Agricultural programs and services
Programs and services supporting innovation, sustainable farming, business development, risk management, trade and market development.
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Program/Service | What this program or service offers | Intake period | What is this for | Who are you | Indigenous Peoples and organizations only | Name | Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership program | Keywords |
Agricultural Clean Technology Program Research and Innovation Stream – Accelerator Closed to applications |
Funds eligible not-for-profit organizations that will, in turn, use their specific networks and expertise to further distribute these funds to other organizations in support of their research and innovation objectives. | Closed |
Agricultural Clean Technology Program Research and Innovation Stream – Accelerator | No | ACT, R&I, PTPA, Initial Recipients, Ultimate Recipients, Indigenous | |
Dairy Innovation and Investment Fund (Canadian Dairy Commission) Closed to applications |
Support for medium to large-scale projects that will help the dairy sector better manage the surplus of solids non-fat in Canada | Closed |
Dairy Innovation and Investment Fund | No | Indigenous diif fiisl |
Tools to manage farm risk and finance | Programs and services that can help you manage the financial risks and needs of your farming business, as well as mental health and cyber security resources. | Open - Always available |
Tools to manage farm risk and finance | Indigenous | ||
Advance Payments Program Open to applications |
Provides low-interest cash advances on the value of eligible agricultural products, which must be repaid as the products are sold. | Open - Always available |
Advance Payments Program | No | Indigenous, app, ppa | |
African Swine Fever Industry Preparedness Program: Prevention and Preparedness Stream Closed to applications |
Funds activities, including biosecurity assessment, sector analysis, communication and research projects to enhance industry's capacity to prevent African swine fever from entering Canada and prepare for a potential outbreak. | Closed |
African Swine Fever Industry Preparedness Program: Prevention and Preparedness Stream | No | Indigenous asfipp asfpps ppippa ppavpp | |
African Swine Fever Industry Preparedness Program: Welfare Slaughter and Disposal Stream Closed to applications |
Funds processor retrofits and regional preparation for welfare slaughter and disposal to increase capacity to prepare for and mitigate the impacts of a potential outbreak. | Closed |
African Swine Fever Industry Preparedness Program: Welfare Slaughter and Disposal Stream | No | Indigenous asfipp asfwsds ppippa ppavace | |
AgPal – program and service finder | Web based tool to assist those looking for federal, provincial, and territorial agricultural programs and services that applies to their needs. | Open - Always available |
AgPal – program and service finder | Indigenous | ||
Agri-Food Trade Services for Exporters | Helps food industry and businesses reach international markets. | Open - Always available |
Agri-Food Trade Services for Exporters | No | Indigenous | |
AgriAssurance Program - National Industry Association Component Closed to applications |
Funds industry, at the national level, to develop, verify, and integrate assurance systems to address market and regulatory requirements. | Closed |
AgriAssurance Program&nhbsp0;- National Industry Association Component | Yes | community, charity, Sustainable CAP, Canadian Agricultural Partnership, Indigenous, NIA | |
AgriAssurance Program - Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Component Closed to applications |
Helps implement assurance projects that address market and regulatory requirements. | Closed |
AgriAssurance Program - Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Component | Yes | Sustainable CAP, Canadian Agricultural Partnership, Indigenous, SME | |
AgriCompetitiveness Program Open to applications |
Helps leverage, coordinate and build on existing capacity, share best practices, provide mentorship opportunities, agriculture awareness, farm business management, and farm safety information and tools. | Open |
AgriCompetitiveness Program | Yes | community, charity, Sustainable CAP, Canadian Agricultural Partnership, Indigenous, acp, pac | |
AgriCommunication Program Closed to applications |
Supports recognition of Canadian efforts and appreciation of Canadian agriculture | Closed |
AgriCommunication Program | No | food policy, Indigenous | |
Agricultural Clean Technology Program: Adoption Stream Closed to applications |
Funds the purchase and installation of commercially available clean technologies and processes. | Closed |
Agricultural Clean Technology Program: Adoption Stream | No | ACT, PTPA, Indigenous | |
Agricultural Clean Technology Program: Research and Innovation Stream Open to applications |
Funds pre-market innovation, including research, development, demonstration and commercialization activities. | Open |
Agricultural Clean Technology Program: Research and Innovation Stream | No | ACT, R&I, PTPA, Indigenous | |
Agricultural Climate Solutions - Living Labs Program Closed to applications |
Provides support to co-develop, test and enable adoption of technologies and practices, including beneficial management practices, that sequester carbon and/or mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. | Closed |
Agricultural Climate Solutions - Living Labs Program | No | ACS, BMP, GHG, SAC, Indigenous | |
Agricultural Climate Solutions - On-Farm Climate Action Fund Closed to applications |
Supports farmers in adopting beneficial management practices that store carbon and reduce greenhouse gases, specifically in the areas of nitrogen management, cover cropping and rotational grazing practices. | Closed |
Agricultural Climate Solutions - On-Farm Climate Action Fund | No | ACS, BMP, GHG, SAC, Indigenous | |
AgriDiversity Program Open to applications |
Supports activities that help the sector better leverage the potential of youth, women, Indigenous peoples and persons with disabilities. | Open |
AgriDiversity Program | Yes | Sustainable CAP, Canadian Agricultural Partnership, Indigenous, adp, pad | |
AgriInnovate Program Open to applications |
Provides repayable contributions to incent targeted commercialization, demonstration and/or adoption of commercial-ready innovative technologies and processes that increase agricultural and agri-food sector competitiveness and sustainability benefits. | Open |
AgriInnovate Program | Yes | Sustainble CAP, Canadian Agricultural Partnership, Indigenous | |
AgriInsurance Open to applications |
Provides cost-shared insurance for natural hazards. | Open |
AgriInsurance | Yes | CAP, Canadian Agricultural Partnership, Indigenous | |
AgriInvest Open to applications |
Helps manage risk and small farming income declines. | Open |
AgriInvest | Yes | Sustainable CAP, Canadian Agricultural Partnership, Indigenous | |
AgriMarketing Program Open to applications |
Provides support to increase and diversify exports to international markets and seize domestic market opportunities through industry-led promotional activities that differentiate Canadian products and producers, and leverage Canada's reputation for high quality and safe food. | Open |
AgriMarketing Program | Yes | Sustainable CAP, Canadian Agricultural Partnership, Indigenous, amp, pam | |
AgriRecovery | Disaster relief framework, disaster event assessments, development of initiatives. | Open - Always available |
AgriRecovery | Yes | Sustainable CAP, Canadian Agricultural Partnership, Indigenous | |
AgriScience Program - Projects Component Open to applications |
Funds pre-commercial research and development projects that benefits the agriculture and agri-food sector and Canadians. | Open |
AgriScience Program - Projects | Yes | Sustainable CAP, Canadian Agricultural Partnership, Indigenous | |
AgriScience Program – Clusters Component Closed to applications |
Supports pre-commercial science activities and cutting-edge research on a national scale that benefits the agriculture and agri-food sector and Canadians. | Closed |
AgriScience Program – Clusters | Yes | Sustainable CAP, Canadian Agricultural Partnership, Indigenous | |
AgriStability Open to applications |
Provides support to manage large farming income declines. | Open |
AgriStability | Yes | Sustainable CAP, Canadian Agricultural Partnership, Indigenous | |
Canada Brand Open to applications |
Offers Canadian exporters a free digitally-optimized marketing toolkit and promotional opportunities in international markets to create a unified Canadian presence and increase the global appetite for Canadian products. | Open- Always available |
Canada Brand | Yes | Indigenous, branding, marketing, toolkit, international, promotion, global, foreign, presence | |
Canadian Agricultural Loans Act Program Open to applications |
Makes loans available to farmers to establish, improve, and develop their farms and to marketing agencies to market commodities. | Open |
Canadian Agricultural Loans Act Program | No | CALA, LCPA, Indigenous | |
Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program Open to applications |
Provides support for projects that address national or sector-wide priorities that help industry address emerging issues and capitalize on opportunities. | Open |
Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program | No | CASPP, PCPSA, Indigenous | |
Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency Permits, Licences and Authorizations | Provides licences, permits, and authorizations to conduct pari-mutuel betting on horse races. | Open |
Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency Permits, Licences and Authorizations | No | CPMA, ACPM, Indigenous | |
Canadian Soil Information Service | National and regional soil data and land resource information including, databases, interpretations, reports, maps, and publications. | Open - Always available |
Canadian Soil Information Service | No | CanSIS, SISCan, Indigenous | |
Coordinated Agriculture Policy Research Initiative Closed to applications |
Funds projects developed in partnership with the academic community and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. | Closed |
Coordinated Agriculture Policy Research Initiative | No | CAPRI, ICRPA, Indigenous | |
Dairy Direct Payment Program Open to applications |
Compensation for market access commitments made under recent international trade agreements. | Open |
Dairy Direct Payment Program | No | DDPP, CETA, CPTPP, DDPPL, Indigenous | |
Dairy Processing Investment Fund Closed to applications |
Provides funding to dairy processors for projects that will improve productivity and competitiveness. | Closed |
Dairy Processing Investment Fund | No | DPIF, CETA, CPTPP, FITPL, Indigenous | |
Drought Watch | Access information on weather and climate's impact on the Canadian agricultural sector. | Open - Always available |
Drought Watch | No | Indigenous | |
Emergency Processing Fund Closed to applications |
Helps companies implement changes to protect workers and their families due to the COVID-19 pandemic and to make investments needed to increase Canada's food supply capacity. | Closed |
Emergency Processing Fund | No | EPF, Coronavirus disease, FUT, Indigenous | |
Farm Debt Mediation Service Open to applications |
Provides financial counselling and mediation services to farmers in financial difficulty. | Open - Always available |
Farm Debt Mediation Service | No | FDMS, SMMEA, Indigenous | |
Food Waste Reduction Challenge Closed to applications |
Supports innovations that accelerate and advance the deployment of diverse and high-impact solutions to food waste in Canada. | Closed |
Food Waste Reduction Challenge | No | Indigenous | |
Geospatial products | Access to interactive agricultural maps, geospatial data and tools. | Open - Always available |
Geospatial products | No | Indigenous | |
Indigenous Agriculture and Food Systems Initiative Closed to applications |
Support economic development opportunities for Indigenous communities and entrepreneurs who are launching or expanding agriculture and food systems projects. | Closed |
Yes | Indigenous Agriculture and Food Systems Initiative | No | Indigenous |
Indigenous Pathfinder Service | Helps navigate information, tools, and support available to start or expand activities in the agriculture and agri-food sector. | Open - Always available |
Yes | Indigenous Pathfinder Service | No | Indigenous |
Livestock Tax Deferral | Allows farmers who sell part of their breeding herd due to drought or flooding in prescribed drought or flood regions to defer a portion of sale proceeds to the following year. | Open - Always available |
Livestock Tax Deferral | No | Indigenous | |
Local Food Infrastructure Fund – Small Scale Projects Closed to applications |
Provides grant funding between $25,000 and $100,000 to support projects that include a production element and aim to address local food security priorities through the purchase and installation of one or a few pieces of infrastructure/equipment. | Closed |
Local Food Infrastructure Fund – Small Scale Projects | No | LFIF, FIAL, Indigenous | |
Local Food Infrastructure Fund – Large Scale Projects Closed to applications |
Provides non-repayable contribution funding between $150,000 and $500,000 to support projects with multiple infrastructure/equipment needs, including a production element, and with a minimum of 2 partnerships, to address community food security in a more comprehensive manner. | Closed |
Local Food Infrastructure Fund – Large Scale Projects | No | LFIF, FIAL, Indigenous | |
School Food Infrastructure Fund Closed to applications |
Supports not-for-profit organizations to improve infrastructure and equipment for school food programming across Canada | Closed |
School Food Infrastructure Fund | No | SFIF, FIAS, Indigenous | |
Market Development Program for Turkey and Chicken Open to applications |
Provides full and fair compensation to supply-managed sectors for market access concessions made under the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership. | Open |
Market Development Program for Turkey and Chicken | No | MDPTC, CPTPP, Indigenous | |
Minor Use Pesticides at the Pest Management Centre | Matches pest problems with pesticides and prepares regulatory submissions for new minor uses of pesticides. | Open - Always available |
Minor Use Pesticides at the Pest Management Centre | No | PMC, MUP, PUL, CLA, Indigenous | |
Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization | Licenses intellectual property to bring new technologies to market. | Open - Always available |
Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization | No | OIPC, BPIC, Indigenous | |
Pesticide Risk Reduction Program | Develops solutions that reduce the risk of pesticides harming humans and the environment. | Open - Always available |
Pesticide Risk Reduction Program | No | PRR, MPC, RRP, CLA, Indigenous | |
Poultry and Egg On-Farm Investment Program Open to applications |
Helps supply-managed poultry and egg producers adapt to market changes resulting from the implementation of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Canada—United States—Mexico Agreement. | Open |
Poultry and Egg On-Farm Investment Program | No | PEFIP, PIFVO, CPTPP, CUSMA, Indigenous | |
Price Pooling Program Open to applications |
Price guarantee to support cooperative marketing of eligible agricultural products. | Open |
Price Pooling Program | No | Indigenous, ppp, pmcp | |
Industrial Program of the Saint-Hyacinthe Research and Development Centre | Provides access to agri-food research, innovation, advanced equipment, food processing, and testing. | Open - Always available |
Industrial Program of the Saint-Hyacinthe Research and Development Centre | No | R&D, Indigenous | |
Supply Management Processing Investment Fund Open to applications |
Helps processors of supply-managed commodities adapt to market changes resulting from the implementation of the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership | Open |
Supply Management Processing Investment Fund | No | SMPIF, FITPGO, CETA, CPTPP, Indigenous | |
Trade show service | Promotes your products at the world's premier food and beverage trade shows. | Open - Always available |
Trade show service | No | pavilion, Canadian Agricultural Partnership, Indigenous | |
Wine Sector Support Program Open to applications |
Provides short-term financial support to licensed Canadian wineries as they adapt to ongoing and emerging challenges that impact financial resilience and competitiveness of the wine industry. | Open |
Wine Sector Support Program | Yes | WSSP, PASV, Indigenous | |
Youth Employment and Skills Program Closed to applications |
Provides funding for agricultural internships for youth. | Closed |
Youth Employment and Skills Program | No | YESP, PECJ, Indigenous, student, intern | |
Agricultural Methane Reduction Challenge Closed to applications |
Invests in innovative, scalable and economically viable practices, processes, and technologies that reduce enteric methane emissions from the cattle sector, specifically cow-calf operations, feedlot, and dairy. | Closed |
Agricultural Methane Reduction Challenge | No | Indigenous amrc drma |
Kosher and Halal Investment Program Open to applications |
Helps federally regulated slaughter establishments adopt technologies and equipment that support increased processing and production efficiency of kosher and/or halal meat. | Open |
Kosher and Halal Investment Program | No | Indigenous, khip, pich | |
AgriMarketing Program - Kosher and Halal Investment Component Open to applications |
Helps the Canadian kosher and halal red meat sector with export promotion, market development and trade in Canada and abroad. | Open |
AgriMarketing Program - Kosher and Halal Investment Component | No | Indigenous, ampkh, pamch | |
AgriAssurance Program - Kosher and Halal Investment Component Open to applications |
Supports organization-led initiatives to develop and adopt quality assurance systems to support the Canadian kosher and/or halal red meat sector. | Open |
AgriAssurance Program - Kosher and Halal Investment Component | No | Indigenous, aapkh, paach |

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Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership
An investment to strengthen and grow Canada's agriculture and agri-food sector