Statistical Overview of the Canadian Maple Industry, 2023

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Canada and the US are the only countries who produce maple syrup at commercial scale. In 2023 the Canadian maple syrup industry accounted for approximately 71% of the total world maple syrup production, with 89.9% of Canadian production originating from Quebec, 5.1% from New Brunswick, 4.8% from Ontario, and less than 1% from Nova Scotia. The United States is the second-largest producer, accounting for approximately 29% of global production, with 48.9% of United States production originating from Vermont, 17.9% from New York, and 11.2% from Maine. Maple products accounted for 3.7% of all Canadian horticultureEndnote 1 farm cash receiptsEndnote 2 in 2023.

Contrary to the general trend in agriculture where a decrease in the number of farms was observed in previous censuses following the long-term trend towards fewer and larger operations, the number of maple product farms increased by 19.2% from 2016 (5,340 farms) to 2021 (6,364 farms). This growth was most notable in Quebec, where in recent years, there has been an increasing trend in the number of producers participating in maple syrup production. This growth in the number of producers is driven by the 2017 addition of 5 million maple 'taps' by the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers (QMSP) who control the quantity of production in that province and maintain a strategic reserve of maple syrup to minimize fluctuations in pricing and availability of supply, which is driven by natural variability in annual production.

Canadian maple producers harvested 10.4 million gallons of maple syrup in 2023, down 40.1% from the record-high production in 2022, and 21.8% lower than the 5-year average. Production fell in all maple-producing provinces, largely due to unfavourable weather such as severe storms and unfavorable temperature fluctuations, leading to lower yields in 2023.

In 2023, the total production of maple syrup in Quebec was 56.2 million kilograms (9.4 million gallons), a 41.3% decrease from 2022.

Canadian maple syrup exports totaled 64.9 million kilograms (10.8 million gallons) in 2023, a decrease of 6.7% from the 69.6 million kilograms exported in 2022. In terms of value, Canadian exports of maple products amounted to $615 million in 2023, down 0.2% from 2022. Canadian maple products were exported to 67 different countries around the world in 2023; 62.1% of the exports were to the United States, 7.3% to Germany, 5.3% to France, 5.2% to the United Kingdom, 4.1% to Australia, and 3.9% to Japan, and with the other export destinations accounting for the remaining 16.0% of total export volumes.


1. Production

1.1 Number of maple farmsTable 1.1 note 1 by province

Number of maple farms by province
2011 2016 2021 2021 %
Newfoundland and Labrador 1 0 0 0.0%
Prince Edward Island 2 1 2 0.0%
Nova Scotia 36 48 39 0.6%
New Brunswick 108 111 114 1.8%
Quebec 4,674 4,776 5,812 91.3%
Ontario 416 391 389 6.1%
Manitoba 6 6 5 0.1%
Saskatchewan 0 2 1 0.0%
Alberta 0 0 0 0.0%
British Columbia 5 5 2 0.0%
Canada 5,248 5,340 6,364 100.0%


Table 1.1 note [1]

Number of farms includes all farms reported maple taps and on which maple syrup production represents 50% or more of total farm cash receipts.

Return to table 1.1 note [1] referrer

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0166-01 Farms classified by farm type, Census of Agriculture historical data


1.2. Number of maple taps by province

Number of maple taps by province
2011 2016 2021 2021 %
Newfoundland and Labrador x 0 0 0.0%
Prince Edward Island 9,693 9,760 10,299 0.0%
Nova Scotia 9,693 9,760 10,299 0.0%
New Brunswick 1,896,773 2,285,785 3,523,948 6.4%
Quebec 40,632,512 42,529,033 48,672,648 89.1%
Ontario 1,508,651 1,713,022 2,013,549 3.7%
Manitoba 8,251 5,961 4,581 0.0%
Saskatchewan 5,917 1,490 332 0.0%
Alberta x 0 0 0.0%
British Columbia 3,609 4,009 1,851 0.0%
Canada 44,440,024 46,995,360 54,647,591 100.0%


x: Suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0161-01 Maple taps, Census of Agriculture historical data


1.3. Maple syrup productionTable 1.3 note 1 by province (kilograms)

Maple syrup production1 by province (kilograms)
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Nova Scotia 420,630 336,504 216,324 F F N/A
New Brunswick 3,593,382 3,371,049 4,723,074 4,873,299 3,166,743 5.1%
Quebec 72,306,297 79,438,980 60,252,243 95,843,550 56,244,240 89.8%
Ontario 3,016,518 2,806,203 2,776,158 3,545,310 3,016,518 4.8%
Canada 79,342,836 85,952,736 67,967,799 104,592,654 62,625,798 100.0%


Table 1.3 note [1]

Maple products such as taffy, sugar and maple butter have been converted to syrup equivalent.

Return to table 3 note [1] referrer

F: Too unreliable to be published.

N/A: Not applicable.

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0354-01 Production and value of maple products (× 1,000)


1.4. Production of maple products – 15-year trend

The description of this image follow.
Description of above image
Year Metric tons
2009 54,550
2010 43,709
2011 51,383
2012 47,201
2013 60,408
2014 56,989
2015 53,528
2016 73,069
2017 75,185
2018 58,864
2019 79,343
2020 85,953
2021 67,968
2022 104,593
2023 62,626

1.5. Farm cash receipts of maple products by province (thousands of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 % Share
Nova Scotia 3,837 2,840 1,943 2,961 1,820 0.4%
New Brunswick 23,198 20,610 31,642 32,991 20,735 4.9%
Quebec 461,503 510,747 390,763 621,558 374,472 88.1%
Ontario 25,897 24,973 25,725 31,214 28,167 6.6%
Canada 514,434 559,170 450,072 688,724 425,194 100.0%

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0045-01 Farm cash receipts, annual (× 1,000)


2. Trade

2.1. Trade balance

2.1.1. Maple productsTable 2.1.1 note 1 exports by province – by value (thousands of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Newfoundland and Labrador 5,253 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Prince Edward Island 2,726 7,480 170,725 0 0 0.0%
Nova Scotia 209,698 196,280 382,818 326,011 584,131 0.1%
New Brunswick 10,810,659 13,859,058 15,238,117 17,770,645 12,598,464 2.0%
Quebec 417,485,830 496,826,964 569,489,609 594,400,888 597,442,072 97.1%
Ontario 963,245 4,200,036 5,215,331 2,898,854 4,074,703 0.7%
Manitoba 0 0 0 44,064 0 0.0%
Saskatchewan 0 0 0 0 106,150 0.0%
Alberta 73,750 66 1,068 0 0 0.0%
British Columbia 393,087 355,265 462,228 585,756 165,446 0.0%
Canada 429,944,248 515,445,149 590,959,896 616,026,218 614,970,966 100.0%


Table 2.1.1 note [1]

Maple products such as taffy, sugar and maple butter have been converted to syrup equivalent.

Return to table 2.1.1 note [1] referrer

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNet, April 2024)


2.1.2. Maple productsTable 2.1.2 note 1 exports by province – by volume (kilograms)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Newfoundland and Labrador 501 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Prince Edward Island 254 808 20,377 0 0 0.0%
Nova Scotia 19,297 31,119 45,293 28,242 59,731 0.1%
New Brunswick 1,339,734 1,585,644 1,674,914 1,824,363 1,298,568 2.0%
Quebec 49,178,196 59,000,218 70,658,798 67,327,543 63,017,347 97.1%
Ontario 135,161 676,639 764,229 345,639 531,322 0.8%
Manitoba 0 0 0 4,105 0 0.0%
Saskatchewan 0 0 0 0 9,437 0.0%
Alberta 12,708 7 112 0 0 0.0%
British Columbia 34,319 32,508 41,328 60,647 15,168 0.0%
Canada 50,720,170 61,326,943 73,205,051 69,590,539 64,931,573 100.0%


Table 2.1.2 note [1]

Maple Products include both maple sugar and maple syrup.

Return to table 2.1.2 note [1] referrer

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNet, April 2024)


2.1.3. Top maple products export destinations – by value (thousands of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
United States 266,559 304,347 348,682 381,204 376,402 61.2%
Germany 42,121 50,381 55,347 60,336 47,703 7.8%
France 16,705 22,438 27,947 30,656 31,621 5.1%
United Kingdom 21,698 30,753 34,163 30,628 29,927 4.9%
Australia 18,832 26,870 23,736 26,115 27,160 4.4%
Japan 23,441 24,788 33,486 27,713 25,765 4.2%
Slovenia 5 0 0 0 14,593 2.4%
Denmark 7,510 8,710 9,119 9,038 9,845 1.6%
South Korea 4,720 7,746 9,752 9,779 6,680 1.1%
Netherlands 4,032 5,221 6,592 5,197 6,283 1.0%
Others 24,320 34,191 42,134 35,361 39,107 6.4%
Total 429,944 515,445 590,960 616,026 615,086 100.0%

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNet, April 2024)


2.1.4. Top maple products export destinations – by volume (kilograms)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
United States 32,121,874 36,971,390 44,487,456 44,553,308 40,325,614 62.1%
Germany 4,867,966 5,489,090 6,339,164 6,424,852 4,755,689 7.3%
France 2,103,193 2,975,166 4,326,908 3,127,415 3,438,777 5.3%
United Kingdom 2,467,531 3,597,468 3,910,476 3,586,007 3,387,164 5.2%
Australia 2,114,086 3,046,168 2,683,484 2,752,890 2,665,500 4.1%
Japan 2,506,567 2,724,174 3,563,452 2,772,370 2,516,856 3.9%
Slovenia 486 0 0 0 1,484,306 2.3%
Denmark 994,561 1,248,573 1,288,604 1,280,691 1,333,635 2.1%
Netherlands 433,496 564,763 776,455 576,573 714,539 1.1%
South Korea 528,207 829,675 1,043,526 1,038,807 644,305 1.0%
Others 2,582,203 3,880,476 4,785,526 3,477,626 3,691,024 5.7%
Total 50,720,170 61,326,943 73,205,051 69,590,539 64,957,409 100.0%

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNet, April 2024)


3. Consumption

3.1. Maple products availableTable note 1 for consumptionTable note 2 (kilograms per person)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Maple Sugar 0.39 0.52 0.47 0.67 0.44


Table 3.1 note [1]

1. Food available per person is calculated by dividing the domestic disappearance by the Canadian population as of July 1st of the reference year, at the retail level.
Domestic disappearance represents the total food available for human consumption from the Canadian food supply chain.
Total Supply = Beginning stocks + Production + Imports
Domestic Disappearance = Total supply – Exports – Manufacturing - Waste - Ending stocks

Return to table 3.1 note [1] referrer

Table 3.1 note [2]

Does not adjust for losses, such as waste and/or spoilage in stores, households, private institutions or restaurants, or losses during preparation.

Return to table 3.1 note [2] referrer

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0054-01 Food available in Canada


4. World data

4.1 World imports

4.1.1. Top importers of maple sugar and maple syrup – by value (thousands of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 % Share
United States 266,617 304,500 348,758 381,240 376,462 49.6%
Netherlands 11,574 22,114 25,482 63,417 52,141 6.9%
Germany 37,605 44,019 50,590 42,171 47,625 6.3%
United Kingdom 29,791 37,021 38,645 37,529 39,282 5.2%
France 23,512 26,608 31,182 38,088 34,242 4.5%
Japan 28,783 28,825 37,013 35,266 30,778 4.1%
Australia 22,021 27,291 25,708 28,349 30,149 4.0%
CanadaTable 4.1.1 note 1 14,709 15,495 11,011 16,940 17,046 2.2%
Italy 8,274 10,112 13,663 10,273 12,613 1.7%
Denmark 8,469 10,421 11,323 11,606 11,344 1.5%
South Korea 5,276 9,139 11,913 11,293 8,745 1.2%
Switzerland 5,409 7,494 7,434 7,858 8,248 1.1%
Poland 7,316 7,063 8,218 8,225 7,371 1.0%
Sweden 1,186 4,238 5,678 5,254 7,207 0.9%
Israel 2,773 4,686 6,396 5,970 6,961 0.9%
Others 50,849 63,399 70,251 66,991 68,441 9.0%
Total 524,164 622,425 703,265 770,470 758,655 100.0%


Table 4.1.1 note [1]

100% of Canadian imports of maple products are sourced from the United States.

Return to table 4.1.1 note [1] referrer

Source: Global Trade Tracker (April 2024)


4.1.2. Top importers of maple sugar and maple syrup – by volume (metric tons)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 % Share
United States 32,126 36,990 44,503 44,555 40,343 49.8%
Netherlands 1,155 2,288 2,566 13,067 5,776 7.1%
Germany 4,052 4,538 5,417 4,249 4,396 5.4%
United Kingdom 4,447 4,667 4,705 4,301 4,271 5.3%
France 2,563 2,608 3,123 3,703 3,239 4.0%
Australia 2,493 2,826 2,840 2,832 2,744 3.4%
CanadaTable 4.1.2 note 1 2,594 2,624 1,895 2,908 2,689 3.3%
Japan 2,588 2,577 3,333 3,023 2,498 3.1%
Italy 744 1,619 2,482 1,087 1,572 1.9%
Denmark 1,174 1,406 1,529 1,471 1,386 1.7%
Sweden 577 996 1,310 1,299 1,347 1.7%
Spain 287 765 1,422 1,299 1,062 1.3%
Ghana 987 833 1,164 2,263 1,042 1.3%
South Korea 506 846 1,100 1,037 730 0.9%
New Zealand 562 658 682 806 649 0.8%
Others 10,639 9,394 9,087 9,217 7,341 9.1%
Total 67,494 75,635 87,158 97,117 81,085 100.0%


Table 4.1.2 note [1]

100% of Canadian imports of maple products are sourced from the United States.

Return to table 4.1.2 note [1] referrer

Source: Global Trade Tracker (April 2024)


4.2 A Comparison: United States national statistics for maple syrup

4.2.1. United States maple syrup production by state (gallons)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 % Share
Vermont 2,671,000 2,894,000 2,227,000 3,264,000 2,045,000 48.9%
New York 820,000 804,000 647,000 844,000 750,000 17.9%
Maine 640,000 703,000 553,000 681,000 470,000 11.2%
Wisconsin 440,000 407,000 490,000 611,000 402,000 9.6%
Michigan 209,000 190,000 165,000 215,000 195,000 4.7%
Pennsylvania 201,000 230,000 215,000 201,000 178,000 4.3%
New Hampshire 172,000 175,000 132,000 172,000 139,000 3.3%
United States 5,153,000 5,403,000 4,429,000 5,988,000 4,179,000 100.0%

Source: USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

4.2.2. United States maple syrup production value by state (thousands of US dollars)

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2022 % Share
Vermont 67,704 74,788 78,138 71,264 108,038 52.3%
New York 26,276 26,404 27,658 24,457 31,650 15.3%
Maine 22,592 18,048 24,535 21,346 23,767 11.5%
Wisconsin 9,364 14,300 11,844 16,219 19,185 9.3%
New Hampshire 9,593 7,792 9,118 8,567 8,978 4.3%
Michigan 6,730 10,157 9,234 7,640 7,977 3.9%
Pennsylvania 6,747 7,035 8,832 7,783 7,015 3.4%
Others 11,870 0 0 0 0 0.0%
United States 160,876 158,524 169,359 157,276 206,610 100.0%

2023 maple syrup production value data was not available at the time of writing.

Source: USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

5. Key Resources

  • Global Trade Tracker
  • Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0166-01 Farms classified by farm type, Census of Agriculture historical data
  • Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0161-01 Maple taps, Census of Agriculture historical data
  • Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0354-01 Production and value of maple products
  • Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0045-01 Farm cash receipts, annual (x 1,000)
  • Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0054-01 Food available in Canada
  • Statistics Canada. CATSNET
  • USDA. National Agricultural Statistics Service

Import and export data is based on the following Harmonized System Codes (H.S. Codes):

  • Maple for import: 1702200010, 1702200020
  • Maple for export: 17022010, 17022020, 17022021, 17022029