The Salary Forecasting Tool (SFT) is a customized Systems Applications Products (SAP) application that has been developed by the Integrated Financial and Material System (IFMS). The objective of the SFT is to provide management with a tool to accurately forecast and assign employee salary dollars to their operational budgets.
As the SFT involves the collection and management of personal information, IFMS has identified the need to conduct a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) for the SFT . The PIA report examines the privacy related impact of the SFT as designed by IFMS and proposes appropriate mitigation strategies for identified risks.
The scope of the PIA included the business process and basic data flows of the personal information associated with the SFT .
Personal Information Bank (PIB) AAFC PSU 935 outlines the details regarding the personal information collected under the SFT , including the purpose, use, retention and disposal standards.
As a result of the Privacy Impact Assessment, measures have been determined to mitigate any risks associated with the collection of personal information by the Salary Forecasting Tool (SFT). For example, formal controls have been established within the SFT to limit all system and client users from accessing wage garnishment information. Further, AAFC has restricted access to users via the establishment of security roles that correlate with a user's job function and their authority to access secure data.
For further information please contact:
Access to Information and Privacy
Tower 4, 5th Floor, Room 264
1341 Baseline Road
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0C5
Telephone: 613-773-1390
Facsimile: 613-773-1380