Exports - Beef cattle semen

This section host statistics on export of beef cattle semen in Canada.

Exports - Beef cattle semen from 2019 to 2023
Value ($)
Top trading partners 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
1 - United States 3,481,372 2,068,680 1,868,136 2,420,587 1,542,455
2 - Spain 159,429 65,224 535,724 602,386 843,572
3 - Netherlands 191,338 158,680 274,910 375,637 406,664
4 - Brazil 260,575 292,842 737,106 685,225 252,867
5 - Switzerland 1,095 380,664 729,313 578,960 166,404
6 - Germany 3,144 49,048 462,721 706,881 121,013
7 - France 383,527 74,793 470,463 757,292 118,530
8 - Korea, South 656,038 108,506 508,995 369,087 66,890
9 - United Kingdom 262,822 364,024 469,260 382,563 35,797
10 - Australia 34,845 367,281 1,227,881 1,242,709 17,767
Others 1,022,062 733,026 1,905,326 2,572,878 1,446,499
Total 6,456,247 4,662,768 9,189,835 10,694,205 5,018,458

Source: Statistics Canada

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If you have any questions or require additional information, please send an e-mail to aafc.cdic-ccil.aac@agr.gc.ca