Jobs in agriculture and agri-food

Employment resource directory for job seekers, information about working in Canada permanently or temporarily.

Foreign workers

Agriculture and food production job websites and employee resources

Use the table below to search for employment resource sites across Canada, including positions on farms, in food and beverage manufacturing, in distribution, and much more.

You can filter the site listings by national, regional, and student employment resources and by province and territory. Each site has its own criteria, search and filter functions, and application process.

Employment resource site What this resource offers Type of resource Province/territory
ThinkAG Teaching resources and tools that encourage students in Grades 5-12 to explore the myriad of career opportunities in agriculture and food Student employment listings All
AgCareers Employment search portal for the agriculture sector National employment listings All
Agriculture and food jobs One-stop shop for agriculture and food sector jobs Regional employment listings Ontario
Agri-Food Innovation Council Opportunities in agricultural policy-making, science and research National employment listings All
AgriJobs Nationally validated job information to clarify skills requirements for agricultural positions. Hosted by the Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council National employment listings All
B.C. Farm, Fish & Food Job Connector Jobs in B.C.'s agriculture, seafood and food processing industries Regional employment listings British Columbia
BC Food Processors Association Marketplace job board Job opportunities for the food processing industry Regional employment listings British Columbia Jobs in food and beverage manufacturing, sortable by region National employment listings All
Centres d'emploi agricole (in French only) Job portal of the Union des producteurs agricoles, which sorts agriculture jobs by region and by subsector Regional employment listings Quebec
GNWT careers Career search page of the territorial government Regional employment listings Northwest Territories
Government of Alberta Agriculture Job Connector Employer and employee resources, recruitment tools, financial Programs, and safety guidance Regional employment listings Alberta
Government of Canada jobs Federal government opportunities across Canada National employment listings All
Québec Emploi

Website to help match job seekers and employers, offered by the Government of Québec

Regional employment listings Quebec
Grasslands recruitment specialists Agribusiness recruitment site primarily for Saskatchewan, Ontario, Alberta and Manitoba National employment listings All
Job Bank - Government of Canada Canadian job listings by region, sector, salary and education, including Canada Summer Jobs National employment listings All
Job Bank - Newfoundland and Labrador Searchable by sector, including agriculture Regional employment listings Newfoundland and Labrador
Jobs: Government of Nunavut Job bank for a range of sectors, including food service, hosted by the territorial government Regional employment listings Nunavut
Manitoba job portal Government of Manitoba job portal, sortable by sector Regional employment listings Manitoba Search over 2,500 jobs in New Brunswick Regional employment listings New Brunswick
Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture job board Labour vacancies in agriculture and agri-food Regional employment listings Nova Scotia
PEI Agriculture Sector Council Job listings in agriculture Regional employment listings Prince Edward Island
PEI Farm Team Matching students with farm jobs Student employment listings Prince Edward Island Government of Saskatchewan's job site is searchable by occupation and region Regional employment listings Saskatchewan
University of Guelph Job search portal Student employment listings All
University of Manitoba careerCONNECT Job and co-op postings Student employment listings All
WorkPEI Job listings searchable by sector, including agriculture and agri-food processing, fisheries, aquaculture, seafood processing, and food and beverage services Regional employment listings Prince Edward Island
WorkPEI/Agriculture Labour Support Initiative PEI Government resource to assist Islanders seeking work in agriculture and farms that require workers Regional employment listings Prince Edward Island
YuWIN Job portal covers the entire territory and is managed by the Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce Regional employment listings Yukon