Poultry Import and export reports

Poultry imports and exports

Poultry import/export report - Monthly breakdown with prior year comparison (066) Week-to-date / Annual
Report displays monthly imports or exports of chicken, turkey or mature chicken, with a prior year comparison, for a selected week ending date and/or year.
(Please note that this data set has a minimum four week reporting lag. Revisions are continuous.)
Canadian chicken imports by port of entry, HS chapter and allocation period (067) Week-to-date / Annual
Report displays year-to-date Canadian chicken imports by port of entry, HS chapter and allocation period, for a selected year.
Poultry import/export report - Prior year comparison (068) Week-to-date / Annual
Report displays annual imports or exports of chicken, turkey, mature chicken and ducks/geese, with a prior year comparison, for a selected week ending date and/or year.
(Please note that this data set has a minimum four week reporting lag. Revisions are continuous.)
Poultry import/export report - Monthly breakdown (069) Week-to-date / Monthly / Annual
Report displays monthly imports or exports of chicken, turkey or mature chicken, for a selected month and/or year.
Poultry import/export report - By Country (70) Week-to-date / Monthly / Annual
Report displays either summary or comparison imports or exports of chicken, turkey or mature chicken, by country, for a selected week ending date and/or months and/or year.
(Please note that this data set has a minimum four week reporting lag. Revisions are continuous.)
Canadian poultry trade balance by country and commodity (075) - Monthly
Report displays trade balance of chicken, turkey or mature chicken, by country, for a selected year.
Canada's imports of Poultry - By commodity, category and sub-category (181) WeeklyMonthly / Annual
This report displays Canada's imports of selected poultry commodities (chicken, turkey, duck and/or goose), with a breakdown by categories and sub-categories, by selected weeks/month/year.
Canada's exports of Poultry - By commodity, category and sub-category (181) WeeklyMonthly / Annual
This report displays Canada's exports of selected poultry commodities (chicken, turkey, duck and/or goose), with a breakdown by categories and sub-categories, by selected weeks/month/year.
Imports and exports of poultry and red meat - Open data portal
Imports of red meat and poultry products and exports of poultry products by week, product category, and country of origin/destination as declared on inspection certificates measured in kilograms. This format permits access to machine-readable data across multiple years and categories.

Eggs imports and exports (weekly)

Imports/exports of processed eggs (072)
Report displays imports or exports of processed eggs, broken down by week and product category, with an annual comparison to the previous year.
Imports of shell eggs by province (073)
Report displays imports of shell eggs, broken down by week and province, with an annual comparison to the previous year.
Imports of Shell Eggs by Grade (074)
Report displays imports of shell eggs, broken down by week and grade, with an annual comparison to the previous year.
Imports and exports of eggs and egg products - Open data portal
Imports and exports of shell eggs and egg products, by week and product category measured in kilograms or dozens. This format permits access to machine-readable data across multiple years and categories.

Statistics Canada poultry and egg trade reports

Statistics Canada trade report on poultry and egg
Report displays Statistics Canada trade data and balance, in quantity and value, for live poultry, chicken and mature chicken meat, turkey meat, ducks and geese meat, hatching eggs, shell eggs, and processed eggs.

Other trade reports

Trade data online
Trade Data Online provides the ability to generate customized reports on Canada and U.S. trade in goods with over 200 countries.
Market intelligence reports
Global agriculture and food opportunities, market trends and forecasts, Canada’s free trade agreements.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please send an e-mail to aafc.poultry-volaille.aac@agr.gc.ca

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View the Service standards for poultry reports.