Drought analysis

Visualize droughts across Canada using a number of analysis tools including animations, side-by-side map comparisons, and change maps.

Monthly drought map comparisons

The map windows below allow you to compare monthly drought conditions anywhere in Canada for any month from 2002 to present.

  1. To start, select a Year and a Month in the first map window, then repeat this process with a different date for the second map window. Maps for the selected time periods will load in the two windows.
  2. Then, use the zoom function (the +/− buttons in the upper left corner of the maps), or use the cursor to pan around the maps and across the country. The maps are spatially linked so the location centred on one map is automatically mirrored in the other.

Description – Legend

The map above shows the extent and severity of drought conditions across Canada. The scale used runs from D0 Abnormally dry to D4 Exceptional drought.

Drought change map

The map window below allows you to view the change in drought conditions over a selected time period (up to one year).

  1. To start, select a Year and a Month, then select a Range to specify the time period against which to compare your initial selection.
  2. Then, use the zoom function (the +/− buttons in the upper left corner of the map), or use the cursor to pan around the maps and across the country.

In the legend below, the numbers indicate by how many standard drought classes conditions have degraded or improved over the time period you specified time period. For example, a '1 Class Degradation' indicates that the drought conditions worsened by a single drought class, such as from D0 to D1. A '2 Class Improvement' indicates an upgrade of two drought classes, such as from D3 to D1.

Description – Legend

The map above shows the change in standard drought classes conditions. Specifically whether drought class has degraded or improved over the user specified time period. The scale used runs from 5 Class Degradation to 5 Class Improvement.

Historic drought animation

Within the map below, a time slider tool in the upper right hand corner allows you to visualize the monthly drought data from 2002 to present. Hovering your mouse over any control button reveals a short description of its function.

  • Select the 'Play' button to start an animation that progresses through the data chronologically.
  • The animation may be stopped at any time by selecting the 'Pause' button .
  • You may select and drag the 'Slider' for the time slider to the right or left to manually move through the data interactively.
  • Select the 'Next' or 'Previous' buttons to move forward or backward one month at a time.

Interactive drought intensity map
Most recent map shows conditions as of August 31, 2024