Kosher and Halal Investment Program: Step 1. What this program offers

Step 1. What this program offers

Intake period: Open

Submit your application until September 1, 2026. The intake period may close sooner if funding has been fully committed or if otherwise announced here.

All projects must be completed by March 31, 2027.

The Kosher and Halal Investment Program is a $25-million contribution funding program over 2 fiscal years (2025-26 to 2026-27).

Program objectives

If you receive funding, you'll work to meet the program objectives:

  • Help the Canadian red meat (beef and veal) sector mitigate the challenges inherent in slaughter in accordance with Judaic or Islamic law
  • Help Canadian red meat (beef and veal) slaughter establishments increase their processing and production efficiency of kosher and/or halal red meat

The program has 2 priorities:

  • Hiring a consultant or efficiency expert to undertake an efficiency/productivity analysis of the slaughter establishment operations and recommend improvements to the on-site kosher and/or halal production
  • Investments to undertake initiatives for reducing operating costs, notably through the adoption of cost-reducing/productivity enhancing technologies and equipment, including enhanced plant automation and adoption of innovation to meet future business conditions and consumer expectations through the adoption of new or improved practices that would support on-site kosher and/or halal production


If your application is approved, funding is available in the form of non-repayable contributions.

If you receive funding, the total maximum Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) contribution for your project(s) will typically not exceed $2 million, and funding will typically not be more than $2 million for each applicant.


Contributions toward eligible costs will be shared between AAFC and you as follows:

  • AAFC — a maximum of 50%
  • You — a minimum of 50%

Your portion of the cost-share must be cash contributions.note 1 In-kind contributionsnote 2 are ineligible.