Goat registrations in Canada

This section host statistics on goat registrations in Canada.

Goat registrations in Canada from 2019 to 2023
Breed 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Nigerian Dwarf 814 1,048 1,370 1,409 1,229
Boer 828 877 1,154 1,093 1,075
Nubian 588 639 764 702 738
Saanen 540 865 411 479 701
Alpine 834 582 576 597 587
La Mancha 201 224 148 176 198
Toggenburg 195 167 86 153 154
Kiko 31 92 30 28 65
Oberhasli 47 71 40 96 49
Angora 116 21 43 50 47
Pygmy 8 33 5 10 21
Total registrations 4,202 4,619 4,627 4,793 4,864

Source: Breed associations and Canadian livestock records corporation

For your convenience, this report is available in the following format:
PDF (1,950 KB)

If you have any questions or require additional information, please send an e-mail to aafc.cdic-ccil.aac@agr.gc.ca