2023 priorities - Minor use pesticide workshop

"A" Priorities selected during the 2023 pest management minor use pesticide priority setting workshop
Discipline Crop Target Pest National Ranking March 2023 Potential Solution (active ingredient) Potential Solution (product) Registrant
Entomology Rutabaga Cabbage maggot (Delia radicum) Regional A Spinetoram Delegate Corteva
Entomology Rutabaga Flea beetles A Flupyradifurone Sivanto Prime Bayer
Entomology Hemp, industrial Cutworms (Noctuidae) A Permethrin Pounce 384EC FMC
Entomology Grape, wine Spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) Organic A Beauveria bassiana ANT-03 BioTitan WP Anatis Bioprotection
Pathology Carrot Cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora carotae) A Captan Captan 80 WSP ADAMA
Pathology Cucumber (GH) Powdery mildew (Podosphaera xanthii; Sphaerotheca fuliginea; Erysiphe cichoracearum) A Ipflufenoquin Kinoprol 20SC Nisso
Pathology Blackberry (GH) Cane Botrytis (Botrytis spp.) Regional A Penthiopyrad Fontelis Corteva
Pathology Honeysuckle, edible (haskap) Powdery mildew A Flutianil Gatten OAT Agrio
Pathology Strawberry Neopestalotiopsis fruit rot A Fluazinam Allegro 500F ISK
Pathology Strawberry (GH) Powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca macularis) A Pyriofenone Property ISK
Pathology Hops Halo blight, Diaporthe blight, Fungal leaf and cone blights (Diaporthe humulicola) A Folpet Folpan ADAMA
Pathology Ornamentals (GH) Powdery mildew Regional A Florylpicoxamid Adavelt Corteva
Pathology Basil (field) Bacterial blight Organic A Copper hydroxide Kocide 2000-O Cosaco LLC
Weeds Science and Growth Regulators Ginseng Debudding Regional A Ethephon Ethrel Bayer
Weeds Science and Growth Regulators Sweet potato Grassy weeds on label A Clethodim Arrow ADAMA
Weeds Science and Growth Regulators Pepper (field) Lamb's-quarters (resistant) (Chenopodium album) A Pendimethalin Prowl H2O BASF
Weeds Science and Growth Regulators Raspberry Broadleaf weeds on label A Clopyralid Lontrel XC Corteva
Weeds Science and Growth Regulators Strawberry Grassy weeds on label A Clethodim Arrow ADAMA
Weeds Science and Growth Regulators Cranberry Weeds, broadleaf weeds, low growing perennials on label A Halauxifen Elevore Corteva
Weeds Science and Growth Regulators Dill seeds (including caraway and coriander) Broadleaf, grassy weeds on label Regional A Linuron Lorox L Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc (TKI)
Weeds Science and Growth Regulators Field conifers (including Christmas trees) Broadleaf weeds on label A Fluroxypyr Starane Corteva