Wine Sector Support Program: Step 1. What this program offers

Step 1. What this program offers

Intake period: Closed

Applications for the 2024-25 program year were accepted until May 31, 2024.

The program ends on March 31, 2027.

In March 2024, the Government of Canada announced a 3-year extension to the Wine Sector Support Program (2024-25 to 2026-27), with an additional investment of up to $177 million.

In June 2022, the Government of Canada announced up to $166.2 million over 2 years (2022-23 to 2023-24) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to implement a program to help the Canadian wine industry adapt to ongoing and emerging challenges.

Program objective

The program aims to provide short-term financial support to licensed Canadian wineries as they transition and adapt to ongoing and emerging challenges impacting the financial resilience and competitiveness of the wine industry.


The program provides non-repayable grant payments to licensed Canadian wineries based on their production of bulk wine fermented in Canada from domestic and/or imported primary agricultural products. Under the program:

Bulk wine may include:

  • grape wine
  • other fruit wine
  • sake
  • other primary agricultural product-based wines

Primary agricultural products are raw materials, such as:

  • grapes
  • berries
  • other fruit
  • dandelions
  • rice
  • sap

How the per litre payment rate is calculated

The payment rate will be calculated by determining the total litres of eligible wine produced in the relevant production year from information provided in applications, once the application intake period for the fiscal year has closed.

The grant funding allocation for the fiscal year will then be divided by the total litres of eligible wine determined.

How individual grant payments are calculated

If you're eligible, your grant payment will be calculated based on the:

  • total litres of eligible wine you produced between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024
  • determined per litre payment rate in the given year of the program

Your grant payment will be calculated by multiplying your total litres of eligible wine by the payment rate.

How much you can receive

The maximum amount an eligible recipient can receive is $25 million in total per fiscal year.

Expected results

Grant funding awarded to successful applicants is expected to contribute to the following outcomes:

  • federally licensed wineries in Canada have access to financial support to adapt to economic impacts on their operations
  • net operating income remains stable for licensed wineries in Canada
  • regional production levels and the number of licensed wine producers in each region remain stable
  • the Canadian wine industry maintains its current contribution to Canada's economy