In Indian Head, Saskatchewan, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada research scientist Raju Soolanayakanahally and his team are studying the benefits – to both the environment and producers – of wetlands and riparian areas. Learn about some of the benefits of wetlands and riparian areas in the prairie landscape.
Video Transcript
[Upbeat music begins]
[A montage begins with multiple aerial views of crop fields and prairie wetlands. Cut to two scientists walking across a crop field.]
[The title screen appears with a close-up image of a crop field.]
[Text on screen: The Value of Wetlands]
[Dr. Raju Soolanayakanahally talks to the camera.]
Dr. Raju Soolanayakanahally: Wetlands have a very important ecological role…
[An aerial view of a wetland.]
…and they have a big environmental footprint in a positive way, on the farms.
So, retaining them has a big impact with climate mitigation, moving forward.
[Text on screen: What are the environmental benefits of retaining wetlands?]
The wetlands contribute in a broad range...
[Overhead views of the prairie wetlands.]
...for a nature-based solution that deals with drought and flood mitigation, and it also includes some of the water purification on the landscape.
These wetlands are surrounded by a woody component called willow rings. There are 3 to 5 dominant willow species that kind of grow along the circumference of these wetlands, and they provide the pollinator habitat and small bird habitats for nesting and other activities.
[Text on screen: As a producer, what are the financial benefits of retaining wetlands?]
When we look here on the prairies, the financial benefits...
[An aerial view of multiple crop fields.]
...of retaining wetlands on the landscape is overcoming some of the climate disasters, such as, like, early snowmelt, leading to floods that delays the seeding for farmers...
[An overhead view of a crop field. The camera glides over the rows of crops.] well as when moisture is lacking with climate projections.
Spring floods can be managed very well when there are wetlands...
[A montage consisting of aerial views of crop fields with wetlands.]
...and as the season progresses into late July and August, these natural wetlands that act as ponds for storing water, make the water available for the crop.
[An overhead view of a crop field.]
[Text on screen: What are wetland willow rings?]
Within the wetland ecosystem...
[A close-up view of some branches, with a crop field in the background. Cut to a close-up view of willow shrubs surrounding a wetland pothole.]
...there are anywhere between 3 to 5 dominant willow species, and these are pioneer species that can surround the wetlands in a ring form.
[An aerial view of a wetland surrounded by willow species.]
That's why they are defined as wetland willow rings.
By planting them around wetlands...
[An aerial view of wetlands scattered around crop fields.] retain some of the functions like any pesticide runoff, and then they intercept and utilize nutrient rich water to produce huge biomass at a very rapid pace.
[A close-up view of a crop field.]
[Text on screen: Where can producers learn more about managing their wetlands?]
Ducks Unlimited has done a very good job of like, what are the ecological, environmental, economical importance...
[An aerial view of wetlands scattered around crop fields.]
...of retaining wetlands on the agriculture landscape, and their website provides some of the information.
And here at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada...
[A close-up view of an AAFC sign in some shrubs which reads 'E10540 Planted Spring 2018'. Cut to Dr. Raju Soolanayakanahally and a colleague, working amongst some bushes. Cut to an image of a tractor parked in front of a crop field.]
...we have done a lot of work on how to plant the wetlands and how to harvest and retain the ecological functions...
[An aerial view of crop fields with wetlands.]
...and some of that information will be made available by next spring to the farmers through our fact sheets and brochures.
[Music ends]
[Text on screen: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada – Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada]
[Government of Canada wordmark]