The European Commission’s Horizon 2020 is the world’s largest research and innovation program with nearly €80 billion of funding over seven years (2014-2020). While this funding is available primarily to scientists in European Union (EU) countries, the global emphasis of Horizon 2020 strongly encourages the involvement of expertise from outside the EU, especially from Canada. By coupling research and innovation, the program aims to encourage smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Focused on main social challenges like ageing population, food security, and energy efficiency, Horizon 2020 will provide top Canadian researchers with opportunities to leverage their research and work with their European Union counterparts in addressing global challenges.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has collaborated with the European Union in the past in research areas such as sustainable agriculture and environment, crop pests and diseases, animal health, food, bio-products, and genetic resources.
New Calls for Proposals under Horizon 2020 more specifically support the following research areas:
Sustainable Food Security;
- Sustainable food production systems
- Safe food and healthy diets and sustainable consumption
- Global drivers of food security
Innovative, sustainable and inclusive Bio-economy;
- Sustainable agriculture and forestry, for example, use of genetic resources
- Sustainable and competitive bio-based industries
- Cross-cutting actions covering all activities
These Calls are open to Canadian researchers who need to take the following considerations into account:
- Canadian applicants are required to partner with at least three researchers from three different EU countries
- Applicants need to clearly show that the Canadian contribution is unique and essential in order to obtain direct funding
- Research and development and innovation calls for proposals will require a strong focus on commercialization
Interested scientists are invited to visit the new participant portal that provides an easy access to all the calls and the information necessary to prepare a proposal.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) provides Canada’s national focal point in the area of food, agriculture, bioeconomy and agricultural biotechnology. To obtain more information about the program please contact Dr. Sara Sarkar of the International Engagement Division at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada at