2018 Corn Inbred Lines Release CO469

CO469 • Derivation: A632 Htn1 × CO388^4 (BSSS)

Inbred Characteristics
Characteristic Detail
Parent (Female or Male) Male
Emergence Very Good
Early Seedling Vigour Very Good
Plant Height (cm) 190
Number of Leaves 14-16
Leaf Angle Horizontal
Ear Height (cm) 50-60
Days to Mid Pollen 76
Days to Mid Silk 78
Ear Type Cylindrical
Ear Length (cm) 14-15
Ear Diameter (cm) 3.5-4.0
Cob Colour (anthocyanin) Red
Kernel Rows 12-14
Kernel Shape Wedge
Kernel Type Dent
Kernel Colour Yellow
Husk Cover from Ear Tip (cm) 2-3
CO469 tasselCO469 silkCO469 cob
CO469 ear
Pest Resistance Ratings
Term Detail
Gibberella ear rot S
Smut S
Fusarium stalk rot I
Northern leaf blight I
Eyespot I
Rust I
Goss's wilt I
Grey Leaf Spot I
R = Resistant
I = Intermediate
S = Susceptible
Production Information
Term Detail
Seed parent yield 70 g
Pollen shed 1
Scale: 1 = Excellent, 5 = Poor

Yield and northern corn leaf blight resistance data table for C0468, CO469, CO470, CO471, CO472 and CO473

Year City CHU FAO GDD Hybrid Moisture % Bu/Ac Yield/Moisture NCLB rating [b]
  • AB: Alberta
  • MB: Manitoba
  • ON: Ontario
  • QC: Quebec
  • -- : no data
  • Bu/Ac: Bushels per acre
  • CHU: Corn heat units
  • CV: Coefficient of variation
  • FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization
  • GDD: Growing degree days
  • REPS: Replicates