Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program - Step 5. Complete the application and apply

Step 5. Complete the application and apply

A complete application includes the pre-screening application and the full application.

Pre-screening application

Your pre-screening application is to be completed online and has 5 sections. Complete each section and submit the application.

If you have any trouble when you complete or submit the pre-screening application; or, for more information on the Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program, please refer to our Contact information.

Full application

After you submit your pre-screening application online, you may be invited to complete a full application. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) will notify you if you are invited to apply or if your application has not met the program objectives.

If you have any trouble when you complete or submit the application, please refer to our Contact information.

Note: AAFC uses the information you provide in the application to determine if your project is eligible.

The full application has 10 sections. Complete each section and submit the application.

  • Project information
    • Project title
    • Project objective
    • Project description
    • Performance measures
    • Additional questions
    • Priority areas
    • Organizational capacity
    • Primary project location
    • Environmental considerations
    • Project data collection
    • Previously received funding
    • Official Languages
  • Organization or business
    • Legal name
    • Operating as
    • CRA business number
    • Organizational type
    • Website
    • Headquarters address
    • Mailing address
    • Organizational capacity / details
  • Project team
  • Activities
  • Funding sources
    • Project funding
    • Non-AAFC project funding details
  • Budget summary
    • Source of funding
    • Total government funding
    • Budget summary by activity
  • Documents
  • Contacts
    • Primary contact
    • Project contact
  • Declarations
    • Unpaid debts to the Government of Canada
  • Review and submit
    • Privacy notice statement
    • Lobbying activities
    • Conflicts of interest
    • Acknowledgements

Annex A: How to complete the application

This annex outlines specific considerations to help complete your application.

1. Project information

AAFC will use the information in this section, with your project activities and budget, to determine the eligibility of your project.

2. Organization or business

AAFC uses the information you provide in this section to confirm your organization's identity and to verify your organization's eligibility for funding.

Refer to the Eligibility checklist to determine if your organization is eligible under this program.

3. Project team

Review the contact information for project team members and edit if necessary. There is a maximum of five (5) project team members per project. Any Project Team Member can create and edit project application forms. Should your project be approved, the project team members can submit direct deposit information and submit payment requests and performance reports to AAFC. The list of project team members can be updated over the course of the project.

4. Activities

To help determine the budget numbers to enter into the Activities section, you must first complete the Detailed project budget, which can be downloaded from the portal. Once the budget is completed, enter the data in the relevant areas of the application and attach the spreadsheet in the Documents section of the application.

Refer to the Instructions within the Detailed project budget to assist you in completing the budget and see Eligible costs for detailed information on eligible costs and limitations under this program.

5. Funding sources

Complete this section after entering all project activities. The Project funding table is pre-populated based on information submitted in the Activities section.

Refer to Funding, Cost-sharing and Sources of funding for information on cost-sharing, sources of funding, and government funding stacking limits.

6. Budget summary

Review all information in this section. The budget summary is calculated from the addition of all activities, and you must return to the Activities section to make any changes. Reminder: The amounts in the Detailed project budget document need to match the information presented in this section.

7. Documents

You must submit the application form and the following required documents to AAFC.

Review the list to ensure you have all the documentation to complete and submit as part of the full application.

Required: Detailed Project Budget
A spreadsheet provided in Stage 2 for you to give the estimated fair value of the activity costs entered in the online application. Many of the calculations in the spreadsheet are automated and protected to help avoid errors.
Required: Organization's Certificate or Articles of Incorporation
Certificates and Articles of Incorporation are issued and filed, respectively, by or with provincial, territorial or federal government that document the applicant's status as a legal entity.
Required: Financial Statements
  • The organization's annual financial statements (audited, accountant-reviewed, or notice-to-reader) for the past two years or since the date of business start-up where the business is less than two years old;
  • The latest interim (audited or unaudited) financial statements; and
  • The most recent annual report or audited financial statements of the parent company or principal owner (if applicable).
Required: Project Endorsement Letters/ Letters of Support
Letters of support from organizations indicating they believe there is a need for the proposed project for the sector and expressing hope that the proposed project will be accepted.
Required (if applicable): Letters of Financial Support
Letters of financial support from all organizations providing a cash contribution to the project as per the Budget.
  • Letters outlining confirmed cash contributions to the project, other than the Applicant organization (that is, other industry groups or other governments) must be provided.
  • The letters must make specific reference to the proposed project and indicate the amount of the cash contribution.
  • The letters must come from a senior executive authorized to sign the letter on behalf of the organization.
Required (if applicable): Capital Asset Pre-approval
For Capital Costs to be purchased for the project that are greater than $10,000.

8. Contacts

Primary contact

Enter the contact information of the person in your organization who is responsible for responding to inquiries about this application.

Project contact

If your project is approved for funding, this is the person who will discuss the project with AAFC. This person can be the same as the Primary Contact. Indicate if you're the project contact or if you need to enter a new contact.

9. Declarations

Read and complete the declarations.

10. Review and submit

After you complete your application form and include the additional documents, please submit your application.

If you have any trouble when you complete or submit the application, please contact the AAFC Contact Centre.

Annex B: Eligible costs

This annex details eligible costs and limitations under this program. Use the following information to complete your project budget during the application stage. AAFC may periodically change the requirements outlined in this annex.

AAFC will only fund project-related expenditures that are pertinent, reasonable and essential to accomplish the objectives of an approved project and that fall under the following cost categories:

Administrative costs

Administrative costs – Eligible cost items

Administrative costs are defined as the organization's expenses (such as fundamental operational costs) not directly related to undertaking the project activities but necessary for the organization to manage activities outlined in the work plan and to administer the reporting requirements of the contribution agreement, including project management costs.

Administrative fees will be calculated at a 10% flat rate and will be subject to the cost-sharing ratio. Should your organization wish a lesser administration flat rate, please contact your CASPP Program Officer to discuss options. Under the administration flat rate approach, administrative cost items do not need to be detailed, negotiated or substantiated when submitting a claim. However, if subject to a compliance audit, the recipient may be asked to supply supporting documentation. For this purpose, it is important to keep in the mind the following examples.

Administrative costs include, but are not limited to the costs related to:

  • project management costs: management and administrative staff wages not working on the outcome of projects, including those who negotiate service contracts, pay the invoices, manage the project budget, monitor and/or prepare the claims and any financial or progress/performance reports for the project
    • salaries, Mandatory Employment Related Costs (MERCs), and benefits and/or contract services
  • administrative office supplies and expenses
    • basic telephone fees (including fax lines) and cell phones
    • hydro
    • materials and office supplies (for example, pens, pencils, paper, envelopes, cleaning supplies, subscriptions)
    • monthly internet fees
    • postage and courier fees
    • office equipment (for example, computers, printers, photocopiers)
    • office space (rent) and related utilities and maintenance
  • administrative information technology (IT) products and services, including maintenance
  • other overhead type expenditures relating to the organization's office
Administrative costs — Limitations/Explanations
  • Don't include administration costs in your application; the 10% flat rate will be calculated automatically. This flat rate has been developed to represent the cost of undertaking the administration functions of the contribution agreement.
  • You may also choose to not claim administrative costs, and opt out of the flat rate.
  • To ease administrative burden, these costs do not need to be detailed at the time of application and will not be negotiated or need to be validated when submitting a claim.
  • These costs will be funded at the approved program cost-share ratio and will be calculated as part of the financial reports.
  • Individual capital expenditures over $100,000 are not eligible for administrative costs and are excluded from the 10% flat rate calculation.

Note: You must keep all documentation of these costs. If you're subject to an audit, you'll need to supply the supporting documents at that time.

Salaries and benefits

Salaries and benefits — Eligible cost items

Salaries and benefits paid to or on behalf of staff to execute activities outlined in the project work plan, other than those covered under Administrative costs. The salaries and benefits costs do not include completing financial or performance reports for the project.

  • Includes Mandatory Employment Related Costs (MERCs), Employment Insurance (EI), Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Quebec Pension Plan (QPP), vacation pay and benefits
  • Benefits mean payments an employer is required to make by virtue of company policy or a collective agreement such as contributions to a group pension plan
Salaries and benefits — Limitations/Explanations
  • Salaries and benefits must be additional to existing costs
  • Costs must be substantiated through supporting documentation, such as timesheets
  • Timesheets must be maintained for employees who work less than 100% of their time on the project. If your application is successful, you should expect to complete timesheets for employees working on the project.
  • Timesheets will not be required for people under contract
  • For further clarification, salary and benefit costs do not include incentive amounts such as performance pay (for example, bonuses), or discretionary employee benefits (such as a gym membership or parking allowance)
  • Severances are not eligible
  • Benefit costs must not exceed 25% of the eligible salary costs for each employee who works on the project
  • Other restrictions may apply

Contracted services

Contracted services — Eligible cost items

Professional or specialized services for which a contract is entered into, such as:

  • consultant/expert services
  • translation services
  • project management to undertake activities
Contracted services — Limitations/Explanations
  • All services with a contractor should be established under a contract, which should include payment terms and deliverables (such as: description, due dates, detailed budgets)
  • Recipients must use a fair and competitive or otherwise justifiable and generally accepted sound business process that results in competent and qualified contractors working on the project
  • Materials developed for activities carried out in a domestic establishment in Canada must be available in French and English
  • Overhead costs cannot exceed 15% of total other eligible costs invoiced
  • Contractor invoices must contain sufficient details to establish the nature of the expenses and alignment with the contract signed
  • Contracts for project management and administration services (other than to undertake project activities) may be used, however, these costs will be considered Administrative costs (included in the 10% flat rate and not eligible for additional reimbursement)
  • Down payments or advance payments due to contractual obligations may be reported in the period in which the funds are disbursed


Travel — Eligible cost items

Travel costs directly related to the project, such as:

  • per diems (accommodations, meals, incidentals and taxis)
  • transportation, such as airfare, rail and ground transportation
Travel — Limitations/Explanations
  • Only economy airfare for travel is eligible. Bookings should be made as far in advance as possible. Seat selection and baggage costs are eligible, but not upgrades
  • If a higher class is purchased, proof of the flight's economy rate must be obtained for reimbursement purposes
  • When travel is approved, recipients may claim these expenses using one of the following options:
    1. claim the applicable per diem amount listed below
    2. claim actual travel costs up to the maximum daily amount listed below
  • Whether using options (a) or (b), individual invoices and proof of payment for these incurred travel costs will not be required for claims, however proof of travel is required (for example, boarding pass, hotel invoice, trip report). Recipients must also keep all invoices and proof of payment per the terms of their Agreement.
  • If using option (a), the per diems will contribute to covering the costs for individual travel such as:
    • accommodation (not included in same-day domestic or international trips)
    • meals
    • local or in-city transportation at the destination (buses, taxis, vehicle rentals, etc.)
    • ground transportation, including parking, to and from the public carrier terminal
    • entry documents (passports and visas)
    • required vaccinations, x-rays and certificates of health
    • incidentals (personal phone calls, laundry, gratuities, currency exchange fees, etc.)
  • If using option (a), per diems can be claimed for every day on travel status as follows:
    • travel within Canada:
      • trip outside the traveler's headquarters with no overnight stay: $100 CAD/day
      • trip outside the traveler's headquarters with an overnight stay: $400 CAD/day
    • travel outside Canada:
      • trip outside the traveler's headquarters with no overnight stay: $125 CAD/day
      • U.S. trip outside the traveler's headquarters with overnight stay: $475 CAD/day
      • Any International (non-U.S.) trip outside the traveler's headquarters with overnight stay: $575 CAD/day

      Note: For multi-day trips, day of departure and day of return is eligible for the overnight per diem rate

  • If the traveler's final destination is more than 50 km (100 km roundtrip) from headquarters, then the additional transportation costs are eligible as follows:
    • Air: economy rate (not business or first class) travel
    • Private vehicle:
      • $0.575/km for any domestic day trip
      • Parking at the destination and tolls
      • Gas is included in the kilometric rate. Travelers shall use the most direct, safe and practical road routes and shall claim only for distances necessarily driven while on travel status
      • Private vehicle is not to be used if more expensive than rental, rail or air
    • Rental vehicle:
      • the cost for an intermediate vehicle (or the cost of a larger vehicle, based upon factors such as, but not limited to, safety, the needs of the traveler, and the bulk or weight of goods transported)
      • gas
      • parking at the destination and tolls

Capital expenditures

Capital expenditures — Eligible cost items

Capital expenditures are for tangible assets such as equipment, computers and specialized software, and prototypes that are purchased, constructed, developed or otherwise acquired and:

  • are required for the execution of the project's activities (such as used in the production or supply of goods, the delivery of services or to produce project outputs)
  • are not intended for resale in the ordinary course of operations
  • the cost of which is considered to include the purchase price plus other acquisition costs, such as installation costs, freight charges, transportation insurance costs, duties, and the non-refundable portion of provincial sales taxes, GST/HST or other value-added taxes
  • have a useful life in excess of 1 year and a per item or cumulative cost greater than $10,000
Capital expenditures — Limitations/explanations
  • To be eligible, the capital expenditure must be directly required for the project
  • Capital costs are limited to expenditures that are required for the execution of the project, have a useful life extending beyond one year and are intended to be used on a continuing basis
  • Capital expenditures over $10,000 need to be included in the project budget and must be pre-approved by AAFC at the time of application, regardless of how it is cost-shared between AAFC and other sources
  • Where several related assets are required, the cumulative cost of these assets should be considered as one and require pre-approval at the time of application if over $10,000
  • Material purchased with the intention of building a capital asset must be pre-approved if the total value of materials, or of the final asset exceeds $10,000
  • Individual capital expenditures over $100,000 are not eligible for administrative costs. This includes material purchased with the intention of building a capital asset.
  • Capital assets over $100,000 that are required to achieve project outcomes should normally be leased, where possible and appropriate. Proposed leasing costs should be included in the application budget and must be pre-approved by AAFC before they will be deemed eligible.

Other direct project costs

Other direct project costs — Eligible cost items

Other costs for project-related deliverables, such as:

  • shipping
  • translation
  • conference or registration fees
  • knowledge transfer associated costs
Other direct project costs — Limitations/Explanations
  • Other direct project costs are specifically required for the project. They do not include costs such as: the normal costs of establishing a commercial operation, or that are deemed to be part of normal business practice for any recipient.