Description of the image above.
The map above shows the extent and severity of drought conditions across Canada. The scale used runs from D0 Abnormally dry to D4 Exceptional drought.
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Ferbruary 2025 Drought Assessment
National Overview
February brought mostly above-normal precipitation across Canada, but British Columbia and parts of the Prairies experienced significant deficits. Coastal and central Interior regions of British Columbia, the eastern slopes of the Rockies and southern Manitoba received exceptionally low precipitation. Temperatures were cooler than normal across most of the country. Interior British Columbia and the southern Prairies experienced temperatures over 5°C below normal. Eastern Canada experience more moderate temperature, with temperatures ranging from 4°C below to 4°C above normal.
At the end of the month, 38% of the country was classified as Abnormally Dry (D0) or in Moderate to Severe Drought (D1 to D2), including 39% of the country’s agricultural landscape.
Pacific Region (BC)
British Columbia experienced below normal temperatures in February, with the central Interior more than 5°C below average. The first half of the month was unusually dry, with below-normal precipitation received in several regions, including the Coast, central Interior, Peace Region, and the southeast. While a series of storms brought precipitation later in the month, snowfall remained light and dry, providing little drought relief. At the end of the month, snow accumulation in most basins across the province remained below normal.
In the southern Interior, the Okanagan Valley improved enough to remove Moderate Drought (D1) conditions. However, the Chilcotin, in the central Interior saw two Severe Drought (D2) pockets emerge due to low snowpack and increasing precipitation deficits. A new Severe Drought (D2) pocket also developed around Golden in eastern British Columbia, where only 16.6% of normal precipitation was recorded. While snowpack remains below normal, the drought situation in the southern parts of the province improved, thanks to better streamflow and groundwater levels. In the central Interior, above-normal precipitation helped ease dry conditions, removing Abnormally Dry (D0) areas. Meanwhile, the northeast saw worsening drought, with Moderate (D1) to Severe (D2) conditions expanding due to below-normal precipitation.
At the end of the month, 66% of the Pacific Region was classified as Abnormally Dry (D0) or in Moderate to Severe Drought (D1 to D2), including 75% of the region’s agricultural landscape.
Prairie Region (AB, SK, MB)
Most of the Prairie region saw normal to above-normal precipitation in February, except for the eastern slopes of the Rockies, central Alberta and southern Manitoba. Despite above normal February precipitation, the accumulation was minimal, with most areas receiving only 10–20 mm, resulting in little impact on overall soil moisture or water deficits. Temperatures were cooler than normal, except in Alberta’s Peace region.
Alberta continues to experience drought in the western portion of the province, with conditions ranging from Abnormally Dry (D0) to Severe Drought (D2). February’s precipitation improved conditions in the northwest, but central and the western mountain regions saw growing moisture deficits, resulting in a slight expansion of drought conditions. Central Alberta saw a small expansion of Abnormally Dry (D0) conditions west of Edmonton. In addition, a Severe Drought (D2) pocket emerged in southwestern Alberta along the eastern slopes and foothills. Municipalities and farmers in the southwest are monitoring reservoir levels as low snowpack will result in below normal recharge. Southeastern Alberta’s above-normal snowfall has improved soil moisture. Reservoir levels remain below historical averages but are higher than at this time in 2023 and 2024.
In Saskatchewan, southern areas improved due to early February snowfall. Abnormally Dry (D0) conditions were removed around Swift Current and were reduced slightly across south central regions of the province. Major reservoirs are at or above normal levels. Central and northern Saskatchewan saw minimal drought changes, with a small dry pocket emerging near Prince Albert due to short-term precipitation deficits.
Manitoba saw very limited precipitation throughout February, however the normal for this time of year is also very low. The province saw minor drought changes this month. Southwestern areas saw slight reductions in Abnormally Dry (D0) to Moderate Drought (D1). The Moderate Drought (D1) pocket between Flin Flon and The Pas was removed due to improved snowpack and moisture levels. Southeastern Manitoba saw a new D0 area emerge east of Selkirk.
At the end of the month, 27% of the Prairie Region was classified as Abnormally Dry (D0) or in Moderate to Severe Drought (D1 to D2), including 23% of the region’s agricultural landscape.
Central Region (ON, QC)
Northwestern and southern Ontario, along with southern Quebec, had cooler-than-normal temperatures in February, while northern Quebec and areas near Hudson Bay were warmer. Precipitation varied significantly, with southern Ontario and southern Quebec receiving 60–150% of normal. Drought conditions in Ontario improved in several areas. In Northwestern Ontario, Abnormally Dry (D0) conditions were reduced. Southern Ontario saw multiple storm systems bringing above normal precipitation, which contributed to some of the highest recorded snowpacks in Hamilton and Toronto, helping ease drought severity. Abnormally Dry (D0) to Moderate Drought (D1) conditions were reduced across much of southern Ontario. However, pockets of Moderate (D1) and Severe Drought (D2) conditions remained, particularly around Kitchener, Oshawa, and Kingston, where longer-term moisture deficits persisted. While most regions saw improvement, dry conditions emerged in parts of northwestern Ontario, leading to the development of Abnormally Dry (D0) conditions around the Rainy Lake area and in Sudbury near North Bay.
In Quebec, Abnormally Dry (D0) and Moderate Drought (D1) conditions expanded along the St. Lawrence River in the south. Northern Quebec saw further improvement, with Abnormally Dry (D0) conditions removed across most areas, leaving only a small dry pocket in the northeastern corner near the Labrador border.
At the end of the month, 31% of the Central Region was classified as Abnormally Dry (D0) or in Moderate to Severe Drought (D1 to D2), including 56% of the region’s agricultural landscape.
Atlantic Region (NS, NL, NB, PEI)
The Atlantic region experienced cooler than normal temperatures in the Maritimes and warmer than normal temperatures in Newfoundland and Labrador. A large portion of the central Maritime region received only 60-85% of their normal February precipitation, deepening drought conditions. New pockets of Moderate Drought (D1) emerged in northwestern New Brunswick, and western Prince Edward Island. Moderate Drought (D1) conditions were reduced across the southern tip of Nova Scotia and western New Brunswick.
In Labrador, the Abnormally Dry (D0) area was reduced, and two pockets of Moderate Drought (D1) conditions were removed. In Newfoundland, Abnormally Dry (D0) conditions emerged in the east along the Avalon Peninsula due to short-term precipitation deficits over the past 3 months.
At the end of the month, 57% of the Atlantic Region was classified as Abnormally Dry (D0) or in Moderate to Severe Drought (D1 to D2), including 92% of the region’s agricultural landscape.
Northern Region (YK, NWT)
The Northern region experienced a mix of warm and cool temperatures. Northern Yukon and the Northwest Territories were warmer than usual, while southern areas were cooler. Precipitation was below normal, except for a small area in the central part of the region. Drought conditions persisted in the Northwest Territories, with little change. Abnormally dry (D0) conditions expanded in the southwestern Yukon and along the Yukon-Northwest Territories border. Moderate Drought (D1) conditions also increased in southwestern Northwest Territories due to lack of precipitation. However, Extreme Drought (D3) around Fort Simpson was removed as water levels and river flow in the Mackenzie River were higher than usual for this time of year. Water levels in other areas remain low but are slowly rising.
At the end of the month, 36% of the Northern Region was classified as Abnormally Dry (D0) or in Moderate to Severe Drought (D1 to D2).
Key Drought Indicators
These are a few of the products that were converged to create this assessment. They may provide additional understanding of drought conditions.
- 30-day Precipitation Percentiles (PDF)
- 90-day Precipitation Percentiles (PDF)
- Seasonal Precipitation Percentile (PDF)
- 90-day Standard Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (PDF)
- 180-day Standard Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (PDF)
- Palmer Modified Drought Index (PDF)
- Soil Moisture - Percent of Normal (modeled) (PDF)