: For the licensed sole right to produce and market pedigreed seeds for each variety.

New Varieties in 2025

To request a copy of a long description please contact Stephen Capelle.

BW1141 Canada Western Red Spring Wheat

BW1141 Canada Western Red Spring Wheat, developed at the Brandon Research and Development Centre, Brandon, Manitoba

BW1141 is a high yielding, awned, hollow stemmed spring wheat proposed for the CWRS class based on three years of data (CBWC) and is suitable for production in Western Canada. BW1141 is a doubled haploid derived from a cross of BW1052/AAC Wheatland. The final cross for BW1141 was made at the Brandon Research and Development Centre in 2016. Doubled haploid lines were created from this cross in 2017 and 2018. The line 16SB137*B0098 was tested in Central Bread Wheat Registration trials as BW1141 for three years (2022-2024). BW1141 was higher yielding than all of the checks and yielded 6% more than AAC Brandon (3 year mean). It is semi-dwarf, 4 cm shorter than Glenn, with lodging tolerance better than AAC Brandon. It has excellent disease resistance: Resistant to leaf rust (MS to MR), stem rust (R) and common bunt (I to R), with intermediate resistant reaction to Fusarium head blight (MS to MR) and resistant to wheat midge. BW1141 has similar maturity to Carberry and test weight, thousand kernel weight, and protein similar to AAC Brandon.

Breeder Seed Available: 555 kg

BW1143 Canada Western Red Spring Wheat

BW1143 Canada Western Red Spring Wheat, developed at the Brandon Research and Development Centre, Brandon, Manitoba

Note: The Canadian Grain Commission has confirmed that BW1143 will be eligible for the Canadian Western Red Spring market class.

BW1143 Canada Western Red Spring is a high yielding, awned, hollow stemmed spring wheat proposed for the CWRS class based on three years of data and is suitable for production in Western Canada. BW1143 is a doubled haploid derived from a cross of BW1052/AAC Wheatland. The final cross for BW1143 was made at Brandon Research and Development Centre in 2016. Doubled haploid lines were created from this cross in 2017 and 2018. The line 16SB137*E0696 was tested in Central Bread Wheat Registration trials as BW1143 for three years (2022-2024). BW1143 was higher yielding than all of the checks and yielded 11% more than AAC Brandon (3 year mean). It is semi-dwarf, 2 cm shorter than Glenn, with lodging tolerance better than AAC Brandon. It has excellent disease resistance: Resistant to leaf rust (R), stem rust (R), stripe rust (I to MR), and common bunt (I to R), with MR resistant reaction to Fusarium head blight and resistant to wheat midge. BW1143 has similar maturity, protein and test weight to AAC Brandon, and thousand kernel weight higher than all the checks.

Breeder Seed Available: 630 kg

C21-926 Camelina

C21-926 Camelina, developed at the Saskatoon Research and Development Centre, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Elite spring camelina breeding line C21-926 is derived from a cross between large-seeded line 09CS0041 and high oil line 07CS0003-86; both lines are derived from PGRC germplasm. Reciprocal crosses were followed by F1 and F2 seed production in the greenhouse. After three generations of pedigree selection for vigor (speed of plant development early in the season), superior agronomics, such as high number of branches, thick pod canopy, long racemes, and moderate plant height, as well as seed oil content and 1000-seed weight, a number of progeny lines were selected. F6 seed, hand harvested from the centre of the nursery plot, was sown in replicated yield trials in 2022 and 2023. Yield trial results indicated the line C21-926 to be agronomically similar to AAC 10CS0048, with similarly high seed yield (1869 vs. 1763 kg/ha) and seed oil content (42.9 vs. 42.5%), similar seed size (1.3 vs. 1.2 g/1000-seed) and a similar n-3/n-6 fatty acid ratio of the seed oil (both 1.5). C21-926 and AAC 10CS0048 on average matured at the same time (79 days after seeding). C21-926 has improved downy mildew resistance compared to AAC 10CS0048 (1 vs. 2.75 on a 1-5 scale). C21-926 is adapted to all soil zones of the Canadian Prairies.

Breeder Seed Available: will be increased in 2025

DT2046 Canada Western Amber Durum Wheat

DT2046 Canada Western Amber Durum Wheat, developed at the Swift Current Research and Development Centre, Swift Current, Saskatchewan

There is growing concern regarding durum wheat's need for improved straw strength to withstand the unpredictable weather conditions, as well as enhanced grain yield in the brown/dark brown soil zones, the primary durum production area. DT2046 exhibits very good straw strength with a short plant height. It has demonstrated superior yield performance in the brown/dark soil zone, coupled with high grain protein concentration and a comparable level of resistance to Fusarium-damaged kernels (a grading factor of FHB determining the quality of the grain) to the FHB intermediate rating cultivar. DT2046 was selected from the cross A1150-AKP04C/AAC Donlow. In three years of registration testing, DT2046 yielded 5.3% more than the mean of the checks. Averaged over 23 station years in the major durum growing region, DT2046 yielded 1.8% more than AAC Weyburn (the highest-yielding check), 2.0% more than AAC Schrader, 5.1% more than Brigade and 9.0% more than CDC Precision. Grain protein concentration of DT2046 was 0.4 unit higher than AAC Weyburn. Time to maturity of DT2046 was within the range of the checks and similar to CDC Precision. Test weight and kernel size of DT2046 were within the range of the checks. Plant height of DT2046 was significantly shorter than Brigade and AAC Schrader, similar to CDC Precision and AAC Weyburn. Lodging resistance of DT2046 was significantly better than AC Navigator, AAC Weyburn, AAC Schrader and numerically lower than CDC Precision and Brigade. DT2046 expressed resistance to leaf rust, stem rust, stripe rust and common bunt while expressing resistance to moderate susceptible to loose smut. DT2046 expressed a comparable level of resistance to Fusarium-damaged kernels as the durum cultivar AAC Schrader. DT2046 had low grain cadmium concentration and good milling performance, and its quality profile met the requirements of the CWAD class with the similar wheat protein concentrations as AAC Schrader on average.

Breeder Seed Available: 225 kg

HB23150 Two-Row Hulless Black Food Barley

HB23150 Two-Row Hulless Black Food Barley, developed at the Brandon Research and Development Centre, Brandon, Manitoba

HB23150 is a two-row, coloured (black) hulless food barley with good adaptability across western Canada developed at the Brandon Research and Development Centre from the cross H370/HB12322. Over two years of testing in the Western Cooperative Hulless Barley Registration Test, it demonstrated very good agronomic performance such as yield similar to the regular (non-coloured/tan) check, high kernel weight and plumpness and loose hull adherence. HB23150 also demonstrated moderate resistance to stem rust, surface smuts, and loose smut, as well as intermediate resistance to spot-form net blotch, spot blotch and Fusarium head blight. Based on additional testing conducted at the Grain Research Laboratory, Winnipeg, MB, HB23150 displayed softer kernel (suitable for flakes), shortest time to pearl 20% off (suitable for pearling) and higher flour yield (suitable for milling) than all three checks.

Breeder Seed Available: will be increased in 2025

HB23154  Two-Row Hulless Food Barley

HB23154 Two-Row Hulless Food Barley, developed at the Brandon Research and Development Centre, Brandon, Manitoba

HB23154 is a two-row, hulless food barley with good adaptability across western Canada developed at the Brandon Research and Development Centre from the cross Hiproly/Roseland. Over two years of testing in the Western Cooperative Hulless Barley Registration Test, it demonstrated good agronomic performance compared to the CDC McGwire check such as higher yield (+5%), high kernel weight (+0.6%) and plumpness (+1.9). HB23154 also demonstrated moderate resistance to stem rust and Fusarium head blight as well as intermediate resistance to net and spot-form net blotch and surface smuts. Based on additional testing conducted at the Grain Research Laboratory, Winnipeg, MB, it showed overall good milling and pearling attributes.

Breeder Seed Available: will be increased in 2025

LRC16-4656 Alfalfa

LRC16-4656 Alfalfa, developed at the Lethbridge Research and Development Centre, Lethbridge, Alberta

LRC16-4656 alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is a synthetic population developed from selected survivor plants after a long-term grazing experiment in Lethbridge, AB. This population originated from a 1 acre block of AC Blue J that was subjected to continuous grazing from 2009 to 2016. Over this period, the stand thinned by at least 75%, and only the most resilient plants survived. These surviving plants, which demonstrated tolerance to repeated grazing and trampling, were allowed to open pollinate, leading to the accumulation of beneficial alleles associated with high yield and grazing tolerance. Yield trials were conducted in Creston, BC, Lethbridge, AB, and on acidic soils at Chain Lakes, AB. Across 15 site-year evaluations, LRC16-4656 outyielded the check cultivar Beaver by at least 15% in dry matter yield (DMY). Additionally, a six-year evaluation in Creston, BC, demonstrated that the DMY of LRC16-4656 remained stable over the years, whereas Beaver experienced a decline after the third production year. This indicates the superior persistence of LRC16-4656 under long-term production conditions.

Breeder Seed Available: 50 kg

OA1689-11 Oat

OA1689-11 Oat, developed at the Ottawa Research and Development Centre, Ottawa, Ontario

OA1689-11 is a spring oat line with white hulls. It was derived from the cross 16S16 (Camden/OA1426-2-5) made in March 2016 at Ottawa Research and Development Centre. It was selected using a pseudo single seed decent method, followed by visual selection in the Hill nursery (2018) and the Observation nursery (2019), and five years of multilocation yield trials (2020 to 2024). It yielded 3% better than AAC Nicolas across all locations and 13% higher than Nicolas across southern locations plus La Pocatière across the 2022-2024 RGCQ Registration trials. Therefore, it is particularly adapted to southern Quebec. Trials conducted in New Liskeard, Ontario also showed that OA1689-11 yielded better than Nicolas. OA1689-11 had a plant height similar to Nicolas and 1 day later in maturity than Nicolas. It was significantly more lodging resistant than all check cultivars. OA1689-11 has higher kernel weight and test weight than Nicolas. It has the same high groat content as Nicolas but lower protein content than the checks. It has similar oil and beta-glucan content as Nicolas.

Breeder Seed Available: will be increased in 2025

OB1425-20 Six-Row Barley

OB1425-20 Six-Row Barley, developed at the Ottawa Research and Development Centre, Ottawa, Ontario

OB1425-20 was derived from a cross between AAC Mirabel and Encore using a modified bulk breeding method. This cultivar is well adapted to barley-growing regions in eastern Canada. In the Quebec six-row barley registration tests (2022–2024), OB1425-20 demonstrated a 5% higher grain yield compared to the check mean. It exhibited similar grain characteristics to the checks. OB1425-20 was taller and matured later than the checks but maintained very good lodging resistance. In artificial FHB nurseries across seven location-years in Quebec, OB1425-20 showed lower deoxynivalenol (DON) accumulation than the moderately susceptible check. In the Ontario Barley Orthogonal Tests (2022–2024), OB1425-20 achieved an 8% higher grain yield than the check mean. It exhibited similar grain characteristics to AAC Vitality. OB1425-20 was taller and matured later than the checks while maintaining very good lodging resistance.

Breeder Seed Available: will be increased in 2025

OT22-04 Soybean

OT22-04 Soybean, developed at the Ottawa Research and Development Centre, Ottawa, Ontario

OT22-04 soybean, also named X5840-1-0014-S1-S1-21-B was developed by the Ottawa Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. OT22-  originated from the cross, OAC Nation/AAC Mandor, made at Ottawa in 2013. The population was advanced using the single seed descent method in the greenhouse and in the field at Ottawa. Selected F6 rows were grown in the field at Ottawa in 2017 and bulked for further testing. Selection was practiced for early maturity and agronomic characteristics. OT22-04 was tested at multiple locations since 2019.

Breeder Seed Available: will be increased in 2025

Varieties supported for Registration in 2024 that remain available for licensing

To request a copy of a long description please contact Stephen Capelle.

DT2035 Canada Western Amber Durum Wheat

DT2035 Canada Western Amber Durum Wheat, developed at the Swift Current Research and Development Centre, Swift Current, Saskatchewan

DT2035 has FHB resistance comparable to AAC Schrader which is rated Intermediate for FHB resistance. DT2035 is a combination of high yielding with high wheat protein similar to AAC Schrader, shorter plant height than AAC Schrader with strong straw strength, and low grain cadmium content. DT2035 was selected from the cross DT889/DT888. In three years of registration testing, DT2035 yielded 4.5% more than the mean of the check cultivars. Averaged over 26 station years, DT2035 yielded 0.9% more than Brigade and 5.7% more than CDC Precision. Grain protein concentration of DT2035 was similar to AAC Schrader. Time to maturity was similar to Brigade and within the range of the checks. Test weight was higher than all checks. Plant height was similar to CDC Precision. Lodging resistance was the same as Brigade. Kernel size was the same as CDC Precision. DT2035 has good resistance to leaf rust, stem rust, stripe rust and common bunt. DT2035 expressed a comparable level of resistance to FHB as the durum cultivar AAC Schrader which is assigned an overall Intermediate FHB resistance rating. DT2035 had low grain cadmium concentration, and its quality profile met the requirements of the CWAD class.

Breeder Seed Available: 255 kg


  • The request for proposals (RFP) will be determined by the best global, commercial value overall to AAFC and Canada as adjudged by the criteria identified in the Terms and Conditions of the document entitled "Guidelines for Submitting Proposals".
  • AAFC reserves the right to negotiate with any proponent and to modify that proposal without notifying or offering the same terms and conditions to the other proponents. This is not a tender.
  • AAFC reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.


Proposals must be received at the specified address by not later than 12:00 pm CST on Wednesday, March 26, 2025.


All proposals and inquiries on the Request For Proposals process should be directed to:

Stephen Capelle
Commercialization Officer
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
500-303 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3G7

Telephone: 204-999-9887

For service in French, please contact:

Danielle Mongrain
Commercialization Officer

Telephone: 418-569-1744

All inquiries must be in writing. All replies will be in writing. AAFC will not be liable for damages suffered by a proponent who acts upon an oral representation or an oral reply from AAFC.

Responses to general inquiries will be made available to all proponents, unless such publication would reveal proprietary information.

AAFC encourages Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's) to submit proposals under this process.