Agri-food international market intelligence service

This service provides information to Canadian business on global opportunities for Canada's agri-food products, including fish and seafood. It helps Canadian agri-food exporters gain the knowledge they need to succeed in today's competitive trading environments.

What is offered

  • A link to our network of experts to help you understand the priority markets and sectors for your products, including key market opportunities and trends.
  • An analysis of distribution channels, including the foodservice industry and e-Commerce platforms.
  • An identification of market, sector and product opportunities abroad, including economic, business and consumer trends and forecasts.
  • Personalized market intelligence products tailored to your business needs, including customized reports, presentations on top opportunities, and information packages to help you prepare for your next trade event.

Who is eligible

  • Canadian agri-food companies, including fish and seafood, interested in exporting their products
  • Industry associations, marketing  organizations, cooperatives and other groups that support the Canadian agri-food industry

Contact us

Take advantage of this service and contact our national network of analysts:

Join our email distribution list and receive our latest agri-food market intelligence reports in your inbox:

We are committed to responding to respond to general inquiries before the end of the next business day, and to provide an estimated delivery date for information products within three (3) business days.