Agricultural Clean Technology Program Research and Innovation Stream – Accelerator: Step 4. How to apply

Step 4. How to apply

There are 2 stages to the application process.

Stage 1. Complete and submit the Application Form

We'll determine if your proposal is eligible and aligns with the Accelerator criteria and priorities.

PDF forms

If you have trouble opening a PDF form, try the following:

  • Use your computer. The form may not open on mobile devices like phones or tablets.
  • Save the PDF to your computer in a place where you can easily find it
  • Use Adobe Reader (Version 11 or higher) to open the file. If it’s not already installed, download Adobe Reader 11 or higher for free. Adobe has help for solving common issues

If you can't open the form with Adobe Reader 11 or higher, contact the program.

How to download and open a PDF form

Download the file

  1. Right-click on the link you want to save
  2. Select "Save link as" or "Download linked file"
  3. Choose the location on your computer where you would like to save the file
  4. Select "Save"

Open the PDF form

  1. Open Adobe Reader 11 or higher
  2. Select "File"
  3. Select "Open"
  4. Go to the location where you saved the file
  5. Select the PDF file
  6. Select "Open"
  1. Download the Stage 1. Application Form (PDF) and save it on your computer
  2. Open and complete the form
  3. Save your completed form
  4. Email your completed form to from November 25, 2024 to January 10, 2025 by 11:59 pm Pacific Time.

If you need help to complete the Application Form, please refer to Step 5. Complete the application and apply or contact the program.

If you cannot submit your application by email, please contact the program for an alternative method.

Stage 2: Complete and submit the Additional Information Form

If you're invited to proceed to Stage 2, we'll email you a Stage 2. Additional Information Form to get the details about your proposal.

  1. Complete the Additional Information Form
  2. Email your completed form and all required documents to

Important notes

We'll use the information you provide on the Stage 1 - Additional Information Form and Stage 2 - Application Form, as the basis to select Initial Recipients.

Applications are deemed complete once program officials receive sufficient application material and supporting documents to complete the Stage 2 assessment. Please do not consider your application complete until you receive an email confirmation from AAFC.

Please note that even if all eligibility criteria are met, the submission of an application creates no obligation on the part of the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to provide funding for the project.