This supplementary information table supports reporting on green procurement activities in accordance with the Policy on Green Procurement.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is bound by the Federal Sustainable Development Act but did not develop an optional 2022–23 DSDS Report. Instead, to comply with the reporting requirements under the Policy on Green Procurement for 2022 to 2023, the Reporting on Green Procurement supplementary information table was prepared and listed in the 2022–23 Departmental Results Report.
Greening government: The Government of Canada will transition to low carbon, climate-resilient, and green operations
FSDS target | FSDS contributing action(s) | Corresponding departmental action(s) | Starting point(s), performance indicator(s), target(s) | Results achieved | Contribution by each departmental result to the FSDS goal and target |
Actions supporting the Greening Government goal and the Policy on Green Procurement | Departments will use environmental criteria to reduce the environmental impact and ensure best value in government procurement decisions |
Integrate environmental considerations into procurement management processes and controls. Promote and leverage common use procurement instruments and tools that incorporate environmental considerations where available and feasible. |
Performance indicators:
Starting points:
In 2022–23, 92% of procurement files for all commodities reviewed by the Procurement Review Board (PRB) included environmental considerations (209 of 227 files). In 2022–23, 100% of procurements valued over $2 million included environmental considerations (7 of 7 files). |
Green procurement incorporates environmental considerations into purchasing decisions and is expected to motivate suppliers to reduce the environmental impact of the goods and services they deliver, and their supply chains. SDG 12 — Responsible Consumption and Production |
Actions supporting the Greening Government goal and the Policy on Green Procurement | Departments will use environmental criteria to reduce the environmental impact and ensure best value in government procurement decisions | Ensure key officials include contribution to and support for the Policy on Green Procurement objectives in their performance evaluations. |
Performance indicator: Number of functional heads (Director General and Director) of procurement and material whose performance evaluation includes support and/or contribution towards green procurement Starting point: Two positions (100%): Director General, Real Property and Asset Management, and Director, Material Management, in 2018–19 Target: 100% in each fiscal year |
In 2022–23, the performance evaluation of 1 of 2 functional heads (Director General and Director) of procurement and material included support and/or contribute towards green procurement (50%). |
Green procurement incorporates environmental considerations into purchasing decisions and is expected to motivate suppliers to reduce the environmental impact of the goods and services they deliver, and their supply chains. SDG 12 — Responsible Consumption and Production Target 12.7 |
Actions supporting the Greening Government goal and the Policy on Green Procurement | Departments will use environmental criteria to reduce the environmental impact and ensure best value in government procurement decisions | Maintain level of greenhouse gas emissions from departmental business-related travel (scoped to air travel only) to at least a 35% reduction until 2020–21 relative to 2005–06. |
Performance indicator: Percentage reduction in business travel emissions, relative to 2005–06 fiscal year Starting point: 60% reduction in 2018–19 (3.7 ktCO2e) relative to 2005–06 (9.2 ktCO2e) Target: Maintain at least 35% reduction until 2020–21 relative to 2005–06 |
AAFC completed this Greening Government Strategy target, which was in place until 2020–21. | |
Actions supporting the Greening Government goal and the Policy on Green Procurement | Departments will adopt clean technology and undertake clean technology demonstration projects |
Explore opportunities to participate in the Innovation Solutions Canada Testing Stream. Develop operational innovation proposals for the Greening Government Fund. |
Performance indicators and targets:
Starting points: No starting points are available |
In 2022–23, AAFC participated in 3 Innovation Solutions Canada's Testing Streams. In 2022–23 two of AAFC's submissions were approved for Greening Government Fund funding. |
Incent, support, or procure state-of-the-art innovative clean technologies that lower the environmental footprint of government operations while contributing to the success of clean-tech businesses in Canada. SDG 7 — Affordable and Clean Energy SDG 8 — Decent Work and Economic Growth |
Actions supporting the Greening Government goal and the Policy on Green Procurement | Support for green procurement will be strengthened, including guidance, tools and training for public service employees | Ensure decisions makers, material management and specialists in procurement have the necessary training and awareness to support green procurement. |
Performance indicator: Percentage of specialists in procurement (PG employees) who have completed training on green procurement, as of March 31 of each fiscal year Starting point: 63% in 2018–19 Target: 65% in each fiscal year |
In 2022–23, 70% of the Department's (33/47) specialists in procurement (employees classified in the Purchasing and Supply group (PG) positions) had been trained in green procurement as of March 31, 2023. |
Green procurement incorporates environmental considerations into purchasing decisions and is expected to motivate suppliers to green their goods, services and supply chain. SDG 12 — Responsible Consumption and Production Target 12.7 |
Report on integrating sustainable development
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada will continue to ensure that its decision making process includes consideration of FSDS goals and targets through its strategic environmental assessment (SEA) process. An SEA for a policy, plan or program proposal includes an analysis of the impacts of the proposal on the environment, including on relevant FSDS goals and targets.
Public statements on the results of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's assessments are made public when an initiative has undergone a detailed SEA (see Strategic Environmental Assessment)
The purpose of the public statement is to demonstrate that the environmental effects, including the impacts on achieving the FSDS goals and targets, of the approved policy, plan or program have been considered during proposal development and decision making.