Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Ministerial Appointments

The Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food is responsible for the Appointment of Board and Committee members for two entities.

Farm Debt Mediation Service Appeal Boards

The Farm Debt Mediation Act requires the establishment of Appeal Board(s) to allow participating farmers and creditors of the Farm Debt Mediation Service (FDMS) to appeal administrative decisions, concerning the eligibility of a farmer to make the application under paragraph 5(1)(a) of the Farm Debt Mediation Act; or the extension or termination of a stay of proceedings.

The FDMS Appeal Boards are responsible for determining whether an appeal by the applicant has merit. Typically, appeals are submitted to an FDMS administrator in writing. The Chairperson calls a Panel to hear the Appeal from among the appointed Appeal Board members and ensures the documents prepared by the FDMS administrator is distributed to the Board Panel members. The decision of the Appeal Panel is final and both the appellant and the administrator are bound by that decision and is not subject to any further appeal.

National Program Advisory Committee

The National Program Advisory Committee is established to provide advice/guidance/recommendations to Ministers through federal, provincial, territorial Assistant Deputy Ministers on the appropriate roles and responsibilities of producers/governments in managing risks, the operations of the suite of Business Risk Management (BRM) programs, and the potential for insurance and other private sector tools in managing risk.

The Committee serves as the primary mechanism for producer consultation with respect to BRM programs and risk management issues. The Committee also provides a forum for reviewing the administration of BRM programs and considers initiatives for improvement as well as best practices in service delivery.

Privacy Notice

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) is subject to the Privacy Act and is committed to the protection of your personal information under its control. Your personal information is collected in order to identify and select qualified candidates for Ministerial Appointments.

How your Personal Information will be Used

Your personal information will be shared with department officials involved in the selection process, on a strict "need to know" basis, so they may recommend qualified candidates.

Your personal information may be used for reporting, and/or evaluation purposes. When used for such purposes, and to protect your privacy, personal identifiers will be removed and the information will be aggregated.

For more information regarding the privacy practices for Ministerial Appointments, refer to Standard Personal Information Bank PSU 919, Member of Boards, Committees and Councils. Your personal information and will be retained according to the established retention and disposal schedule for this bank.

Your Privacy Rights

The collection, use and disclosure of personal information by AAFC are in accordance with the federal Privacy Act. This Act gives you the right of access to your personal information held by AAFC and to request changes to incorrect personal information. To exercise these rights, please contact AAFC's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator at and reference Standard Personal Information Bank PSU 919.

You may also contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner should you feel AAFC has not respected your Privacy Rights. You may contact the Privacy commissioner by telephone at 1-800-282-1376, or, via the Office of the Privacy Commissioner website.

Questions about your Privacy

Any questions you have regarding this Privacy Notice, your privacy rights, or the Privacy Act, may be directed to AAFC's Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator by email at