- Step 1. What this program offers
- Step 2. Eligibility
- Step 3. Before you apply
- Step 4. How to apply
- Step 5. Complete the application and apply
- Step 6. After you apply
- Contact information
Step 3. Before you apply
Intake period: Open
Applications for the 2025-26 program year will be accepted until May 23, 2025.
The program ends on March 31, 2027.
Review and consider the following information before you apply.
Report funding to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
As per Income Tax and CRA requirements, funding must be reported for tax purposes and recipients will receive an AGR‑1, Statement of Farm-Support Payments, from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada equal to the funding received for a given calendar year.
How we assess your application
Your application will be carefully reviewed for eligibility. You must provide the following information with your application, to support your eligibility and to verify the total litres of eligible wine indicated in your application:
- A copy of the federal wine licence letter issued to you by the CRA
- Your organization must have a federal wine licence, valid at the time you apply to the program and up to or after March 31, 2026
- Note: a wine licence issued by any governing body other than the federal government does not meet the eligibility criteria of the program
- Production records with enough detail for us to verify the total litres of wine in your application, the date(s) the wine completed initial fermentation, and the primary agricultural product(s) used in the wine
- Examples include blend sheets, completed excise duty return form(s), and other records such as spreadsheets
- Note: Production records must match the total litres of wine in your application
- Documents that prove your ownership of the primary agricultural product(s) used in the wine in your application
- Examples include harvest records, invoices for purchased fruit or other primary agricultural products
- Note: For processed inputs (such as juice, concentrate, syrup, or must) that originated from primary agricultural product(s) that your organization grew, produced or otherwise owned, you must also include proof of an agreement with the supplier to transform the product(s) into the processed input(s) on your organization's behalf
- If applicable, records of transaction between you and other licensed wineries that pertain to any wine your organization contracted out for production
- Examples include contracts, emails, shipping documents and invoices
Information provided in the application and to the program will be used to assess the application. We may contact you for additional information to complete the assessment and verify your eligibility. Service standards may be modified to reflect any delays in the applicant providing additional information.
M-30 Act (Quebec organizations only)
The Province of Quebec's M-30 legislation may apply to Quebec-based applicants only. It is the Act Respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif (R.S.Q., c. M-30).
More information on the Act is available online or by contacting the Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation at dpci@mapaq.gouv.qc.ca.
All Quebec-based organizations will have to address this matter and demonstrate their compliance with the Act during the application assessment process, and prior to entering into a grant agreement.