Condemnations in federally inspected establishments raw data file structure and explanation

Condemnations in federally inspected establishments raw data file

File structure

  • Year = Four digit year, limited to the current year and 3 years prior
  • Month_ID = Two digit month, numbers 1 to 12 for months January to December. Where month is blank, the figures are an annual total.
  • Region_Eng = Provinces or regions in English
  • Species_Eng = Indicates Species. Possible values: cattle, chicken, hogs, sheep/lamb, turkey.
  • Type_Eng = Indicates the type of data. Possible Values:
    • Condemned or rejected on ante mortem;
    • Number found dead;
    • Post mortem conditions; and
    • Slaughtered.
  • Condition Code = Number identifying post mortem conditions
  • Description_ENG: For Type_ENG= Post mortem conditions, indicates the post-mortem condition. For Type_ENG=Slaughtered, indicates whether the data is for average weight or total head slaughtered.
  • Units_ENG/Data Value =
    • per 10,000 slaughtered: Post mortem condemnations, condemned/rejected on ante mortem and number found dead are presented in number of head condemned per 10,000 head slaughtered (1:10,000);
    • number of head: Slaughter is presented in number of head; and
    • kg: Average weight is presented in kilogram (kg) per head slaughtered

File description

This file includes monthly condemnations data recorded by Canadian Food Inspection Agency inspectors in Federally registered establishments, by species and regions. This data covers the latest data from the current year and three years prior.


The data for each species is independent of all other species; values from different species cannot be combined. This file includes the following species:

  • Cattle;
  • Chicken;
  • Hogs;
  • Sheep/Lamb;
  • Turkey


The regions for each species are based on the number of establishments reporting figures in order to protect business confidentiality. For example, sheep/lamb is only presented as Canada total while cattle includes West, East and Canada regions.

Post-mortem condemnations, condemnations/rejections on ante mortem and number found dead

Ratios of post-mortem condemnations by condition, condemnations/rejections on ante mortem and number found dead are based on a weighted average calculation; as a result, national and Annual totals are not equal to the sum of all regions/provinces or months. For example, Canada total for cattle is not equal to the sum of the West total and East total. Canada total is a weighted average of all the provinces reporting cattle slaughter and condemnations. In this example, Alberta accounts for the largest share in the Canada total as the vast majority of cattle slaughter occurs in this province.


Canada total number of head slaughtered are a sum of all regions/provinces comprised within a species. For example, Canada total slaughter for cattle is the sum of West and East cattle slaughter.

Average weight

Average weights are based on a weighted average calculation; therefore, Canada total is not a sum of the regions comprised within a species and annual totals are not equal to the sum of each month within a given year.

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