Central Experimental Farm Advisory Council, November 28, 2022

Minutes of Meetings

Central Experimental Farm Advisory Council (CEFAC)
November 28, 2022 (Hybrid meeting)


  • Eric Jones, Friends of the Farm (Chair)
  • Chris Wiebe, The National Trust for Canada
  • John Znovar, Canadian Society of Landscape Architects
  • Leslie Maitland, Council of Heritage Organizations in Ottawa
  • Robert Brinker, Federation of Citizen's Association of Ottawa
  • Diane Caldbick, Friends of the Farm
  • Richard Coote, National Farmers Union
  • Karen Dunford-McIntosh – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  • Melanie Houle, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  • Robert Ranger, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  • Joel Wilkin, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  • Eric Maltais, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  • Paul Massey, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  • Kerry Leigh-Burchill, Canada Agriculture and food Museum
  • Karine Rollin, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


  • Rajbir Sian, Canadian Institute of Planners
  • Shannon Benne, Canadian 4-H-Council
  • Sandra Garland, Fletcher Wildlife Garden

Call to order/Chair remarks

  • Eric Jones welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.
  • The agenda was adopted as circulated.

Observers comment/questions

  • None

Review of previous meeting minutes November 5, 2020

  • Adoption of the previous minutes was approved.

Business arising from the previous minutes

Ottawa Hospital update

  • The Hospital project is moving forward as expected now that the site plan for the parking garage and green roof has been approved. Hospital reps continue to meet and consult with AAFC on issues such as tree removal. The next scheduled approval is for the site plan of the hospital.
  • Traffic management issues are ongoing. Birch Drive has been closed to permit construction to proceed, and questions remain for Farm access via Maple Drive (only emergency vehicles). Traffic consultants (Parsons) also met with neighbourhood groups who have raised concerns.
  • Parking is a concern due to problems with planned capacity, and the potential for parking fees to create financial barriers. It was noted that there was free parking in nearby locations. Members would like to review the Hospital parking plan and fee structure, to consider effects on the Farm.

Review of NHS Management Plan

  • Comments were received during the review process. Now the plan is to share the resulting consultant's report when ready. It was noted that the Management Plan was still considered appropriate, and the review was actually about the management of the site rather than the plan.
  • The report will be circulated to CEFAC for review and comment. When the report is circulated, CEFAC members should get input from their members before responding.

Update on Legislation to Protect Historic Places (Bill C-23) *

  • Bill C-23 is a housekeeping bill intended to add protection to Canada's historic places. It covers "classified" federal buildings, not "recognized" ones. Will be required to adhere to standard guidelines (repairs, alteration etc.). It's a good start but Heritage Ottawa is looking for ways to improve it. The goal is to build in a more professional consultative process into the legislation.
  • For example, the bill is silent on protection of historic places upon disposal, and doesn't cover entering into conservation easements with new owners. It talks about the building but not the landscape around it. It also changes terminology around "national historic sites."
  • The National Trust is leading a review of the bill, and Chris and Leslie will be seeking input it this review.

New business

Next steps for CEFAC

  • It was noted that CEFAC is a sounding board for stakeholders, as well as a venue to build public awareness of the Farm and its issues. It was also noted that there are a number of things that could be the focus in the future, including transportation (bus route needs), potential for a visitor centre, public outreach programs, and protection from future development.
  • Members discussed how proactive they should be in pursuing these goals, particularly in view of the building pressure that was being felt around the perimeter of the Farm, and the attractiveness of the site to developers. It was noted that CEFAC had a separate role from AAFC, but its role could not be construed to be lobbying.
  • There was also discussion of limits to public access, operational zones for movement on the Farm, and how this might affect other groups. It was noted that CEFAC would be involved in consideration of these questions.


  • The members identified the value of having liaison with the research side of AAFC. (AAFC to look into this.)

AAFC updates

  • AAFC reported work completed on building roofs (72), building facelift (88) and indoor renovations (54), and the opening of the new Mikimak Building for indigenous people. AAFC also reported new infrastructure, better utilities and lighting. A question was raised about the possibility for naming some of the buildings after noted people associated with the Farm. For future discussion.

Update from members

Canada Agriculture and Food Museum – Provided an update on building upgrades and programs; attendance was reaching about 75% of pre-Covid attendance.

Friends of the Farm – Reported work underway on revising the book on trees in the arboretum; garden teams were approaching pre-Covid work hours.

Next meeting

  • Scheduled on Thursday May 4, 2023  at 1:30 pm (1.5 hr. length) – Hybrid Meeting


  • All present were thanked for their attendance