AgriInvest Calculator - Help text

The AgriInvest Calculator is a tool designed to help you estimate your AgriInvest benefits. You can calculate your estimated program year Allowable Net Sales (ANS) and maximum matchable deposit before receiving a Deposit Notice. The Deposit Notice is based on the information you provide on your program year AgriInvest form and includes details on your ANS, maximum matchable deposit and deposit deadline. Deposits made to your account before the issue date of your Deposit Notice will not receive matching government contributions.

Your AgriInvest deposit and matching government contributions are based on a percentage of your ANS. ANS are sales of allowable commodities (including allowable program payments) less purchases of allowable commodities. Allowable commodities include most primary agricultural commodities except those covered under supply management (dairy, poultry and eggs). If you produce allowable commodities in addition to supply managed commodities you may be eligible for AgriInvest benefits based on the non-supply managed portion of your farming operation.

You can make a maximum deposit up to 100% of your ANS to your AgriInvest account held at a participating financial institution, with the first 1% matched by governments.

Your ANS is limited to $1 million and the maximum matchable deposit is $10,000. The minimum deposit you can make to receive matching government contributions is $250.

The results generated by the AgriInvest Calculator are an estimate of your ANS and maximum matchable deposit. These calculations may differ from those on your Deposit Notice, which are based on the information you provide on your program year AgriInvest form.

For more information on the AgriInvest program, see the AgriInvest Program Handbook.

Before you use the AgriInvest Calculator

  • If you have more than one farming operation (a sole proprietorship and one or more partnerships), have your program year farming income and expense documents available for all operations.
  • You can find information on reporting your commodity income and expenses for AgriInvest in the AgriStability and AgriInvest Programs Guide.
  • If you have already completed your program year AgriStability and AgriInvest Statement A form, you can enter the information directly from your form into the calculator.
  • We may combine operations where participants have structured their business operations with the effect of avoiding the application of the ANS limit.
    • The ANS limit for the combined operations is $1 million.
    • The calculator will not reflect adjustments to ANS limits applied to combined operations.
    • For information on combined operations, see the AgriInvest Handbook (See Section 5 – There are deposit limits).

Helpful information

  • "Start Over" deletes all entries and returns to the first screen
  • "Next" takes you to the following screen
  • If your computer is inactive for more than 30 minutes, you will have to re-enter the information
  • The information you enter into the calculator is used solely to estimate your program year ANS and maximum matchable deposit. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada cannot access or save the information you enter into the calculator.

How to use the AgriInvest Calculator

ANS Calculator Page 1

  • Program year:
    • Select the program year from the drop-down list.

ANS Calculator Page 2

  • Late Filing Penalty Percentage (%):
    • If you send your form after the initial deadline we will apply a late filing penalty. The non-penalty deadline to submit an application is September 30. We will accept your form until December 31, however we will reduce your maximum matchable deposit by 5% for each month (or part of a month) that your form is sent late. We will not accept forms sent after December 31.
    • For more information on AgriInvest filing deadlines, please see Important Dates.
    • Select the application late filing penalty percentage (if applicable) from the drop-down list that corresponds with your form filing date.
  • Province or territory:
    • Select the province or territory where all or the majority of your gross farming income was earned in the program year

ANS Calculator Page 3

If you have more than one farming operation (a sole proprietorship and one or more partnerships), enter the information below for one of your operations. Once you have completed entering the sales and purchases information for that operation, go to the ANS Summary screen and click "Add Operation" to enter the information for your other operations.

  • Percentage (%) share of farm operation:
    • If the operation is a sole proprietorship, enter 100%. If you are a partner in a partnership, enter your partnership percentage share.
  • Operation name:
    • Enter the name of the operation.
  • Commodity sales and purchases:
    • Point of sale guidelines: Report your commodity sales based on the value at the time the sale occurs. The point of sale occurs when your commodity is no longer identifiable as your own, and you are no longer at risk for the value of the commodity. For more information on the point of sale guidelines, please see the AgriStability and AgriInvest Programs Guide or the AgriInvest Program Handbook.
    • Input method:
      • There are 2 different methods for entering your commodity sales and purchases, and program payment income:
        • Individual sales and purchases
        • Total sales and purchases
      • You can use either input method except if you are:
        • reporting custom feeding income
        • a livestock owner
        • a custom feedlot operator or ranch fur operator with prepared feed purchases

If you meet one of the above criteria you must use the individual sales and purchases input method to ensure that your ANS is calculated correctly. The calculator automatically defaults to the individual sales and purchases method. To change the input method to total sales and purchases, select "Total Sales and Purchases" and then click "Change Method".

  • Individual sales and purchase and program payments:
    • If you are involved in a partnership, enter 100% of the partnership commodity sales and purchases. The calculator will automatically apply your partnership percentage share when calculating your ANS.
    • Select the commodity from the drop-down list and enter the gross commodity sale/purchase amount
    • Add a new row for each additional commodity sale or purchase.
    • To report program payment income, select the program from the drop-down list and enter the payment amount. Only program payments that are included in the calculation of your ANS are listed.
    • Enter the repayment of an allowable program payment as a purchase using the program code.
  • Custom feedlot operator income:
    • If you are a custom feedlot operator feeding livestock, you are eligible for AgriInvest based on the value of allowable grain you produce and feed to custom-fed livestock.
    • If your invoices are itemized by ingredient, enter the amount of allowable feed and protein supplements as custom feedlot operator (itemized invoices) qualifying feed and protein income.
    • If your invoices are not itemized by ingredient, enter the total amount invoiced as custom feedlot operator (non-itemized invoices) qualifying prepared feed income. 70% of this amount will be included in the calculation of your ANS.
  • Livestock owners and custom feedlot operators with prepared feed purchases:
    • If your purchase invoices of prepared feed and protein supplements are itemized by ingredient, enter the amount of allowable feed and protein supplements as a prepared feed and protein supplements (itemized) purchase.
    • If your purchase invoices of prepared feed and protein supplements are not itemized by ingredient, enter the total purchase amount as prepared feed purchases (non-itemized). 65% of this amount will be included in the calculation of your ANS.
  • Livestock owners with custom feeding expenses:
    • If your purchase invoices are itemized by ingredient, enter the purchase amount of allowable feed and protein supplements as a livestock owner (itemized) custom feeding expense.
    • If your purchases invoices are not itemized by ingredient, enter the total purchase amount as prepared feed purchases (non-itemized). 70% of this amount will be included in the calculation of your ANS.
  • Ranch fur operators with prepared feed purchases:
    • If your purchase invoices of prepared feed and protein supplements are itemized by ingredient, enter the amount of allowable feed and protein supplements as a prepared feed and protein supplements (itemized) purchase.
    • If your purchase invoices are not itemized by ingredient, enter the total purchase amount as a ranch fur operator feed purchase (non-itemized). 20% of this amount will be included in the calculation of your ANS.
  • Total sales and purchases:
    • If you are involved in a partnership, enter 100% of the partnership commodity sales and purchases. The calculator will automatically apply your partnership percentage share when calculating your ANS.
  • Allowable commodity sales:
    • Enter the total value of your gross allowable commodity sales.
  • Supply managed commodity sales:
    • Enter the total value of your gross supply managed commodity sales.
  • Commodity purchases:
    • Enter the total value of your allowable commodity purchases and purchases of supply managed commodities.

ANS Calculator Page 4

  • ANS summary:
    • If you are involved in more than one farming operation, click "Add Operation" to enter the information for your other operations.
    • This screen displays your calculated ANS for each operation. Your total ANS is your allowable sales less allowable purchases for all operations. Your total ANS is limited to $1 million.
    • If you have a mixed operation with supply managed commodities your ANS will be adjusted to reflect the non-supply managed portion of your farming operation. To calculate the ANS adjustment, your total net sales of allowable and supply managed commodities will be multiplied by the percentage of total of allowable commodities. For more information on the ANS adjustment, see the AgriInvest Program Guidelines. (Section 4.2 Mixed Supply-Managed Adjustment).
  • Operation:
    • This is the name of the farm operation for which the ANS was calculated.
  • % share of operation:
    • This is your percentage share of the operation.
  • Allowable commodity sales (A):
    • This is the total allowable commodity sales and program payment income for the operation.
  • Supply managed commodity sales (B):
    • This is the total supply managed commodity sales for the operation.
  • Commodity purchases (C):
    • This is the total purchases for allowable commodities and supply managed commodity purchases for the operation.
  • Calculated net sales (D):
    • This is the sum of allowable commodity sales and supply managed commodity sales, less the total allowable and supply managed commodity purchases for the operation {( A + B) – C =D)}.
  • % of total sales of allowable commodities (E):
    • This is the percentage of your total sales of allowable commodities for the operation.
    • The percentage of total sales of allowable commodities is calculated by dividing sales of allowable commodities by the sum of sales of allowable commodities plus sales of supply managed commodities {A/(A + B) = E}.
    • Your calculated net sales are multiplied by the % of total sales of allowable commodities to determine your adjusted ANS.
  • Allowable net sales (F):
    • This is your share of ANS for the operation or your share of the adjusted ANS for a mixed operation with supply managed commodities.
  • Total ANS:
    • Your share of the total ANS for all operations.
  • ANS limit:
    • Your total ANS limit is $1 million.
  • ANS factor:
    • This is the percentage of ANS that can be deposited to your AgriInvest account and will be matched by governments.
    • Your maximum matchable deposit is your ANS multiplied by 1.0%.
  • Maximum matchable deposit:
    • This is your maximum matchable deposit after the late filing penalty is applied (if applicable).
    • Your maximum matchable deposit must be $250 or more for you to be eligible to make a deposit to your AgriInvest account and receive a matching government contribution.