Video transcript
[Upbeat, rhythmic music starts.]
[A computer beeps and boots up. A glowing bar slides across a blue screen, revealing a map of the world. The camera zooms in, every country fading to grey except for Germany, which rises from the map. A blue banner crosses the screen.]
Text on screen: Canadian Agri-Food Trade Commissioners
[The banner's text swaps.]
Text on screen: Doing Business in Germany
[The banner disappears. The camera zooms quickly into the country of Germany, which fades away, replaced by an aerial view of Berlin.]
[Cut to a crowd, walking first in slow motion, then sped up.]
[Cut to a timelapse of people moving through a public square in Berlin.]
Voice of Nora Grütters: The German market is, first of all, very large.
[Cut to a timelapse of a grocery cart weaving through a store.]
We have more than 80 million consumers, so it is very competitive as well.
[Cut to a woman raising her arms before a lake and mountains.]
However, Germans love Canada.
[Cut to a man canoeing in a lake beside mountains.]
They've either been there, they want to go there...
[Cut to a group of friends eating and chatting in a restaurant.]
...or they know someone who has been, so anything that reminds them of Canada is certainly very welcome.
[Cut to Nora standing in front of billboards for food trade shows. A banner appears.]
Text on screen: Nora Grütters Trade Commissioner, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
My name is Nora Grütters. I'm a trade commissioner for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada...
[Cut to a slow pan of Düsseldorf.]
...working at the Canadian consulate in Düsseldorf, in Germany.
[Cut to a timelapse of a cargo ship being unloaded.]
There's certainly quite some advantages with the new E.U.-Canada free trade agreement.
[A banner crosses the screen.]
Text on screen: Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement
[The banner disappears. Cut to a truck travelling along the road.]
And that is especially true for products that are high in sugar
[Cut to a maple leaf bottle quickly filled with syrup.]
It could also be pet food...
[Cut to pet food passing along a conveyor.]
...and some fish and seafood...
[Cut to a man on a fishing boat. In fast motion, he pulls a lobster crate from the ocean.]
...who were levied with very high third country duties.
[The man slows down, smiling as he pulls two lobsters from the cage.]
All of that is now down to zero...
[Cut back to Nora.]
...and that bears potential for Canadian exporters of these products.
[Cut to boxes on a conveyor moving down an assembly line.]
We always encourage Canadian manufacturers to apply the maple leaf onto the packaging.
[Cut to a bottle of syrup with maple leaves as a logo is applied.]
Say that it is from Canada...
[Cut to a box of specialty meats with a Canadian logo. The camera pans from the box to workers loading the boxes with meat.]
...because that's actually what people are looking for, and that might give you the little extra advantage over other products.
[Cut back to Nora.]
For Canadian companies, I would really encourage you to come to Anuga next year.
[Cut to an image of crowds entering the Anuga trade fair. A banner crosses the screen.]
Text on screen: ANUGA
That will be taking place in October in Cologne, in Germany...
[Cut to an image of many red flags with the Anuga logo. The text on the banner changes.]
Text on screen: October Cologne, Germany
...and we have a huge presence there.
[The banner disappears. The image changes to one of a busy escalator at the Anuga trade show.]
There's also a number of other shows on an international level.
[The image fades to an animation of the globe. Glowing lines appear and disappear, connecting the countries. The animation speeds up, zooms in, and disappears, revealing a man swirling a glass of white wine.]
We have Prowein, which is the world's largest wine and spirits show...
[A banner appears.]
Text on screen: Prowein
...and that is every year in March in Düsseldorf.
[Cut to a couple of people sitting at a table swirling a rosé. The banner's text changes.]
Text on screen: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Agriculture