The guidance on drug elimination does not constitute and is not a warranty, guarantee, assurance, undertaking or anything similar that the results of the use of any of the drugs in the manner set out will be as stated. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is not responsible for results differing in any way from the results stated herein.
Use of information in this booklet does not relieve or lessen any trainer’s responsibility for assuring that, during a horse race, a horse is free from any drug listed in the Schedule to the Pari-Mutuel Betting Supervision Regulations and for complying with provisions of the Regulations and provincial racing rules.
Owners, trainers or any other person in charge or having care of a race horse are strongly advised to consult their own veterinarian for advice and guidance in the use of all drugs.
The guidelines in this booklet are SPECIFIC to the stated products, dosages and routes of administration and may not be consistent with foreign regulations and laboratory methods.
The use of other products such as compounded medications with the same active ingredient(s) or concurrent use of multiple products may result in drug eliminations which are not consistent with these guidelines.
Examine all product labels carefully:
- Each pharmaceutical product approved for sale in Canada is assigned a “Drug Identification Number” (D.I.N.), which is marked on the product label.
- Veterinary drugs are marked “(For) Veterinary Use Only” or “(For) Agricultural Use Only” on the product label.