Statistical Overview of the Canadian Greenhouse Vegetable and Mushroom Industry 2023

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Canada has a technologically advanced indoor agriculture sector with long-standing success in the global marketplace. Canada’s greenhouse vegetable and mushroom sectors are an important part of Canadian agriculture and a source of significant economic activity within Canada, contributing $3.2 billion in farm gate sales and over $2.1 billion in exports in 2023.

Canadian greenhouse producers have made significant capital investments in high-tech greenhouses to meet the increasing demand for fresh vegetables year-round. Today, the majority of Canadian greenhouse facilities are highly automated with growers typically investing in the latest technology available. Growers are continuously seeking to obtain improved and advanced technology to increase production efficiency, reduce labour costs/inputs, and enhance product quality. These innovative technologies have allowed farmers to extend the natural harvest seasons and fueled continuous efficiency gains, which in turn, has increased their competitiveness and improved product quality.

The Canadian vegetable greenhouse industry is primarily clustered near the U.S. border, notably the Fraser Valley region in BC, Southern Ontario, and Quebec. These locations are in proximity to large consumer markets, transportation networks, and favourable growing conditions. In 2023, there were a total of 920 commercial greenhouse vegetable operations in Canada producing 802,163 metric tons of vegetables, representing a 7% increase in production compared to 2022. Ontario continued to lead the greenhouse vegetable sector in 2023, representing 72% of the total production in Canada, followed by British Columbia and Quebec, with 14% and 8% respectively. Other provinces accounted for the remaining 6%.

Canada’s greenhouse vegetable growers produce a variety of commodities, including tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, bell-peppers, and various herbs and microgreen vegetables. Of these commodities, tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers are the main greenhouse vegetable crops grown in Canada. Tomatoes accounted for 35% of the total greenhouse vegetable sales, followed by cucumbers and peppers, which accounted for 32% and 26%, respectively. Total sales of greenhouse fruit and vegetables rose 9% from 2022 to reach $2.5 billion in 2023 - continuing the annual increases that began in 2013.

The value of greenhouse vegetable exports rose 19% from 2022 to reach approximately $1.7 billion in 2023. The value of greenhouse vegetable exports is the highest of all fresh produce (fruits, greenhouse vegetables, mushrooms, field vegetables, and potatoes) in Canada, accounting for 48% in terms of value of all fresh produce exports. Greenhouse cucumbers accounted for 38% of the total value of exports, followed by greenhouse tomatoes with 32% and peppers with 30%.

Similar to greenhouse vegetables, mushrooms are grown year-round in closed, dark, and climate-controlled facilities that maintain ideal temperatures and humidity, and are harvested on a 24/7-basis. In 2023, Canadian mushroom growers produced 140,787 metric tons of mushrooms, representing an increase of 1.2% over 2022 and reflecting the eighth consecutive annual production increase. Harvested area for mushrooms increased only marginally (+0.1%) in 2023. The total value of mushrooms grew 2.2% to $710.0 million in 2023, largely due to rise in production and a higher average price for fresh market sales. In 2023, Ontario grew more than half (53%) of Canada’s mushrooms and represented 63% of domestic sales value, while British Columbia accounted for 29% of the total value of Canadian mushrooms.

As with greenhouse vegetable exports, the U.S. remained the top export destination for fresh mushrooms in 2023, accounting for more than 98% of export values. Over the last five years, mushroom export values have increased by nearly 40%, growing to $453.3 million in 2023. Despite an increase in export value over 2022, export volumes fell by more than 4% in 2023 to 63,367 metric tons.

1. Production

1.1. Number of greenhouse vegetable operationsTable 1.1 note 1 by province

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Atlantic provincesTable 1.1 note 2 49 65 74 65 67 7.3%
Quebec 235 230 236 212 210 22.8%
Ontario 315 315 321 387 380 41.3%
Prairie provincesTable 1.1 note 2 94 98 103 99 96 10.4%
British Columbia 150 150 158 167 167 18.2%
Canada 843 858 892 930 920 100.0%


Table 1.1 note [1]

Number of operations represents the number of specialized greenhouse vegetable and fruit operations and includes all other types of enclosed protection used for growing plants, such as rigid insulation, mine shafts, barns and shelters. Mixed operations (vegetables, flowers and plants) are excluded.

Return to table 1.1 note [1] referrer

Table 1.1 note [2]

Provincial breakdowns for Atlantic and Prairie provinces are not shown due to the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.

Return to table 1.1 note [2] referrer

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0019-01 Estimates of specialized greenhouse operations, greenhouse area, and months of operation

1.2. Harvested area of greenhouse vegetablesTable 1.2 note 1 by province (square metres)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Newfoundland and Labrador 5,340 5,396 6,882 5,106 4,191 0.0%
Prince Edward Island 12,169 18,885 19,586 14,074 2,061 0.0%
Nova Scotia 88,211 84,376 86,114 83,578 80,285 0.4%
New Brunswick 6,983 6,041 7,350 7,515 9,865 0.0%
Quebec 1,257,737 1,419,780 1,491,924 1,549,087 1,668,117 7.6%
Ontario 12,524,892 12,906,198 13,230,470 14,350,730 15,942,941 72.3%
Manitoba 11,484 8,173 15,936 16,571 15,839 0.1%
Saskatchewan 14,706 14,183 16,142 17,545 16,776 0.1%
Alberta 732,695 742,732 817,158 844,677 778,288 3.5%
British Columbia 3,016,166 3,010,912 3,103,775 3,286,822 3,405,066 15.4%
CanadaTable 1.2 note 2 17,700,845 18,256,531 18,816,824 20,210,942 22,058,511 100.0%


Table 1.2 note [1]

Includes specialized greenhouse fruits.

Return to table 1.2 note [1] referrer

Table 1.2 note [2]

Totals may not add up as some data was suppressed to meet confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.

Return to table 1.2 note [2] referrer

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0456-01 Production and value of greenhouse fruits and vegetables

1.3. Harvested area of greenhouse vegetablesTable 1.3 note 1 by commodity (square metres) 

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Tomatoes 6,346,327 6,183,913 6,835,395 7,207,531 7,579,306 34.4%
Peppers 5,760,318 5,895,959 6,152,252 6,389,092 7,038,378 31.9%
Cucumbers 4,739,726 5,060,743 4,666,140 5,352,294 5,759,422 26.1%
Strawberries N/A 303,791 321,210 583,648 737,015 3.3%
Lettuce 417,302 344,200 335,216 344,496 358,474 1.6%
Other fruits or vegetables 97,715 84,907 138,385 205,990 216,735 1.0%
Eggplants 121,641 138,509 140,496 139,547 139,550 0.6%
Fine herbs 103,655 116,026 98,292 102,745 97,471 0.4%
Microgreens and shoots 61,663 57,450 52,578 55,022 56,377 0.3%
Chinese vegetables 37,850 54,205 54,319 50,929 51,613 0.2%
Beans (green and wax) 8,914 12,479 17,888 19,009 19,755 0.1%
Sprouts 5,734 4,349 4,653 4,501 4,415 0.0%
Total 17,700,845 18,256,531 18,816,824 20,210,942 22,058,511 100.0%


Table 1.3 note [1]

Includes specialized greenhouse fruits.

Return to table 1.3 note [1] referrer

N/A: Not available for a specific reference period.

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0456-01 Production and value of greenhouse fruits and vegetables

1.4. Greenhouse vegetableTable 1.4 note 1 production by province – by volume (metric tons)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Newfoundland and Labrador 28 34 41 13 10 0.0%
Prince Edward Island 407 692 756 16 5 0.0%
Nova Scotia 3,147 3,096 3,060 3,102 3,135 0.4%
New Brunswick 301 87 110 122 319 0.0%
Quebec 41,027 46,959 56,905 60,062 62,209 7.8%
Ontario 462,661 477,157 490,416 532,485 576,009 71.8%
Manitoba 218 204 367 381 408 0.1%
Saskatchewan 187 193 203 229 236 0.0%
Alberta 40,391 42,643 43,697 45,328 44,448 5.5%
British Columbia 110,841 115,564 103,956 109,061 112,607 14.0%
CanadaTable 1.4 note 2 659,623 687,057 699,793 752,685 802,163 100.0%


Table 1.4 note [1]

Includes specialized greenhouse fruits.

Return to table 1.4 note [1] referrer

Table 1.4 note [2]

Totals may not add up as some data was suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.

Return to table 1.4 note [2] referrer

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0456-01 Production and value of greenhouse fruits and vegetables

1.5. Greenhouse vegetableTable 1.5 note 1 production by commodity – by volume (metric tons)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Tomatoes 264,737 257,639 279,627 294,408 314,908 39.3%
Cucumbers 231,751 252,581 237,672 273,156 289,465 36.1%
Peppers 145,870 152,437 153,796 156,615 169,857 21.2%
Lettuce 11,843 15,143 19,221 14,528 14,751 1.8%
Strawberries N/A 2,554 2,731 5,041 6,334 0.8%
Eggplants 3,141 4,040 4,219 4,221 4,267 0.5%
Fine herbs 938 1,190 1,115 1,133 1,088 0.1%
Microgreens and shoots 594 582 499 562 594 0.1%
Chinese vegetables 368 471 467 441 445 0.1%
Sprouts 337 345 331 329 316 0.0%
Beans (green and wax) 45 76 115 132 138 0.0%
Total 659,623 687,057 699,793 750,566 802,163 100.0%


Table 1.5 note [1]

Includes specialized greenhouse fruits.

Return to table 1.5 note [1] referrer

N/A: Not available for a specific reference period.

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0456-01 Production and value of greenhouse fruits and vegetables

1.6. Farm gate value of greenhouse vegetablesTable 1.6 note 1 by province (thousands of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Newfoundland and Labrador $153 $202 $205 $178 $100 0.0%
Prince Edward Island $1,902 $2,035 $2,943 $1 $116 0.0%
Nova Scotia $9,503 $8,654 $9,918 $8,868 $9,952 0.4%
New Brunswick $1,085 $736 $1,148 $1,232 $1,685 0.1%
Quebec $146,811 $157,251 $207,973 $242,639 $262,331 10.6%
Ontario $1,067,388 $1,190,030 $1,299,759 $1,509,515 $1,658,624 67.1%
Manitoba $1,529 $1,200 $1,896 $2,114 $2,547 0.1%
Saskatchewan $1,028 $1,199 $455 $1,307 $1,843 0.1%
Alberta $96,362 $118,795 $57,546 $104,685 $144,007 5.8%
British Columbia $306,335 $319,630 $322,729 $341,433 $368,992 14.9%
CanadaTable 1.6 note 2 $1,633,553 $1,832,159 $1,979,902 $2,263,345 $2,471,968 100.0%


Table 1.6 note [1]

Includes specialized greenhouse fruits.

Return to table 1.6 note [1] referrer

Table 1.6 note [2]

Totals may not add up as some data was suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.

Return to table 1.6 note [2] referrer

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0456-01 Production and value of greenhouse fruits and vegetables

1.7. Farm gate value of greenhouse vegetablesTable 1.7 note 1 by commodity (thousands of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Tomatoes $594,072 $660,379 $714,766 $795,526 $869,335 35.2%
Cucumbers $473,549 $539,497 $604,394 $734,480 $801,796 32.4%
Peppers $477,680 $511,359 $528,163 $553,103 $604,478 24.5%
Lettuce $50,003 $64,092 $65,255 $69,760 $74,316 3.0%
Strawberries N/A $15,522 $18,486 $50,063 $64,577 2.6%
Other fruits or vegetables $8,190 $7,259 $15,671 $19,638 $21,697 0.9%
Eggplants $11,725 $15,336 $16,172 $16,614 $16,873 0.7%
Fine herbs $10,344 $10,173 $9,341 $9,712 $9,908 0.4%
Microgreens and shoots $5,764 $5,601 $4,349 $4,943 $5,408 0.2%
Beans (green and wax) $399 $687 $1,090 $1,268 $1,343 0.1%
Sprouts $1,014 $898 $1,101 $1,129 $1,158 0.1%
Chinese vegetables $1,076 $930 $1,153 $1,086 $1,079 0.0%
Total $1,512,118 $1,633,553 $1,832,159 $1,979,902 $2,230,485 100.0%


Table 1.7 note [1]

Includes specialized greenhouse fruits.

Return to table 1.7 note [1] referrer

N/A: Not available for a specific reference period.

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0456-01 Production and value of greenhouse fruits and vegetables

1.8. Area, production and salesTable 1.8 note 1 of Canadian mushrooms

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Harvested area (thousands of square feet) Maritime provinces and Quebec x x x x x
Ontario 34,033 33,430 36,039 39,257 39,868
Prairie provinces x x x x x
British Columbia 22,357 21,938 22,072 22,696 22,188
CanadaTable 1.8 note 2 60,695 59,167 61,916 66,360 66,455
Production (metric tonnes) Maritime provinces and Quebec x x x x x
Ontario 66,687 66,787 71,114 71,279 73,945
Prairie provinces x x x x x
British Columbia 56,424 x x x x
CanadaTable 1.8 note 2 132,114 132,589 137,796 139,090 140,787
Sales (CAN$ '000) Maritime provinces and Quebec x x x x x
Ontario $339,329 $369,977 $417,415 $439,267 $450,528
Prairie provinces x x x x x
British Columbia $207,592 x $196,142 $204,158 $206,695
CanadaTable 1.8 note 2 $589,468 $619,691 $653,508 $694,466 $710,007


Table 1.8 note [1]

Regional distribution shown as presented by Statistics Canada.

Return to table 1.8 note [1] referrer

Table 1.8 note [2]

Totals may not add up as some data was suppressed to meet confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.

Return to table 1.8 note [2] referrer

x: Suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.

Source:  Statistics Canada. Table  32-10-0356-01 Area, production and sales of mushrooms

2. Trade

2.1. Canadian greenhouse vegetable and mushroom trade balance (thousands of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Exports Greenhouse vegetables $1,107,800 $1,397,518 $1,312,604 $1,419,284 $1,686,406
Mushrooms $324,140 $362,443 $383,910 $445,981 $453,285
Total exports $1,431,940 $1,759,961 $1,696,514 $1,865,265 $2,139,691
Import Greenhouse vegetables $331,151 $368,871 $397,586 $428,285 $554,722
Mushrooms $69,334 $67,469 $65,138 $68,404 $58,839
Total imports $400,485 $436,339 $462,730 $496,727 $613,561
Trade balance
(exports − imports)
Greenhouse vegetables $776,648 $1,028,648 $915,018 $991,000 $1,131,685
Mushrooms $254,807 $294,974 $318,772 $377,577 $394,446
Overall trade balance $1,031,455 $1,323,622 $1,233,790 $1,368,577 $1,526,131

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.2. Exports

2.2.1. Canada's greenhouse vegetable exports by commodity – by value (thousands of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Cucumbers $301,827 $380,162 $413,714 $480,773 $639,423 37.9%
Tomatoes $385,558 $508,389 $456,201 $460,294 $534,538 31.7%
Peppers $420,415 $508,967 $442,689 $477,929 $512,446 30.4%
Total $1,107,800 $1,397,518 $1,312,604 $1,418,421 $1,686,406 100.0%

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.2.2. Canada's greenhouse vegetable exports by commodity – by volume (metric tons)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Cucumbers 118,592 130,778 149,180 173,307 201,745 41.8%
Tomatoes 138,555 144,758 158,191 148,747 164,691 34.1%
Peppers 94,022 109,046 115,092 111,864 116,590 25.8%
Total 351,169 384,582 422,463 434,241 483,027 100.0%

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.2.3. Canada's greenhouse vegetable exports by province – by value (thousands of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Prince Edward Island 0s 0s 0s 0s $4 0.0%
Nova Scotia $2 $1 $0 $1 $8 0.0%
New Brunswick $6 $17 $14 $14 $11 0.0%
Québec $18,549 $19,811 $19,599 $28,799 $51,562 3.1%
Ontario $920,159 $1,162,069 $1,129,495 $1,236,382 $1,481,529 87.9%
Manitoba $8 $0 $0 $0 0s 0.0%
Saskatchewan 0s 0s 0s 0s $42 0.0%
Alberta $4,725 $3,364 $5,898 $4,577 $2,234 0.1%
British Columbia $164,351 $212,257 $157,598 $148,649 $151,016 9.0%
Total $1,107,800 $1,397,518 $1,312,604 $1,418,421 $1,686,406 100.0%


0s: Value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded.

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.2.4. Canada's greenhouse vegetable exports by province – by volume (metric tons)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Prince Edward Island 0s 0s 0s 0s 4 0.0%
Nova Scotia 1 0s 0s 0s 3 0.0%
New Brunswick 2 5 4 3 3 0.0%
Québec 4,839 5,693 6,058 7,155 12,422 2.6%
Ontario 296,983 325,600 366,015 382,041 426,694 88.3%
Manitoba 3 0s 0s 0s 0s 0.0%
Alberta 2,570 1,204 2,374 1,895 910 0.2%
British Columbia 46,773 52,079 48,011 42,825 42,980 8.9%
Total 351,169 384,582 422,463 434,241 483,027 100.0%


0s: Value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded.

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.2.5. Canada's top greenhouse vegetable export destinations – by value (thousands of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
United States $1,102,403 $1,391,671 $1,305,093 $1,411,005 $1,678,576 99.5%
Japan $4,172 $5,316 $7,414 $7,371 $7,258 0.5%
Taiwan $794 $407 $11 $16 $529 0.0%
France $13 $7 $2 $17 $22 0.0%
Saint Pierre and Miquelon $8 $17 $14 $14 $11 0.0%
Others $410 $100 $71 $0 $0 0.0%
Total $1,107,800 $1,397,518 $1,312,604 $1,418,421 $1,686,395 100.0%

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.2.6. Canada's top greenhouse vegetable export destinations – by volume (metric tons)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
United States 349,533 382,684 420,052 431,539 480,553 99.5%
Japan 1,250 1,722 2,379 2,366 2,286 0.5%
Taiwan 256 136 4 5 175 0.0%
France 4 2 1 5 7 0.0%
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 2 5 4 4 3 0.0%
Others 125 33 23 0 0 0.0%
Total 351,169 384,582 422,463 434,241 483,023 100.0%

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.2.7. Greenhouse vegetable destinations by commodity – by value (thousands of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Cucumbers United States $301,810 $380,118 $413,679 $480,582 $639,410
Japan $0 $34 $29 $187 $3
Saint Pierre and Miquelon $1 $3 $3 $4 $3
Total $301,827 $380,162 $413,714 $480,773 $639,417
Tomatoes United States $381,081 $503,247 $449,424 $454,403 $529,042
Japan $3,500 $4,659 $6,702 $5,890 $4,955
Taiwan $790 $407 $11 $0 $529
Total $385,558 $508,389 $456,201 $460,491 $534,533
Peppers United States $419,512 $508,306 $441,989 $476,594 $510,124
Japan $672 $623 $683 $1,294 $2,300
France $12 $6 $2 $16 $14
Total $420,415 $508,967 $442,689 $477,929 $512,449

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.2.8. Greenhouse vegetable destinations by commodity – by volume (metric tons)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Cucumbers United States 118,586 130,763 149,167 173,238 201,741
Japan 0 12 11 68 1
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 1 1 1 1 1
Total 118,592 130,778 149,180 173,557 201,743
Tomatoes United States 137,155 143,065 155,993 146,812 162,819
Japan 1,085 1,531 2,173 1,935 1,694
Taiwan 255 135 4 0 175
Total 138,555 144,758 158,191 148,747 164,690
Peppers United States 93,792 108,855 114,892 111,489 115,993
Japan 165 180 196 364 591
France 3 2 1 4 4
Total 94,022 109,046 115,092 111,864 116,590

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.2.9. Canada's mushroom exports by province – by value (thousands of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Nova Scotia $4 0s 0s 0s 0s 0.0%
New Brunswick $13 0s 0s 0s 0s 0.0%
Quebec $221 $644 $23 $182 $162 0.0%
Ontario $95,819 $113,102 $111,783 $118,335 $131,945 29.1%
Manitoba 0s 0s 0s $13,250 $17,665 3.9%
Alberta 0s 0s $160 $17 0s 0.0%
British Columbia $228,082 $248,697 $271,944 $314,269 $303,506 67.0%
CanadaTable 2.2.9 note 1 $324,140 $362,443 $383,910 $445,981 $453,279 100.0%


Table 2.2.9 note [1]

Totals may not add up as some data was suppressed to meet confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.

Return to table 2.2.9 note [1] referrer

0s: Value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded.

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.2.10. Canada's mushroom exports by province – by volume (metric tons)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Nova Scotia 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0.0%
New Brunswick 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0.0%
Quebec 26 44 2 5 8 0.0%
Ontario 16,514 19,315 19,252 19,757 20,438 32.3%
Manitoba 0 0 0 1,794 2,346 3.7%
Alberta 0s 0s 95 10 0s 0.0%
British Columbia 35,666 37,953 43,382 44,680 40,575 64.0%
CanadaTable 2.2.10 note 1 52,206 57,312 62,730 66,246 63,367 100.0%


Table 2.2.10 note [1]

Totals may not add up as some data was suppressed to meet confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.

Return to table 2.2.10 note [1] referrer

0s: Value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded.

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.2.11. Canada's top mushroom export destinations – by value (thousands of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
United States $304,859 $350,518 $373,865 $433,734 $445,060 98.2%
Japan $11,969 $8,866 $8,424 $5,376 $6,913 1.5%
Switzerland $858 $422 $168 $2,075 $436 0.1%
Netherlands $841 $715 $364 $1,023 $425 0.1%
France $2,527 $1,114 $533 $2,588 $322 0.1%
Others $3,085 $808 $555 $1,220 $123 0.0%
Total $324,140 $362,443 $383,910 $446,053 $453,279 100.0%

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.2.12. Canada's top mushroom export destinations – by volume (metric tons)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
United States 51,817 56,937 62,333 65,885 63,101 99.6%
Japan 228 280 331 252 238 0.4%
Netherlands 30 28 11 26 13 0.0%
France 75 41 19 47 9 0.0%
Switzerland 9 4 2 18 3 0.0%
Others 47 24 35 24 4 0.0%
Total 52,206 57,312 62,730 66,251 63,367 100.0%

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.3. Imports

2.3.1. Canada's greenhouse vegetable imports by commodity – by value (thousands of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Peppers $147,443 $163,389 $169,861 $197,379 $262,820 47.4%
Tomatoes $134,822 $162,224 $172,876 $189,557 $230,045 41.5%
Cucumbers $48,484 $42,822 $54,463 $40,671 $58,525 10.6%
Lettuce $402 $435 $386 $715 $3,331 0.6%
Total $331,151 $368,871 $397,586 $428,322 $554,722 100.0%

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.3.2. Canada's greenhouse vegetable imports by commodity – by volume (metric tons)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Tomatoes 59,749 66,996 75,306 77,847 87,047 47.6%
Peppers 47,210 49,150 52,735 61,062 73,526 40.2%
Cucumbers 24,193 21,105 25,412 18,360 21,893 12.0%
Lettuce 111 68 64 142 493 0.3%
Total 131,264 137,319 153,517 157,411 182,959 100.0%

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.3.3. Top sources of Canada's greenhouse vegetable imports – by value (thousands of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Mexico $270,515 $320,621 $336,171 $369,826 $471,119 84.9%
United States $42,387 $37,176 $54,202 $52,566 $68,766 12.4%
Spain $11,888 $4,707 $3,007 $3,851 $11,114 2.0%
Viet Nam $104 $228 $459 $462 $524 0.1%
Netherlands $3,202 $2,285 $257 $503 $180 0.0%
Others $3,056 $3,855 $3,487 $1,114 $3,017 0.5%
Total $331,151 $368,871 $397,592 $428,322 $554,722 100.0%

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.3.4. Top sources of Canada's greenhouse vegetable imports – by volume (metric tons)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Mexico 109,512 120,959 128,942 133,149 152,876 83.6%
United States 16,509 13,270 22,684 22,922 27,154 14.8%
Spain 3,252 1,227 715 838 1,942 1.1%
Viet Nam 33 74 108 94 103 0.1%
Netherlands 857 378 40 84 39 0.0%
Others 1,101 1,411 1,033 324 845 0.5%
Total 131,264 137,319 153,521 157,411 182,959 100.0%

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.3.5. Greenhouse vegetable import sources by commodity – by value (thousands of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Peppers Mexico $123,180 $147,060 $161,206 $187,324 $241,025
Spain $10,533 $4,600 $2,977 $3,755 $9,569
United States $6,390 $7,796 $6,674 $2,009 $4,413
Netherlands $3,120 $2,275 $243 $496 $176
Total $147,443 $163,389 $169,867 $197,379 $262,820
Tomatoes Mexico $109,766 $142,631 $144,527 $154,630 $186,062
United States $24,893 $19,031 $28,278 $34,924 $43,983
New Zealand $162 $360 $0 $0 $0
Guatemala $0 $203 $70 $3 $0
Total $134,822 $162,224 $172,876 $189,557 $230,045
Cucumbers Mexico $37,553 $30,922 $30,445 $27,868 $43,909
United States $9,354 $11,131 $23,631 $12,592 $12,834
Spain $1,351 $89 $10 $78 $1,527
Netherlands $82 $6 $8 $1 $2
Total $48,484 $42,822 $54,463 $40,671 $58,525
Lettuce United States $344 $339 $287 $637 $3,127
Mexico $16 $8 $2 $4 $123
South Korea $37 $63 $66 $41 $54
Spain $4 $18 $20 $18 $18
Total $402 $435 $386 $715 $3,331

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.3.6. Greenhouse vegetable import sources by commodity – by volume (metric tons)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Tomatoes Mexico 49,931 60,013 62,241 62,417 68,937
United States 9,760 6,730 13,044 15,428 18,109
New Zealand 58 190 0 0 0
Guatemala 0 62 21 2 0
Total 59,749 66,996 75,306 77,847 87,047
Peppers Mexico 39,819 44,286 50,201 58,292 67,804
Spain 2,594 1,178 705 820 1,612
United States 3,017 2,379 819 1,524 3,236
Netherlands 805 374 36 83 38
Total 47,210 49,150 52,738 61,062 73,526
Cucumbers Mexico 19,750 16,659 16,499 12,439 16,089
United States 3,636 4,099 8,767 5,834 5,368
Spain 657 48 8 16 328
Netherlands 52 3 3 0 1
Total 24,193 21,105 25,412 18,360 21,893
Lettuce United States 96 60 55 135 441
Mexico 12 1 1 1 45
South Korea 3 4 5 3 4
Spain 1 2 2 2 2
Total 111 68 64 142 493

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.3.7. Top sources of Canada's mushroom imports – by value (thousands of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
United States $39,978 $41,512 $37,719 $38,427 $28,444 48.3%
China $12,008 $12,581 $14,926 $19,235 $17,549 29.8%
South Korea $8,704 $8,112 $5,787 $2,417 $3,576 6.1%
Italy $1,723 $1,263 $2,128 $2,189 $2,339 4.0%
Japan $127 $53 $112 $502 $1,527 2.6%
Others $6,793 $3,947 $4,466 $5,635 $5,405 9.2%
Total $69,334 $67,469 $65,138 $68,405 $58,839 100.0%

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

2.3.8. Top sources of Canada's mushroom imports – by volume (metric tons)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
United States 7,595 7,848 6,777 5,585 4,135 47.4%
China 1,339 1,544 2,058 2,927 2,898 33.2%
South Korea 2,940 2,687 1,885 722 1,018 11.7%
Japan 8 2 6 137 409 4.7%
Italy 56 90 248 96 32 0.4%
Others 311 182 287 311 234 2.7%
Total 12,249 12,353 11,261 9,778 8,726 100.0%

Source: Statistics Canada (CATSNET, August 2024)

3. Channels of distribution

3.1. Channels of distribution for greenhouse vegetableTable 3.1 note 1 sales and resalesTable 3.1 note 2
(millions of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Domestic wholesalers $1,090.1 $1,176.1 $1,307.8 $1,493.3 $1,633.3 66.1%
Mass market chain stores $206.1 $266.7 $299.0 $333.1 $353.0 14.3%
Other channels $229.8 $237.8 $218.6 $268.3 $300.8 14.4%
Other greenhouses $78.1 $109.3 $126.3 $138.8 $150.7 6.1%
Direct sales to the publicTable 3.1 note 3 $29.5 $42.3 $28.2 $31.6 $34.1 1.4%
Total sales $1,633.6 $1,832.2 $1,979.9 $2,263.3 $2,472.0 100.0%


Table 3.1 note [1]

Includes specialized greenhouse fruits.

Return to table 3.1 note [1] referrer

Table 3.1 note [2]

Farm gate value (before sales tax).

Return to table 3.1 note [2] referrer

Table 3.1 note [3]

Includes roadside stands and owner-operated retail outlets.

Return to table 3.1 note [3] referrer

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0022-01 Channels of distribution for horticulture product sales and resales

4. Operating expenses and assets

4.1. Greenhouse vegetableTable 4.1 note 1Table 4.1 note 2 producers' operating expenses by category
(millions of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Gross yearly payrollTable 4.1 note 3 $386.1 $434.6 $520.8 $546.3 $560.2 30.8%
Other operating expensesTable 4.1 note 4 $305.8 $361.3 $382.9 $409.9 $449.0 24.7%
Other crop expensesTable 4.1 note 5 $247.0 $279.0 $312.4 $356.0 $375.0 20.6%
FuelTable 4.1 note 6 $146.2 $149.0 $162.7 $172.7 $183.6 10.1%
Plant material purchases for growing onTable 4.1 note 7 $130.9 $147.6 $160.7 $172.5 $174.0 9.6%
ElectricityTable 4.1 note 8 $42.9 $50.7 $66.3 $68.4 $74.5 4.1%
Total operating expenses $1,259.0 $1,422.2 $1,605.7 $1,725.8 $1,816.2 100.0%


Table 4.1 note [1]

This category excludes mixed operations (vegetables, flowers, and plants).

Return to table 4.1 note [1] referrer

Table 4.1 note [2]

Includes specialized greenhouse fruits.

Return to table 4.1 note [2] referrer

Table 4.1 note [3]

Includes seasonal and permanent labour.

Return to table 4.1 note [3] referrer

Table 4.1 note [4]

Includes interest, land taxes, insurance, advertising, repairs to farm buildings, machinery, agricultural equipment and vehicles, contract work, and telephone and telecommunications services.

Return to table 4.1 note [4] referrer

Table 4.1 note [5]

Includes fertilizer, pesticides, pollination, irrigation, containers, packaging, bioprograms, and growing mediums such as soil, peat moss, vermiculite, perlite, sand, Styrofoam and sawdust.

Return to table 4.1 note [5] referrer

Table 4.1 note [6]

Includes natural gas, heating oil and other types of heatig fuel e.g., coal and wood chips.

Return to table 4.1 note [6] referrer

Table 4.1 note [7]

Includes value of flowers, plants, cuttings, seedlings, seeds and bulbs purchased (before sales tax).

Return to table 4.1 note [7] referrer

Table 4.1 note [8]

Electricity expenses include electricity for lighting, airflow fans, and heating.

Return to table 4.1 note [8] referrer

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0025-01 Specialized greenhouse producers' operating expenses

4.2. Mushroom operation assets by category (thousands of Canadian dollars)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 %
Land x $120,412 $127,184 $150,854 $177,127 17.2%
BuildingsTable 4.2 note 1 x $468,389 $543,223 $620,516 $689,982 66.9%
Processing, packing equipment and other machinery x $146,358 $154,140 $159,550 $164,638 16.0%
Investment, total x $735,159 $824,547 $930,921 $1,031,747 100.0%


Table 4.2 note [1]

Includes heating and cooling equipment.

Return to table 4.2 note [1] referrer

x: Suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0356-01 Area, production and sales of mushrooms

5. Labour

5.1. Total number of employees of specialized greenhouse vegetable operations

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Atlantic provinces Seasonal employeesTable 5.1 note 1 77 61 101 105 107
Permanent employeesTable 5.1 note 2 119 156 148 150 150
Total employees 196 217 249 255 257
Quebec Seasonal employeesTable 5.1 note 1 400 603 724 742 677
Permanent employeesTable 5.1 note 2 789 844 1,098 1,105 1,023
Total employees 1,189 1,447 1,822 1,847 1,700
Ontario Seasonal employeesTable 5.1 note 1 3,742 4,000 4,266 4,469 4,290
Permanent employeesTable 5.1 note 2 4,533 5,177 6,186 6,598 6,334
Total employees 8,275 9,177 10,452 11,067 10,624
Prairie provinces Seasonal employeesTable 5.1 note 1 162 255 187 200 187
Permanent employeesTable 5.1 note 2 706 726 805 807 726
Total employees 868 981 992 1,007 912
British Columbia Seasonal employeesTable 5.1 note 1 819 850 911 913 908
Permanent employeesTable 5.1 note 2 1,205 1,281 1,391 1,294 1,281
Total employees 2,024 2,131 2,302 2,207 2,189
Canada Seasonal employeesTable 5.1 note 1 5,200 5,769 6,189 6,429 6,169
Permanent employeesTable 5.1 note 2 7,352 8,184 9,628 9,954 9,513
Total employees 12,552 13,953 15,817 16,383 15,682


Table 5.1 note [1]

Seasonal employees who worked less than 8 months during the year.

Return to table 5.1 note [1] referrer

Table 5.1 note [2]

Permanent employees who worked more than 8 months during the year.

Return to table 5.1 note [2] referrer

Due to confidentiality reasons, provincial breakdowns for Atlantic and Prairie provinces are not shown.

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0028-01 Total number of employees of specialized greenhouse operations

5.2. Total number of employees and labour cost of mushroom operations

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Labour cost, total (thousands of Canadian dollars) x $193,273 $199,228 $220,581 $227,254
Full-time employees (number) x 4,441 4,692 5,156 5,157
Part-time employees (number) x 869 875 823 819
Total employees 5,310 5,567 5,979 5,976


x: Suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0356-01 Area, production and sales of mushrooms

6. Key Resources

  • Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0456-01 Production and value of greenhouse fruits and vegetables
  • Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0019-01 Estimates of specialized greenhouse operations, greenhouse area, and months of operation
  • Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0028-01 Total number of employees of specialized greenhouse operations
  • Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0356-01 Area, production and sales of mushrooms
  • Statistics Canada. CATSNET