FIL-IDF Bulletins, factsheets and standards

List of bulletins, factsheets and standards produced by FIL-IDF and available from FIL-IDF Canada.

To order IDF publications (Canadian only) or to have the IDF Catalogue of Publications, or to subscribe to the Annual Publications and or the complete set of standards please contact:

FIL-IDF Canada, secretariat
Tel.: (613) 699-2798

Number Year Bulletin title
490 2017 Quality Assurance Tools for Mid Infrared Spectrometry in Dairy Lab-Part1
489 2017 The World Dairy Situation 2017
488 2017 The IDF Guide on Biodiversity for the Dairy Sector
487 2017 IDF Global Marketing Trends
486 2017 The IDF Guide to Water Footprint Methodology for the Dairy Sector
485 2016 The World Dairy Situation 2016
484 2016 Proceedings of the 5th Paratuberculosis Forum
483 2016 Fluorimetric method for the determination of alkaline phosphatase activity in cow's milk - cheese: Interlaboratory collaborative study
482 2016 Evaluation of nitrogen conversion factors for dairy and soy
481 2015 The World Dairy Situation 2015
480 2015 The contribution of school milk programmes to the nutrition of children worldwide
479 2015 A common carbon footprint approach for the dairy sector - The IDF guide to standard life cycle assessment methodologyudy
478 2015 Interlaboratory collaborative study on a flow cytometry method for lactic acid bacteria quantification in starter cultures, probiotics and fermented milk products according to ISO 19344/IDF 232
477 2014 Determination of hen's egg white lysozyme in milk and cheese - Interlaboratory collaborative study
476 2014 The World Dairy Situation 2014
475 2014 Proceedings of the 4th Paratuberculosis Forum, Parma, Italy, 21 June 2014
474 2014 Detecting antibiotic residues in milk - Guidance on the application of screening and confirmatory mthods in integrated dairy chain management
473 2014 compilation of some presentations from the IDF World Dairy Summit 2013, Yokohama, Japan
472 2014 Posters presented at the IDF World Dairy Summit 2013, Yokohama, Japan
471 2014 Detection of inhibitors and antimicrobial residues in milk and dairy products by screening methods - Guidance on preparation of the test portion
470 2013 The World Dairy Situation 2013
469 2013 Requirements for Reference Materials for the Calibration of Automated Somatic Cell Counters
468 2013 Interlaboratory collaborative study of a method for the determination of nitrogenous frations in cheese - ISO 27871|IDF 224
467 2013 Collabortive study of ISO 26323|IDF 213 on determination of the acidification activity of dairy cultures by continuous pH measurement (CpH)
466 2013 Guidelines for the use and interpretation of bovine milk somatic cell counts (SCC) in the dairy industry
465 2013 Identification and assessment of emerging issues associated with chemical contaminants in dairy products
464 2013 Emerging Dairy Sector Conference
IDF World Dairy Summit 2012 - Cape Town, South Africa - October 2012
463 2013 Proceedings of the Nutrition and Health Conference
IDF World Dairy Summit 2012 - Cape Town, South Africa - October 2012
462 2013 Identification of probiotics at strain level
Guidance document
461 2013 Collaborative studies on methods to determine enzyme activity in cheese making
460 2012 Proceedings of the 3rd ParaTB Forum
Sidney, Australia - 4 February, 2012
459 2012 Collaborative Study on the Kjeldahl Reference Method for Nitrogen Determination of Dried Dairy Products according to ISO 8968-1/2 | IDF 20-1/2
458 2012 World Dairy Situation 2012
457 2012 Proceedings of the IDF World Dairy Summit 2011
Parma, Italy, 12-19 October, 2011
456 2012 Interlaboratory trial on the Potentiometric Method for the Determination of Tritrable Acidity in Fermented Milks according to ISO/TS 11869 | IDF/RM 150
  2012 International Journal of Food Microbiology - Review of Shiga - Toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and their significance in dairy production
455 2012 Safety Demonstration of Microbial Food Cultures (MFC) in Fermeted Food Products
454 2012 Air Emission from Dairy Processing and Energy Plants
453 2012 Guidance for the Evaluation of Precision Characteristics of Physicochemical Quantitative Analytical Methods for Milk and Milk Products
IDF Standards / ISO
IDF Standards / ISO
IDF ISO Year Title
1 1211 2010 Milk - Determination of Fat Content - Gravimetric Method (Reference Method)
1D   1996 Milk - Determination of Fat Content - Gravimetric Method (Reference Method)
4 5534 2004 Cheese and processed cheese - Determination of the total solids content (Reference method)
5 1735 2004 Cheese and processed cheese - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method)
6 1740 2004 Milkfat products and butter - Determination of fat acidity (Reference method)
7 1739 2006 Butter - Determination of the refractive index of the fat (Reference method)
9 1736 2008 Dried milk and dried milk products - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method)
12 1738 2004 Butter - Determination of salt content
13 1737 2008 Evaporated milk and sweetened condensed milk - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method)
15 6734 2010 Sweetened Condensed Milk - Determination of the total solids content (Reference Method)
15B   1991 Sweetened Condensed Milk - Determination of the total solids content (Reference Method)
16 2450 2008 Cream - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method)
20-1 8968-1 2014 Milk - Determination of nitrogen content - Part 1: Kjeldahl method
20-2 8968-2 2001 Milk - Determination of nitrogen content - Part 2: Block-digestion method (Macro method)
20-3 8968-3 2001 Milk - Determination of nitrogen content - Part 3: Block-digestion method (Semi-micro rapid routine method)
20-4 8968-4 2016 Milk and milk products - Determination of nitrogen content - Part 4: Determination of protein and non-protein nitrogen content and true protein content calculation (Reference method)
20-5 8968-5 2001 Milk - Determination of nitrogen content - Part 5: Determination of protein-nitrogen content
21 6731 2010 Milk, cream and evaporated milk - Determination of total solids content (Reference method)
21B   1987 Milk, cream and evaporated milk - Determination of total solids content (Reference method)
22 7208 2008 Skimmed milk, whey and buttermilk - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method)
23 5536 2009 Milk fat products - Determination of water content - Karl Fischer method
24   1964 Determination of the Fat Content of Butter-Oil
25 RM 17837 TS 2008 Processed Cheese Products - Determination of nitrogen content and crude protein calculation - Kjeldahl method
26 5537 2004 Dried Milk - Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
29-1 17997-1 2004 Milk - Determination casein nitrogen content - Part 1: Indirect Method (Reference Method)
29-2 17997-2 2004 Milk - Determination of casein - nitrogen content - Part 2: Direct Method
33 2962 2010 Cheese and processed cheese products - Determination of total phosphorus content - Molecular absorbtion spectrometric method
34 RM 2963 TS 2006 Cheese and processed cheese products - Determination of citric acid content - Enzymatic method
35 2911 2004 Sweetened Condensed Milk - Determination of sucrose content - Polarimetric method
36 12081 2010 Milk - Determination of Calcium Content - Titrimetric Method
36A   1992 Milk - Determination of Calcium Content - Titrimetric Method
41   1966 Standard Method for the Count of Lipolytic Organisms
42 9874 2006 Milk - Determination of total phosphorus content - Method using molecular absorption spectrometry
50 707 2008 Milk and Milk Products - Guidance on Sampling
51RM 18083 2013 Processed Cheese Products - Calculation of Content of Added Phosphate Expressed as Phosphorus
51B   1991 Processed Cheese Products - Calculation of Content of Added Phosphate - Expressed as Phosphorus
52 12082 2006 Processed cheese and processed cheese products - Calculation of the content of aded citrate emulsifying agens and acidifiers/pH - controlling agents, expressed as citric acid
54   1970 Detection of Vegetable Fat in Milk Faat by Gas-Liquid Chromatography of Sterols
58 2920 2004 Whey cheese - Determination of dry matter (Reference method)
59 1854 2008 Whey cheese - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method)
60 5944 2001 Milk and milk-based products - Detection of coagulase-positive staphylococci - Most probable number technique
63 3356 2009 Milk - Determination of alkaline phosphatase
69 8069 2005 Dried Milk - Determination of Content of Lactic Acid and Lactatestd
70 3728 2004 Ice-cream and milk ice - Determination of total solids content (Reference method)
74 3976 2006 Milk fat - Determination of peroxide value
75-1 3890-1 2009 Milk and Milk Products - Determination of residues of organochlorine compounds (pesticides)
Part 1: General considerations and extraction methods
75-2 3890-2 2009 Milk and Milk Products - Determination of residues organochlorine compounds (Pesticides)
Part 2: Test methods for crude extract purification and confirmation
76 5738 2004 Milk and milk products - Determination of copper content - Photometric method (Reference method)
78 5550 2006 Caseines and caseinates - Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
79-1 5765-1 2002 Dried milk, dried ice-mixes and processed cheese - Determination of lactose content -
Part 1: Enzymatic method utilizing the glucose moiety of the lactose
79-2 5765-2 2002 Dried milk, dried ice-mixes and processed cheese - Determination of lactose content -
Part 2: Enzymatic method utilizing the glucose moiety of the lactose
80-1 3727-1 2001 Butter - Determination of moisture, non-fat solids and fat contents Part 1: Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
80-2 3727-2 2001 Butter - Determination of moisture, non-fat solids and fat contents Part 2: Determination of non-fat solids content (Reference method)
80-3 3727-3 2003 Butter - Determination of moisture, non-fat solids and fat contents - Part 3: Calculation of fat content
82 RM 6090 TS 2004 Milk and dried milk, buttermilk and buttermilk poweder, whey and whey powder - Detection of phosphatase activity
83 8870 2006 Milk and milk-based products - Detection of thermonuclease produced by coagulase-positive staphylococci
86 6091 2010 Dried Milk - Determination of Titratable Acidity (Reference Method)
87 17758 TS 2014 Instant dried milk — Determination of the dispersibility and wettability
88 5943 2006 Cheese and processed cheese products - Determination of chloride content - Potentiometric titration method
89 5544 2008 Caseins - Determination of "Fixed Ash" (Reference method)
90 5545 2008 Rennet caseins and caseinates - Determination of Ash (Reference method)
91 5547 2008 Caseins - Determination of Free Acidity (Reference Method)
93 6785 2001 Milk and milk products - Detection of Salmonella spp.
94 6611 2004 Milk and milk products - Enumeration of colony-forming units of yeasts and/or moulds - Colony-count technique at 25 °C
99-1 22935-1 2009 Milk and milk products - Sensory analysis -
Part 1: General guidance for the recruitement, selection, training and monitoring of assessors
99-2 22935-1 2009 Milk and milk products - Sensory analysis -
Part 2: Recommended methods for sensory evaluation
99-3 22935-1 2009 Milk and milk products - Sensory analysis -
Part 3: Guidance on a method for evaluation of compliance with product specifications for sensory properties by scoring
101 6730 2005 Milk - Enumeration of colony-forming units of psychrotrophic microorganisms - colony-count technique at 6,5 °C
103 6732 2010 Milk and Milk Products - Determination of Iron Content - Spectrometric method (Reference Method)
104 7238 2004 Butter - Determination of pH of the serum - Potentiometric method
105 488 2008 Milk - Determination of Fat Content - Gerber Butyrometers
106 5548 2004 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of lactose content - Photometric method
107 5739 2003 Caseins and Caseinates - Determination of contents of scorched particles and of extraneous matter
108 5764 2009 Milk - Deterimination of freezing point - Thermistor cryoscope method (Reference method) - Revised in 2009
110 15163 2012 Milk and milk products - Calf rennet and adult bovine rennet - Determination by chromatography of chymosin and bovine pepsin contents
113 5538 2004 Milk and milk products - Sampling - Inspection by attributes
115 5546 2010 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of pH - Reference Method
115A   1989 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of pH - Reference Method
116 7328 2008 Milk-based edible ices and ice mixes - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method)
116A   1987 Milk-Based Edible Ices and Ice Mixes - Determination of Fat Content - Rose Gottlieb - Gravimetric Method (Reference Method)
117 7889 2003 Yogurt - Enumeration of Characteristic microorganisms - Colony-count technique at 37 °C
118   1984 Dried Milk - Determination of Nitrate Content - Screening Method Using Cadmium Reduction
119 8070 2007 Milk and milk products - Determination of calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium contents - Atomic absorption spectrometric method
121 8086 2004 Dairy plant - Hygiene conditions - General guidance on inspection and sampling procedures
122 8261 2001 Milk and milk products - General Guidance for the prepartion of test samples, initial suspensions and decimal dilutions for microbiological examination
123 8381 2008 Milk-based infant foods - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method)
123A   1988 Milk-Based Infant Foods Determination of Fat Content-Rose-Gottlieb - Gravimetric Method
124-1 8262-1 2005 Milk Products and milk-based foods - Determination of fat content by the Weibull-Berntrop gravimetric method (Reference Method) Part 1: Infant Foods
124-2 8262-2 2005 Milk Products and milk-based foods - Determination of fat content by the Weibull-Berntrop gravimetric method (Reference Method) Part 2 Edible ices and ice-mixes
124-3   1988 Milk Products and milk based foods - Determination of fat content by the Weilbull-Berntrop gravimetric method (Reference Method) - Part 3: Special Cases
127 5543 2004 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method)
128-1 8196-1 2009 Milk - Definition and evaluation of the overall accuracy of alternative methods of milk analysis -
Part 1: Analytical attributes of alternative methods
128-2 8196-2 2009 Milk - Definition and evaluation of the overall accuracy of alternative methods of milk analysis -
Part 2: Calibration and quality control in the dairy laboratory
128-3 8196-3 2009 Milk - Definition and evaluation of the overall accuracy of alternative methods of milk analysis -
Part 3: Protocol for the evaluation and validation of alternative quantitative methods of milk analysis
128A   1999 Milk - Definition and Evaluation of the overall accuracy of indirect methods of milk analysis - Application to calibration procedure and quality control in the dairy laboratory
129 8156 2005 Dried milk and dried milk products - Determination of insolubility index
130 8260 2008 Milk and Milk Products - Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls - Method using capillary gas-liquid chromatography with electron capture detection
131 8553 2004 Milk - Enumeration of microorganisms - Plate-loop technique at 30 °C
132 8552 2004 Milk - Estimation of psychrotophic microorganisms - Colony-count techique at 21 °C
133 6733 2006 Milk and milk products - Determination of lead content - Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometric method
134 8967 2005 Dried Milk and Dried Milk Products - Determination of bulk density
135B   1991 Milk and Milk Products - Precision Characteristics of analytical methods - outline of collaborative study procedure
136A   1992 Milk and Milk Products - Sampling - Inspection by variables
139 9231 2008 Milk and Milk Products - Determination of Benzoic and Sorbic Acid Content
140-1 9233-1 2007 Cheese, cheese rind and processed cheese - Determination of natamycin content -
Part 1: Molecular absorption spectrometric method for cheese rind.
140-1 AMENDMENT 9233-1 2012 Cheese, cheese rind and processed cheese - Determination of natamycin content -
Part 1: Molecular absorption spectrometric method for cheese rind.
140-2 9233-2 2007 Cheese, cheese rind and processed cheese - Determination of natamycin content -
Part 2: High-performance liquid chromatographic method for cheese, cheese rind and processed cheese
140-2 AMENDMENT 9233-2 2012 Cheese, cheese rind and processed cheese - Determination of natamycin content -
Part 2: High-performance liquid chromatographic method for cheese, cheese rind and processed cheese
141 9622 2013 Milk and liquid milk products - Guidelines for the application of midinfrared spectrometry
141B   1996 Whole Milk - Determination of Milkfat, Protein and Lactose Content - Guide for the operation of Mid-Infra-Red Instruments
141C   2000 Whole Milk - Determination of Milkfat, Protein and Lactose Content - Guidance on the Opeation of Mid-Infrared instruments
142-1 12080-1 2009 Dried skimmed milk - Determination of vitamin A content -
Part 1: Colorimetric method
142-2 12080-2 2009 Dried skimmed milk - Determination of vitamin A content -
Part 2: Method using high-performance liquid chromatography
146 9232 2003 Yogurt - Identification of characteristic microorganisms (Lactobacillus delbrueckii supsp. Bulgarius and Streptococcus thermophilus)
147 11868 2007 Heat-treated milk - Determination of lactulose content - Method using high-performance liquid chromatography
148-1 13366-1 2008 Milk - Enumeration of Somatic Cells
Part 1: Microsopic method (Reference Method) - Technical Corrigendum 1 (2009)
148-2 13366-2 2008 Milk - Enumeration of Somatic Cells
Part 2: Guidance on the operationi of fluoro-opto-electronic counters
149 27205 2010 Fermeted milk products - Bacterial starter cultures - Standard of indentity
150 11869 2012 Fermented milks - Determination of titratable acidity - Potentiometric method
151 13580 2005 Yogurt - Determination of Total Solids Content (Reference Method)
152 11870 2009 Milk and milk products - Determination of fat content - General guidance on the use of butyrometric methods
152A   1997 Milk and Milk Products - Determination of Fat Content - General Guidance on the use of Butyrometric methods
153 13559 2002 Butter, fermented milks and fresh cheese - Enumeration of contaminating microorganisms - Colony-count techniques at 30 °C
155-1 11816-1 2013 Milk and milk products - Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity
Part 1: Flourimetric method for milk and milk-based drinks
155-2 11816-2 2016 Milk and milk products - Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity
Part 2: Fluorometric method for cheese
156 11813 2010 Milk and milk products - Determination of zinc content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
156A   2000 Milk and Milk Products - Determination of Zinc Content - Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Method
157 11815 2007 Milk - Determination of total milk-clotting activity of bovine rennets
159 12078 2006 Anhydrous milk fat - Détermination of sterol composition by gas liquid chromatography (Reference method)
160 RM 9941 TS 2005 Milk and canned evaporated milk - Determination of tin content - Spectrometric method
161 16297 2013 Milk - Bacterial count - Protocol for the evaluation of alternative methods
162 11814 2002 Dried milk - Assessment of Heat treatment intensity - Method using high-performance liquid chromatography
165   1993 Butteroil - Determination of contents and Antioxidants - Method by liquid Chromatography
167 14378 2009 Milk and dried milk - Determination of iodide content - Method using high-performance liquid chromatography
168 14377 2002 Canned Evaporated Milk - Determination of Tin Content - Method using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
169-1 14461-1 2005 Milk and milk products - Quality control in microbiological laboratories -
Part 1: Analyst performance assessment for colony counts
169-2 14461-2 2005 Milk and Milk Products - Quality control in microbiological laboratories -
Part 2: Determination of the reliability of colony counts of parallel plates and subsequent dilution steps
170-1 11866-1 2005 Milk and milk products - Enumeration of presumptive Esherichia coli -
Part 1: Most probable number technique using 4-methylumbelliferyl-B-D glucuronide (MUG)
170-2 11866-2 2005 Milk and milk products - Enumeration of presumptive Esherichia coli -
Part 2: Colony-count technique at 44 °C using membranes
171 14501 2007 Milk and milk powder - Determination of Aflatoxin M1 Content - Clean up by immunoaffinity chromatrography and determination by high-performance liquid chromatography
172 14156 2001 Milk and milk products - Extraction methods for lipids and liposoluble compounds
172 AMENDMENT 14156 2007 Milk and milk products - Extraction methods for lipids and liposoluble compounds
173 15323 2002 Dried milk protein products - Determination of nitrogen solubility index
174 11865 2009 Instant whole milk powder - Determination of white flecks number
175 11285 2004 Milk - Determination of lactulose content - Enzymatic method
176 15174 2012 Milk and milk products - Microbial coagulents - Determination of total milk-clotting activity
177 14892 2002 Dried skimmed Milk -Determination of vitamin D content using high-performance liquid chromatography
178 13875 2005 Liquid milk - Determination of acid-soluble ß-lactoglobulin content - Reverse-phase HPLC method
179 15648 2004 Butter - Determination of salt content - Potentiometric method
180 17792 2006 Milk, milk products and mesophilic starter cultures - Enumeration of citrate-fermenting lactic acid bacteria - Colony-count technique at 25° C
182 15884 2002 Milk fat - Preparation of fatty acid methyl esters
183 13969 2003 Milk and milk products - guidelines for a standardized description of microbial inhibitor tests
184 15885 2002 Milk fat - Determination of the fatty acid composition by gas-liquid chromatography
185 14891 2002 Milk and milk products - Determination of nitrogen content - Routine method using combustion according to the Dumas principle
186 14675 2003 Milk and milk products - Guidelines for a standardized description of competitive enzyme immunoassays - Determination of aflatoxin M1 content
187 16305 2005 Butter - Determiation of firmness
188 18330 2003 Milk and milk products - Guidelines for the standardized description of immunoassays or receptor assays for the detection of antimicrobial residues
189-1 14673-1 2004 Milk and milk products - Determination of nitrate and nitrite contents
Part 1: Method using cadmium reduction and spectrometry
189-2 14673-2 2001 Milk and milk products - Determination of nitrate and nitrite contents
Part 2: Method using segmented flow analysis (Routine method)
189-3 14673-3 2001 Milk and mikl products - Determination of nitrate and nitrite contents
Part 3: Method using cadmium reduction and flow injection analysis with in-line dailysis (Routine method)
190 14674 2005 Milk and milk powder - Determination of Aflatoxin M1 Content - Clean up by immunoaffinity chromatrography and determination by thin-layer chromatography
191-1 8851-1 2004 Butter- Determination of moisture, non-fat solids and fat contents (Routine methods)
Part 1: Determination of moisture content
191-2 8851-2 2004 Butter- Determination of moisture, non-fat solids and fat contents (Routine methods)
Part 2: Determination of non-fat solids content
191-3 8851-3 2004 Butter- Determination of moisture, non-fat solids and fat contents (Routine methods)
Part 3:Calculation of fat  content
192 20128 2006 Milk products - Enumeration of presumptive Lactobacillus acidophilus on a selective medium - Colony-count technique at 37 °C
193 18329 2004 Milk and mikl products - Determination of furosine content - Ion-pair reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography method
194 17189 2003 Butter, edible oil emulsions and spreadable fats - Determination of fat content (Reference method)
195 14637 2004 Milk - Determination of ureau content - Enzymatic method using difference in pH (Reference method)
196 21187 2004 Milk - Quantittative determination of bacteriological qualikty - Guidance for establishing and verifying a conversion relationship between routine method results and anchor method results
197 20541 2008 Milk and milk products - Determination of nitrate content - Method by enzymatic reduction and molecular-absorption spectrometry after Griess reactioni
198 22662 2007 Milk and milk products - Determination of lactose content by high-performance liquid chromatography (Referene method)
199 23058 2006 Milk and milk products - Ovine and caprine rennets - Determination of total milk-clotting activity
200 18252 2006 Anhydrous milk fat - Détermination of sterol composition by gas liquid chromatography (Reference method)
201 21543 2006 Milk products - Guidelines for the application of near infrared spectrometry
202 17678 2010 Milk and milk products - Determination of milk fat purity by gas chromatographic analysis of triglycerides (Reference method)
203 15322 2005 Dried milk and dried milk products - Determination of their behaviour in hot coffee (Coffee test)
204 22113 2012 Milk and milk products - Determination of the titratable acidity of milk fat
205 17996 2006 Cheese - Determination of rheological properties by uniaxial compression at constant displacement rate
206 17129 2006 Milk powder - Determination of soy and pea proteins using capillary electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-CE) screening method
208 17193 2011 Milk - Determination of the lactoperoxidase activity - Photometric method (Reference method)
209 22160 2007 Milk and milk-based drinks - Determination of alkalie phosphatase activity - Enzymatic photo-activated system (EPAS) method
210 22964 2006 Milk and milk products - Detection of Enterobacter sakazakii
211 23065 2009 Milk fat from enriched dairy products - Determination of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid content by gas-liquid chromatography
213 26323 2009 Milk products - Determination of the acidification activity of dairy cultures by continuous pH measurement (CpH)
214 26462 2010 Milk - Determination of lactose content - Enzymatic method using difference in pH
215 26844 2006 Milk and milk products - Determination of antimicrobial residues - Tube diffusion test
216 27105 2016 Milk and Cheese - Determination of hen's egg white lysozyme content by high performance liquid chromatography
217 27106 2009 Cheese - Determination of nisin A content by LC-MS and LC-MS-MS
218 13082 2011 Milk and milk products - Determination of the lipase activity of pregastric lipase preparation
219 3889 2006 Milk and milk products - Specification of Mojonnier-type fat extraction flasks
220 29981 2010 Milk products - Enumeration of presumptive bifidobacteria - Colony count technique at 37 °C
221 3432 2008 Cheese - Determination of fat content - Butyrometer for Van Gulik method
222 3433 2008 Cheese - Determination of fat content - Van Gulik method
223 10932 2010 Milk and milk products - Determination of the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of antibiotics applicable to bifidobacteria and non-enterococcal lactic acid bacteria (LAB)
224 27871 2011 Cheese and processed cheese - Determination of the nitrogenous fractions
225 11059 2009 Milk and milk products - Method for the enumeration of Pseudomonas spp.
226 2446 2008 Milk - Determination of fat content
227 12779 2011 Lactose - Determination of water content - Karl Fischer method
228 27265 2009 Dried milk - Enumeration of the specially thermoresistant spores of thermophilic bacteria
230 15495 2010 Milk, milk products and infant formulae - Guidelines for the quantitive determination of melamine and cyanuric acid by LC-MS/MS
231 16958 2015 Milk products and infant formulae - Determination of fatty acid content - Capillary gas chromatographic method
232 19344 2015 Milk, milk products - Starter cultures, probiotics and fermented products - Quantification of lactic acid bacteria by flow cytometry
233-1 19046-1 2017 Cheese - Determination of propionic acid level by chromatography - Method by gas chromatography
233-2 19046-2 2017 Cheese - Determination of propionic acid level by chromatography - Method by ion exchange chromatography
