[Listed by Species and Active Breed Association]
[as of February 2025]
- Canadian Bison Association - Plains Bison, Wood Bison
- Canadian Llama and Alpaca Association - Llama, Alpaca
- Canadian Aberdeen Angus Association - Aberdeen Angus cattle
- Ayrshire Breeders' Association of Canada - Ayrshire cattle
- Canadian Belgian Blue Association - Belgian Blue cattle
- Canadian Blonde d'Aquitaine Association - Blonde d'Aquitaine cattle
- Canadian Brown Swiss and Braunvieh Association - Brown Swiss cattle
- Canadian Cattle Breeders` Association - Canadian cattle
- Canadian Charolais Association - Charolais cattle
- Canadian Dexter Cattle Association - Dexter cattle
- Canadian Galloway Association - Galloway cattle
- Canadian Gelbvieh Association - Gelbvieh cattle
- Canadian Guernsey Association - Guernsey cattle
- Canadian Hays Converter Association - Hays Converter cattle
- Canadian Hereford Association - Hereford cattle
- Canadian Highland Cattle Society - Highland cattle
- Holstein Canada - Holstein cattle
- Jersey Canada - Jersey cattle
- Canadian Limousin Association - Limousin cattle
- North American Lincoln Red Association - Lincoln Red cattle
- Canadian Lowline Cattle Association - Lowline cattle
- Canadian Luing Cattle Association - Luing cattle
- Canadian Maine-Anjou Association - Maine-Anjou cattle
- Canadian Milking Shorthorn Society - Milking Shorthorn cattle
- Canadian Murray Grey Association - Murray Grey cattle
- Canadian Piedmontese Association - Piedmontese cattle
- Canadian Pinzgauer Association - Pinzgauer cattle
- Canadian Red Poll Cattle Association - Red Poll cattle
- Salers Association of Canada - Salers cattle
- Canadian Shorthorn Association - Shorthorn cattle
- Canadian Simmental Association - Simmental cattle
- Canadian South Devon Association - South Devon cattle
- Canadian Speckle Park Cattle Association - Speckle Park cattle [Evolving breed 1993]
[Distinct breed 2006] - Canadian Tarentaise Association - Tarentaise cattle
- Canadian Wagyu Association - Wagyu cattle
- CLRC (for AAFC - no association)
- General Stud and Herdbook - [Bovine]: Devon cattle (North Devon), Norwegian Red cattle, Parthenais cattle, Rouge Flamande cattle, Aubrac cattle, Gasconne cattle, Brahman cattle, Normande cattle, Eringer cattle, Kerry cattle, Santa Gertrudis cattle, Welsh Black cattle; [Canine]: Do-Kyis dog, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Fox & Coonhound, Bluetick Coonhound, English Coonhound, Plott Hound, Redbone Coonhound, American Black & Tan Coonhound, Treeing Walker Coonhound; [Equine]: Cleveland Bay horse, Exmoor pony, French Coach horse, Suffolk horse, Lipizzaner horse, Viking ponies, Anglo-Normand horse, Paso Fino horse, Noriker horse, New Forest ponies; [Porcine]: GP1025, GP1075, GP1125
- Canadian Border Collie Association - Border Collie dog
- Canadian Canine Federation - Lévrier de Rampur, Coton de Tuléar, Beauceron, Braque d'Auvergne, Dogo Argentino, Cane Corso
- Canadian Kennel Club - Affenpinscher, Afghan Hound, Airedale Terrier, Akita, Alaskan Malamute, American Cocker Spaniel, American Eskimo Dog, American Foxhound, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Water Spaniel, Anatolian Shepherd Dog, Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Kelpie, Australian Shepherd, Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog, Australian Terrier, Azawakh, Barbet, Basenji, Basset Hound, Beagle, Bearded Collie, Bedlington Terrier, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Berger Picard, Berger des Pyrenees, Bernese Mountain Dog, Bichon Frise, Bichon Havenese, Black and Tan Coonhound , Black Russian Terrier, Blue Picardy Spaniel, Bloodhound, Border Terrier, Borzoi, Boston Terrier, Bouvier des Flandres, Boxer, Braque Français, Briard, Brittany Spaniel, Brussels Griffon, Bull Terrier, Bulldog, Bullmastiff, Cairn Terrier, Canaan Dog, Canadian Eskimo Dog, Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Cesky Terrier, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Chihuahua, Chinese Crested Dog, Chinese Shar-Pei, Chow Chow, Clumber Spaniel, Collie, Curly-Coated Retriever, Dachshund, Dalmatian, Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Doberman Pinscher, Dogue de Bordeaux, Drever, English Cocker Spaniel, English Foxhound, English Setter, English Springer Spaniel, English Toy Spaniel, Entlebucher Mountain Dog, Eurasier, Field Spaniel, Finnish Lapphund, Finnish Spitz, Flat-Coated Retriever, French Bulldog, French Spaniel, German Long-Haired Pointer, German Pinscher, German Shepherd Dog, German Short Haired Pointer, German Wire-Haired Pointer, Giant Schnauzer, Glen Of Imaal Terrier, Golden Retriever, Gordon Setter, Great Dane, Great Pyrenees, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Greenland Dog, Greyhound, Harrier, Hovawart, Ibizan Hound, Iceland Sheepdog, Irish Red & White Setter, Irish Setter, Irish Terrier, Irish Water Spaniel, Irish Wolfhound, Italian Greyhound, Japanese Akita, Japanese Chin, Japanese Spitz, Karelian Bear Dog, Keeshond, Kerry Blue Terrier, Komondor, Kuvasz, Labrador Retriever, Lagotto Romagnolo, Lakeland Terrier, Leonberger, Lhasa Apso, Lowchen, Maltese, Manchester Terrier, Mastiff, Miniature American Shepherd, Miniature Bull Terrier, Miniature Pinscher, Miniature Schnauzer, Mudi, Neapolitan Mastiff, Newfoundland, Norfolk Terrier, Norrbottenspets, Norwegian Buhund, Norwegian Elkhound, Norwegian Lundehund, Norwich Terrier, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Old English Sheepdog, Otterhound, Papillon, Pekingese, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, Pharaoh Hound, Pointer, Pomeranian, Polish Lowland Sheepdog, Poodle, Portuguese Sheepdog, Portuguese Water Dog, Pudelpointer, Pug, Puli, Rat Terrier, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Rottweiler, Russkiy Toy, Saint Bernard, Saluki, Samoyed, Schapendoes, Schipperke, Scottish Deerhound, Scottish Terrier, Sealyham Terrier, Shetland Sheepdog, Shiba Inu, Shih Tzu, Shikoku, Siberian Husky, Silky Terrier, Skye Terrier, Smooth Fox Terrier, Smooth Vizsla, Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier, Spanish Water Dog, Spinone Italiano, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Standard Schnauzer, Sussex Spaniel, Tibetan Mastiff, Tibetan Spaniel, Tibetan Terrier, Toy Fox Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Weimaraner, Welsh Springer Spaniel, Swedish Valhund, Welsh Terrier, Whippet, Wire Fox Terrier, Wire-Haired Pointing Griffon, Wire-Haired Vizsla, Xoloitzcuintli, Yorkshire Terrier
- Canadian Donkey and Mule Association - Donkey
- Canada Fox Breeders' Association - Fox
- Canadian Meat Goat Association [Name change 2006] - Boer, Kiko
- Canadian Goat Society - Angora, Toggenburg, Nubian, Saanen, Alpine, Pygmy, Oberhasli, La Mancha, Nigerian Dwarf
- American Saddlebred Horse Association of Canada - American Saddlebred horse
- Appaloosa Horse Club of Canada - Appaloosa horse [Evolving breed 1998]
- Canadian Arabian Horse Registry - Arabian horse
- Canadian Belgian Horse Association - Belgian horse
- Société des éleveurs de chevaux canadiens - Canadian horse
- Clydesdale Horse Association of Canada - Clydesdale horse
- Connemara Pony Society of Canada - Connemara pony
- Canadian Fjord Horse Association - Fjord horse
- Canadian Hackney Society - Hackney horse
- Canadian Haflinger Association - Haflinger horse
- Canadian Icelandic Horse Federation - Icelandic horse
- Miniature Horse Association of Canada - Miniature horse
- Canadian Morgan Horse Association - Morgan horse
- Canadian Percheron Association - Percheron horse
- Peruvian Horse Association of Canada - Peruvian Paso horse
- Canadian Pony Society - Shetland pony, Dartmoor pony, Fell pony, Highland pony
- Canadian Shire Horse Association - Shire horse
- Canadian Sport Horse Association - Sport horse [Evolving breed 1995]
- Standardbred Canada - Standardbred horse
- Canadian Registry of the Tennessee Walking Horse - Tennessee Walking horse
- Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society - Thoroughbred horse
- Canadian Trakehner Horse Society - Trakehner horse
- Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association - Warmblood horse
- Welsh Pony & Cob Society - Welsh Cob pony
- Canadian Sheep Breeders' Association - Blackface, Berrichon du Cher, Border Cheviot, Border Leicester, British Milk Sheep, Canadian Arcott, Charollais, Clun Forest, Columbia, Coopworth, Corriedale, Cotswold, DLS, Dorper, Dorset, Drysdale, East Friesian Dairy, Est à Laine Merino, Finnsheep, Hampshire, English Leicester, Hexham Leicester, Icelandic, Île de France, Jacob, Karakul, Katahdin, Kerry Hill, Lacaune Dairy Sheep, Lincoln, Marshall Romney, Merino, Montadale, North Country Cheviot, Outaouais Arcott, Oxford, Perendale, Polypay, Rambouillet, Rideau Arcott, Romanov, Romnelet, Romney, Rouge de L'Ouest, Ryeland, Shetland, Shropshire, Southdown, South African Meat Merion, Suffolk, Targhee, Texel, Valais Blacknose
- Canadian Swine Breeders' Association - Berkshire, British Saddleback, Chester White, Duroc, Hampshire, Lacombe, Landrace, Large Black, Pietrain, Poland China, Red Wattle, Spotted, Tamworth, Welsh, Yorkshire