Sustainable Agriculture Strategy

The Sustainable Agriculture Strategy (SAS) will help set a shared long-term direction for collective action to improve environmental performance in the sector, support farmers livelihoods and strengthen the business vitality of the Canadian agricultural industry.

What is the Sustainable Agriculture Strategy?

  • A long-term plan that will help bring together action on priority environment and climate issues in the agriculture sector
  • Shared direction and vision for collective action to improve environmental performance and enhanced resilience to climate change in the agriculture sector
  • A key resource for the Canadian agriculture sector to take action on environmental and climate issues while providing the vital role of responding to growing demands for healthy and affordable food and supporting economic growth

Benefits of a Sustainable Agriculture Strategy

  • Strengthen collaboration on environment and climate action in the sector
  • Help identify research priorities and innovations to support agri-environmental outcomes
  • Proactively manage climate change impacts
  • Support the long-term business vitality of the sector
  • Leverage economic opportunities
  • Support Canada's position as a trusted and sustainable global food provider
  • Contribute to Canada's 2030 and 2050 climate targets and international commitments

With a Sustainable Agriculture Strategy, Canada will be well positioned to be a world leader in sustainable agriculture while maintaining its role as a trusted global food provider.

Focus areas of the SAS

  • Adaptation and resilience
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate change mitigation
  • Soil health
  • Water

Sustainable Agriculture Strategy Advisory Committee

The Sustainable Agriculture Strategy (SAS) Advisory Committee includes a diverse representation of sector stakeholders that will play an important role in facilitating collaboration, transparency, and information sharing as steps are taken towards developing the Sustainable Agriculture Strategy.

Committee membership

  • Canadian Federation of Agriculture
  • Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute
  • Canadian Canola Growers Association
  • Canadian Cattle Association
  • Cereals Canada
  • Canola Council of Canada
  • Chicken Farmers of Canada
  • Canadian Organic Growers
  • Canadian Pork Council
  • Canadian Wildlife Federation
  • Dairy Farmers of Canada
  • Ducks Unlimited Canada
  • Egg Farmers of Canada
  • Farmers for Climate Solutions
  • Fertilizer Canada
  • Fruit & Vegetable Growers of Canada
  • Grain Growers of Canada
  • Manitoba Métis Federation
  • National Farmers Union
  • Nature United
  • Pulse Canada
  • Soy Canada
  • Union des producteurs agricoles

Next steps

On March 31, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) concluded the online engagement period of the Strategy consultation process. As a next step, AAFC has released a What We Heard Report outlining stakeholder feedback received throughout the consultation. AAFC will continue to engage with the SAS Advisory Committee, and other stakeholders, to build the Strategy.

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