Health and Wellness Series – Organic packaged food trends in the United States

Note: This report includes forecasting data that is based on baseline historical data.

Executive summary

The health and wellness industry, including organics, continues to gain greater significance in the (United States (U.S.), particularly in the wake of the pandemic, as consumers have become more cognisant of the negative impact of processed food and a range of drinks on their health and wellbeing.

Sales of organic cakes and noodles grew fastest over 2019 to 2023, by 17.0% and 14.5% annually, and are expected to continue to grow fastest over 2024 to 2028, by 33.3% and 18.2% annually.

Driven by increasing consumer interest in fitness and as consumers are looking for foods to keep them full for longer, high protein diets have been booming in the U.S. This is leading more consumers to look for products with targeted functionalities and fortifications, such as high protein, probiotic, and omega 3s. The most popular new product launch category was seasonings, followed by vegetables and snack/cereal/energy bars.

Ecommerce sales have grown fastest by 30% annually over 2019 to 2023 as Americans have come to rely on online retailers as a result of the pandemic.



The health and wellness industry continues to gain significance in the U.S, particularly in the wake of the pandemic, as consumers have become more aware of the negative health impacts of processed food and a range of drinks. The COVID-19 virus disproportionately affected those with underlying health conditions, such as obesity and diabetes. As a result, people are increasingly seeking out healthier food and beverage options that make a range of claims, including organic, natural, and vegan.

In addition to heightened consumer awareness of the correlation between food and drink consumption and health, there is growing concern about the environmental impact of the food industry. Consumers are also increasingly aware of the role of agriculture and food production in contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and climate changeFootnote 1. As a result, they are increasingly seeking out food and beverage options that are environmentally sustainable in the health and wellness category, including plant based organic products.

Retail sales of organic cakes and noodles grew fastest in the U.S. over 2019 to 2023, by 17.0% and 14.5% annually, and are expected to continue to grow fastest over 2024 to 2028, by 33.3% and 18.2% annually. Despite sales exceeding pre-pandemic levels in 2023, sales growth in processed meat is expected to remain positive but slow over 2024 to 2028. This is also the case for ready meals, bread, soup, and sweet spreads. Sales growth in savoury snacks, confectionary, ice cream, and meat and seafood substitutes was negative over 2019 to 2023 but is expected to rebound over 2024 to 2028 to positive territory.

Historic and forecast retail sales of organic packaged food in the United States from 2019 to 2028 - US$ millions
Category 2018 2019 CAGR* % 2019-2023 2024 2028 CAGR* % 2024-2028
Dairy 2,399.5 3,013.3 5.9 3,145.4 3,858.1 5.2
Bread 729.5 1,747.7 24.4 1,884.9 2,156.4 3.4
Sauces, dips and condiments 1,064.9 1,325.3 5.6 1,379.5 1,675.7 5.0
Sweet biscuits, snack bars and fruit snacks 1,070.9 1,100.4 0.7 1,197.9 1,498.0 5.7
Savoury snacks 1,472.6 1,221.8 −4.6 1,311.8 1,457.8 2.7
Baby food 631.9 771.8 5.1 789.6 889.0 3.0
Breakfast cereals 538.5 698.9 6.7 725.9 822.7 3.2
Ready meals 543.1 691.7 6.2 712.2 799.2 2.9
Edible oils 305.0 482.9 12.2 506.1 615.3 5.0
Processed meat 234.3 468.1 18.9 503.7 595.0 4.3
Confectionery 355.6 352.8 −0.2 366.6 425.6 3.8
Processed fruit and vegetables 228.6 335.8 10.1 358.4 422.8 4.2
Soup 165.0 229.5 8.6 248.2 306.7 5.4
Ice cream 313.7 238.5 −6.6 233.0 270.3 3.8
Cakes 42.3 79.2 17.0 73.7 232.4 33.3
Sweet spreads 161.7 194.9 4.8 205.5 230.7 2.9
Fruit snacks 115.1 125.6 2.2 142.0 208.1 10.0
Nut and seed based spreads 116.7 147.8 6.1 157.5 186.5 4.3
Rice 69.2 106.2 11.3 118.8 147.9 5.6
Meat and seafood substitutes 111.3 81.8 −7.4 83.8 92.0 2.3
Tofu and derivatives 46.3 66.1 9.3 68.8 79.8 3.8
Pizza 60.6 88.9 10.1 77.5 68.2 −3.2
Noodles 10.5 18.1 14.5 20.2 39.3 18.2
Dessert mixes 15.3 28.2 16.5 29.5 34.0 3.6
Frozen baked goods 19.8 20.6 1.0 22.7 31.6 8.6
Honey 32.1 29.1 −2.5 28.7 24.4 −4.0
Jams and preserves 12.9 17.9 8.6 19.3 19.8 0.7
Processed seafood 8.5 9.1 1.7 9.0 8.7 −0.7
Pasta 44.6 73.2 13.2 57.1 4.9 −45.9

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate


Traditional retailers and supermarkets are the main outlets for health and wellness (organic) packaged food sales. Ecommerce sales have grown fastest by 30% annually over 2019-23 as Americans have come to rely on online retailers as a result of the pandemic.

Distribution channels for health and wellness packaged food in the United States - Historic retail sales in US$ millions
Distribution channel 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 CAGR* % 2019-2023
Supermarkets 543,615.3 594,410.9 607,804.4 658,069.1 686,182.9 6.0
Hypermarkets 407,476.2 424,949.9 451,960.0 477,625.3 490,793.1 4.8
Warehouse Clubs 132,126.6 146,988.6 163,093.7 181,182.2 192,172.0 9.8
Convenience Retailers 139,130.9 145,497.5 158,198.5 173,617.1 181,969.4 6.9
Foods E-Commerce 40,160.9 75,798.7 89,886.5 103,186.0 114,286.4 29.9
Food/Drink/Tobacco Specialists 86,732.0 95,883.6 101,456.5 104,530.6 107,762.4 5.6
Small Local Grocers 37,489.4 40,174.5 42,465.0 45,823.0 46,894.7 5.8
Discounters 29,602.2 31,886.9 33,185.9 35,875.3 37,826.3 6.3

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

Subsector analysis

Organic ready meals and cooking ingredients

The organic ready meals saw continued annual growth of 6.2% over 2019 to 2023 with total retail sales of US$691.7 million in 2023. Sales growth is expected to expand 2.9% between 2024 to 2028, reaching total retail sales of US$799.2 million by 2028.

Driven by increasing consumer interest in fitness and as consumers are looking for foods to keep them full for longer, high protein diets have been booming in the U.S. Increasing awareness of the links between diet and a strong metabolism is leading more consumers to look for products with targeted functionalities and fortifications, such as high protein, probiotic, or good source of omega 3s. As a result of these trends, high protein maintained high sales and saw continued growth in organic cooking ingredients and meals in 2023.

Sales of organic sauce, dip, and condiments grew 5.6% annually over 2019 to 2023, with total retail sales valued at US$1.3 billion in 2023. This sector is expected to see similar growth over 2024 to 2028 with sales of US$1.5 billion by 2028.

Retail sales of organic soup increased by 8.6% between 2019 and 2023, with total retail sales of US$230 million in 2023. Organic soup sales are expected to see similar growth of 5.4% annually over 2024 to 2028, reaching total retail sales of US$307 million by 2028.

According to Euromonitor, weight management was the most common health attribute used together with high protein in ready meals in 2023, due to the desire of many consumers to lose weight; especially with the rates of overweight and obesity in the U.S. being far above the global average.

Organic snacks

After weak sales during the pandemic, organic snack sales are expected to rebound with consumers returning to their pre-pandemic habits. Consumers are looking for options that are convenient, better for them, as well as better for the environment.

The organic sweet biscuit, snack bar, and fruit snack category saw annual growth of 0.7% over 2019 to 2023 with total retail sales of US$1.1 billion in 2023. Over 2024 to 2028, sales are expected to grow by 5.7% over 2024-28, reaching US$1.5 billion by 2028.

Organic ice cream, confectionary, and savoury snacks saw sales fall over 2019 to 2023 but are expected to rebound over 2024 to 2028. Organic ice cream is expected to see 3.8% annual growth over 2024 to 2028, with total retail sale of US$270 million in 2028. Organic confectionery are expected to grow 3.8%, and savoury snacks by 2.7%.

Organic staple foods

According to Euromonitor, consumers shifting from food as an experience to food as a medicine are expected to pay more attention to macronutrients and their role in different aspects of health, leading to rising interest in whole grain staples such as flour, bread, and pasta, which is expected to drive innovation in these categories. As well, an increase in the desire for protein, associated with certain diets, will also lead to increased demand for processed meat and meat and seafood substitutes. Additional products attracting attention are likely to be those containing high fibre, driven by the whole foods diet trend.

Sales of all organic staple foods are all expected to come down from pandemic induced highs to single digit sales growth levels, except for pasta, which is expected to see annual sales fall by 46% over 2024 to 2028. Retail sales of organic cakes and noodles grew fastest in the U.S. over 2019 to 2023, by 17.0% and 14.5% annually, and are expected to continue to grow fastest over 2024 to 2028, by 33.3% and 18.2% annually. Meat and seafood substitutes experiences negative annual sales growth of 7.4% over 2019 to 2023 but are expected to grow 2.3% annually over 2024 to 2028.

New product launch analysis

From 2019 to 2023, 10,925 organic packaged food products were introduced in the U.S., with the highest number of new products launched in 2020. The most popular product category was seasonings, followed by vegetables and snack/cereal/energy bars. Companies with the highest number of new product launches were Whole Food Markets, followed by Kroger and Lucern Foods. Nearly half of product launches were new products. The top five packaging types were flexible packaging, jar, bottle, and tub.

New product launches of organic packaged food products in Belgium, 2019 to 2023
Product Attributes Number of new products by year Total
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Yearly product launches 2,297 2,737 2,120 1,761 2,010 10,925
Top 10 categories
Seasonings 64 160 105 189 183 701
Vegetables 128 202 134 86 119 669
Snack/Cereal/Energy Bars 104 110 74 75 64 427
Fruit Snacks 95 84 98 48 83 408
Cold Cereals 90 104 76 59 46 375
Pasta 94 76 64 73 61 368
Baking Ingredients and Mixes 41 89 76 63 47 316
Oils 53 71 56 68 64 312
Baby Fruit Products, Desserts and Yogurts 67 61 85 21 77 311
Poultry Products 62 54 46 67 35 264
Top 10 companies
Whole Foods Market 50 115 121 121 32 439
Kroger 58 113 180 37 46 434
Lucerne Foods 64 134 169 11 29 407
Wegmans Food Markets 65 85 84 78 13 325
Target 51 122 43 35 56 307
Aldi 58 50 33 29 13 183
Sprouts Farmers Market 15 2 35 72 56 180
Meijer 56 9 45 20 8 138
Lidl 5 20 34 32 43 134
Publix 11 14 19 5 80 129
Top 5 flavours (including blend)
Unflavoured/Plain 757 973 749 571 666 3,716
Chocolate 43 35 47 29 15 169
Strawberry 42 30 22 22 26 142
Salt (Sea)/Fleur de Sel 32 33 24 17 28 134
Vanilla/Vanilla Bourbon/Vanilla Madagascar 32 23 27 18 26 126
Top 5 ingredients
Sea Salt (Food) 875 926 694 551 620 3,666
Waters (Food) 613 773 515 366 489 2,756
Cane Sugar (Food) 581 556 385 352 343 2,217
Salt (Food) 495 562 397 320 352 2,126
Natural Flavouring (Food) 372 405 316 253 196 1,542
Launch types
New Variety/Range Extension 900 1,160 929 738 820 4,547
New Packaging 632 668 600 509 660 3,069
New Product 542 658 425 393 393 2,411
Relaunch 216 246 159 120 137 878
New Formulation 7 5 7 1 0 20
Top 5 package types
Flexible 742 621 559 458 525 2,905
Flexible stand-up pouch 443 631 475 339 396 2,284
Jar 181 351 282 317 352 1,483
Bottle 183 293 215 195 180 1,066
Tub 238 207 154 76 138 813
Product origin
Imported 466 522 511 423 557 2,479
Not imported 412 452 281 265 243 1,653
Source: Mintel GNPD, 2024

New product examples

Warm Pumpkin Spice Organic Infused Maple Syrup
Company Thrive Market
Brand Thrive Market
Category Sweet spreads
Sub-category Syrups
Market United States
Location of manufacture United States
Store type Internet / mail order
Price in US dollars 11.99

Thrive Market Warm Pumpkin Spice Organic Infused Maple Syrup retails in an 8 fluid ounce pack. - Naturally flavored- Made with sap tapped straight from Vermont's best maple trees, then and infuse with cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg - Sensational flavor perfect for adding a touch of pumpkin spice - Non-GMO - Plant-based - Free of dyes and color additives - Paleo - BPA-free packaging - Logos and certifications: USDA Organic, Kosher, Certified Organic by Vermont Organic Farmers.

Gluten Free Three Lentil Soup
Company Southeastern Grocers
Brand SE Grocers Naturally Better Organic
Category Soup
Sub-category Wet soup
Market United States
Location of manufacture Lithuania
Import status Imported product
Store name Winn Dixie
Store type Supermarket
Price in US dollars 2.99

SE Grocers Naturally Better Organic Gluten Free Three Lentil Soup retails in a 14.1 ounce pack. - Tear, heat, then ready to eat - Suitable for vegans - Preservative free - Microwavable - Heating instructions - BPA free pack - Logos and certifications: USDA Organic, Co.

Simply White Dairy-Free Chocolate Bar
Company Eatingevolved
Brand Evolved
Category Chocolate confectionery
Sub-category Chocolate tablets
Market United States
Store name H-E-B
Store type Supermarket
Price in US dollars 4.28

Evolved Simply White Dairy-Free Chocolate Bar retails in a 2.5 ounce pack. - Organic - Plant-based - Paleo - Keto - Chocolate reinvented - Tasting notes: delicate vanilla, sweet cream- Logos and certifications: Beyond Celiac Gluten-Free - Gluten-Free Certification Program, Rainforest Alliance Certified, USDA Organic, FSC Mix, TÜV Austria OK Compost Industrial

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  • Euromonitor International:
    • Health and Wellness in the United States, August 2024.
    • Health and Wellness Snacks in the United States, August 2024.
    • Health and Wellness Staple Foods in the United States, August 2024.
    • Health and Wellness Cooking Ingredients and Meals in the United States, August 2024.
    • Health and Wellness Dairy Products and Alternative in the United States, August 2024.
  • Mintel Global New Products Database, 2024

Health and Wellness Series – Organic packaged food trends in the United States
Global Analysis Report

Prepared by: Kris Clipsham, International Market Research Analyst

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (2025).

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All photographs reproduced in this publication are used by permission of the rights holders.
All images, unless otherwise noted, are copyright His Majesty the King in Right of Canada.

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